May 2016 Moms


I need some moral support. I've gained a normal amount of weight so far... but apparently a nice chunk of it went to MY FACE. Two things people stare at when they see me... my bump, and my face. I FEEL SO FAT all the time - I feel bad when I get ready for work, while I'm at work, when I'm at home - all the time because I feel like I just look disgusting!!!!!! I feel like I have like 4 chins. My husband's coworkers are throwing us a shower this Friday and I'm totally dreading it because I will be meeting almost all of them for the first time and I am just not comfortable in my skin!!

Please share your struggle with physical appearance to #1) make me feel like I'm not alone, and #2) because I already feel a little better getting it out! 


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    You are definitely not alone. It is really hard to adjust the mental image I have of myself as a non-pregnant woman to what I'm seeing in the mirror these days. At this point though, I feel like all I can do is embrace it. 
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    I'm so sorry you're feeling this way :( HUGS!  I used to have fairly nice toned skin on my legs that are now dimpled and marked, and my butt has wasted away to nothing, making me look very odd from the side. It's so frustrating but just remind yourself that your body is doing what it needs to in order to care for LO and soon you will be holding him/her in your arms and it will be all worth it!
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    I naturally have a round face and a small chin which makes me have a double chin. Even in the best shape of my life, I had that stupid damn chin. Anytime I gain any weight, it just exaggerates the roundness of my face. And I naturally have thick thighs, so pregnancy makes me feel like I have Hulk legs. I made the fatal mistake of trying on my favorite pair of shorts just to see how far "off" I am, foolishly thinking that the biggest thing is obviously my bump. Ha-ha-ha. Nope. It's not just that my thighs are bigger, but my hips have gotten wider.

    I've always struggled with accepting my body (former eating disorder), and I've suffered from some body dysmorphia where I can't see what others see. I was terrified of pregnancy, so my only silver lining is that I don't actually think my pregnant body is as bad as I thought it would be. My mom's side of the family are so critical over bodies. When I posted a photo from around Week 32 on facebook, everyone told me how great I looked and that I was glowing. It made me feel SO good. It's the only bump picture I've posted to FB this pregnancy. My mom on the other hand? "Wow. It looks like you're carrying low. Has the doctor changed your due date to sooner?" I mean, what the shit is that supposed to mean? Why couldn't she just say, "you look fantastic!" She gets it from her mom/my grandmother. They always have to say something that could taken as slightly critical but probably harmless. It drives me INSANE.
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    I know what you mean about feeling uncomfortable in your own skin. I often feel self-conscious at work because my bump is so big. I definitely look like I could days away from hitting my due date.

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    Definitely not alone. I usually have a really pointe chin and right now I feel like I am drowning in my face :/ I think us pregos need to remember the most ppl are seeing the beauty in our bumps and the fact we are carring a precious baby and are not as focused on the the little things that we see different about ourselfs. We all arw doing a beautiful thing right now...Growing a baby!
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    This weight gain is extremely depressing :( I've always been very active and pretty fit, but this pregnancy I've done litterally nothing and my preterm labor spell stopped me from doing any type of exercise at all! Although it hasn't hit my face (yet) the stretch marks are starting to really upset me. At first it was just my sides, so I thought 'hell no one will see that anyways and it will fade once this is over' then DH points my GOOD side out the other day and I cried my eyes out. NOW yesterday I got out of the shower and turn around and my ass is ruined ! Completely ruined, I'm now avoiding any type of sexual in counter with DH.. I'm so over all this. 
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    I was actually having a really hard time with my changing body last night. I almost laid in bed and cried. I'm not used to this. I'm a pretty fit person (and from what others say, I still look pretty fit) but I don't feel like I do. I've been walking SO SLOW for the past week because I hurt my back last Tuesday and I keep wondering to myself, is the pain going to go away or stay until I give birth. My stomach also looks HUGE. I am not used to seeing myself be so big - stomach and boobs. I can't bend over without feeling uncomfortable. It's hard to get into and out of bed. I just feel like a cow. OR I did last night. I am feeling slightly less crappy about myself this morning.

    Me: 31

    DH: 29, SA - Great

    Married: June 12,2011

    TTC #1: 1/2014

    Diagnosis: Hypothalamic Amenorrhea

    Treatment: Clomid:  50mg, 100mg, 150mg - not successful and not monitored

                      Menopur 75ml (upped to 112.5ml), Ovidrel, & IUI  IUI #1 8/31/2015

    9/15/2015: BFP HCG - 400, 9/17/2015: HCG - 827, 9/21/2015 - HCG 3,327!
    Heartbeat 10/2/2015: 118bpm
    DS: 5/27/2016

    TTC# 2: 12/2017
    BFP: 4/20/2018
    EDD: 12/29/2018
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    Yep, I hate my fat face. Haven't even looked at my baby shower pics- don't want to! I had a mini-meltdown last night because I had a new spot on my face, like, my face looks ugly enough without adding acne too!  :'(
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    You're not alone -I am right there with you on this one. I have grown the most intense double chin during this pregnancy. My face is so swollen and bloated right now, I look in the mirror and I don't really recognize my new face. I wish I could transfer the fat in my face somewhere else on my body because its so gross. At least with fat elsewhere you can hide it with big clothes but for those of us who have gained all the weight in our face/neck there is NO HIDING. As a FTM I am hoping like PP have mentioned that this is water weight and it will go away when LO comes.
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    kp90kp90 member

    I feel your pain.

    I was 127 pre pregnancy and now am pushing 180... I have put on an excessive amount of weight ( a lot of it being water weight because I'm swollen everywhere including my face as well) it's a VERY hard adjustment especially for first time moms. Like others have said, it's temporary and I know for myself it has made me realize and appreciate the way I looked before pregnancy and I was stupid for ever thinking I was heavy or not my ideal weight back then. Just remember it's all for your LO and will be totally worth it. After birth you can start working to get your normal back. It will happen, just takes time. People will not judge you based on looks.. you're pregnant, its normal for our bodies to change. But I completely understand how you feel... it's a really crappy thing but we just have to tell ourselves its worth it and it will go away. Keep your head up. We are almost there!! <3

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    I'm there with you... I'm really hoping at least some of the extra weight in my face/arms/legs is due to water retention. Otherwise this is just too depressing.
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    @bkjade it was definitely an experience to allow myself to get "fat". I think it's gunna be kinda fun to lose the weight, especially since everyone says you lose a lot of it effortlessly thanks to breast feeding.
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    You are not alone! I've gained the normal amount and I HATE that it seems to have gone on the back side of me. I didn't even know it was possible to gain fat on your back! Why couldn't it go to my boobs?!?!!! Or a little further south to my booty..
    it only is worse when I get swollen and then my face blows up like a balloon. 
    Looking forward to loosing this baby weight after she's born and like what I see in the mirror again!
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    bkjade said:
    Seriously. Breastfeeding. 

    Also, we are fortunate that we get to have our babies in May. A lot of babywearing, exploring, and enjoying the summertime. I found it *much* easier not only in terms of weight loss, but also in coping with postpartum emotional shit to have my youngest daughter in April. My older daughter was born in October and being stuck indoors for the winter with a newborn wasn't quite as easy.
    Yes, you're right. I am so looking forward to my morning stroller walks this summer. I'd be bummed with a newborn in the dead of winter.

    And OP, you are definitely not alone! While picking up my son from daycare not too long ago, his teacher said to me "Ohhh, it's in your face now!"  :# Because I totally asked for her input and all... Ugh. 

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    Changed my name a month or so ago and had to get a new license. They took the pic from far away so I couldn't see my face and mailed me my new id. When I got it in the mail I was horrified- my face looks fat! Why wouldn't the lady taking my pic tell me that? Now I have fat face in my id for the next 8 years? And it looks nothing like non pregnant me. 

    cat fail animated GIF

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    My issue isn't weight right now (although I'm not in the best shape generally) but my awful teenage acne. Most women seem to only get it in the first part of pregnancy but I have had zits all over my face, chest and especially my back for the past 7 months. Before that I had near-perfect skin. Now that the weather is improving it's even more embarrassing. 

    I keep trying to remember that hopefully it's temporary, but I am a bit sad that I won't have hardly any photos of this pregnancy because I don't want to document how disgusting I've looked the whole time.
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    I'm with you!! Weight gain AND acne have me feeling totally UGH. 

    I am a STM and went through all of this with baby #1 as well. However, that baby was born in November and as PP mentioned, that was HARD!! It is a blessing to have this baby in May. My husband and I made that a point when planning baby #2.

    I also think it's important not to pay TOO much attention to the Hollywood pregnancies. They make such a big deal about how little weight they gain and how quickly they are back to their pre-pregnancy bodies.Guess what? It's not that fast and easy for the rest of us. Most of us will be doing it without multiple nannies, trainers and chefs! It took me some time last time and probably will again but it's OK. Give yourself a break and just try to remember that it will ALL be worth it. I promise!

    Oh and it also helps to have a "no pictures" policy. My family is told this many, MANY times :) But if there are pictures that you don't like, don't sweat those either! Put them away for now and "enjoy" them six months or even a year from now when you're feeling more comfortable in your skin. That worked for me!

    Hang in there!! We are close to the finish line!
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    Thank you for bringing up the celebrities part! I bet it is easy to only gain 3 pounds while pregnant because you can pay for special food and a trainer, and then to lose all that weight in three days because of the same stuff. And how horribly do we treat women who aren't fitting that mold, like Jessica Simpson? 
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    yogahh said:
    Changed my name a month or so ago and had to get a new license. They took the pic from far away so I couldn't see my face and mailed me my new id. When I got it in the mail I was horrified- my face looks fat! Why wouldn't the lady taking my pic tell me that? Now I have fat face in my id for the next 8 years? And it looks nothing like non pregnant me. 
    Omg that happened to me when I was pregnant with my second. I was 8 months pregnant and it was during summer so I have this double chin going on while all sweaty. Not cute at all. I had gained so much weight during that pregnancy. That was almost 6 years ago... I hate looking at my ID.

    OP: Sadly, we all have insecurities with our bodies (pregnant or not). I totally feel you on feeling/looking fat... especially while trying clothes on. Just remember that you're creating a beautiful little baby who is going to love you no matter what you look like! Plus, you will go back to feeling like your normal self soon enough.
    DS #1 2010
    DS #2 2011
    DS #3 2014
    DS #4 2016
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    All of this! My last pregnancy I gained over 60 lbs and was HUGE by 40 weeks. I couldn't stand to look at my self and especially my face in the mirror. I even dodged pictures at the hospital after having her, which I COMPLETELY regret now because I don't have any of those sweet pictures of her and I in the hospital. Although I never lost all of my baby weight, I definitely "deflated" pretty quickly a few weeks after she was born.

    I've gained half the weight that I did last time thankfully, but I still feel like my face is swollen at lot. I hate pics because I feel like my eyes are barely visible. Ugh. I'm not going to let that keep me from getting pics taken this time though. I definitely hate that regret.

    One thing that kept me from having the motivation to lose all the weight the first time was that in the back of my head I knew that I'd be getting pregnant again and the weight would all come back. Since we're 2 and done, I am actually pretty excited to get dedicated to being a fit mom. We can do this ladies! Only a few more weeks to go!
    Baby #2 EDD: May 13th!
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    Right there with many of you. I've gained about 25 lbs so far. I wasn't close to my goal weight when we conceived (we were having an amazing summer and I am willing to wager that it was what allowed me to relax enough to conceive so I can only have so many regrets). But anytime I look in the mirror, I tend to get
    worked up about the changes. I had thought I was all belly, but that no longer (after some stints of bed rest) is the case. I am struggling to embrace it.

    At the shower I actually had a close friend (who has never been pregnant) point out to me that it was my hips
    that were making me so big. I had to walk away, wasn't sure if I was going to be a B or cry.
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    @st3lla I have actually had near-perfect skin my whole pregnancy and it has been AMAZING (especially combined with my doubly thick hair), but I'm the opposite of you - I've had to deal with life-long acne every day of my life outside of pregnancy. So I sympathize with the idea of having acne while dealing with all this other pregnancy bullshit, but just remember that having acne for a few months of your adult life is probably a million times better than dealing with it forever like some of us have to! And there are like zero pictures documenting my nice skin and hair right now anyway, because nobody in my life is big on taking pictures. Also even when I have nice skin and hair, just not in the picture taking mood when I feel like a blimp and am always focused on all the rib punches I'm getting and how itchy my hemorrhoids are. 
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    YouTube contouring. It has been a lifesaver this pg for me.
    Been married since 2009.
    Unicornuate Uterus (yes I menstruate glitter)
    Several MCs
    DD born 2013 (our miracle "you can't have babies" baby!)

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    I'm eager to start losing the weight and getting back to more intense workouts, but I don't mind how I look.  As someone who has always had proportionately large breasts (H cup), it's somewhat amusing how small they look in comparison to my growing belly.
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    Right there with all of you. This pregnancy has been a lot tougher body-image wise than my first. With my first I was pregnant in California all summer long and I swam and was super active. That, combined with really poorly managed all-pregnancy morning sickness and reflux caused me to only gain about 20 lbs, and my body went back to normal (aside from gross wrinkly belly button skin) almost instantly. 

    This time I'm pregnant through the wettest winter in Oregon history so I've been super inactive, and (thankfully, don't get me wrong) my sickness has been much better managed so I'm actually eating, and at 35 weeks I've already gained 25 lbs, as well as getting stretch marks for the first time in my life. Plus for some reason my skin has gotten crazy dry and I don't have the luscious thick hair I had with my first. I am definitely not feeling positive about the way I look these days :( 

    i am glad, as PP pointed out, that we'll be having these babies going into summer because maybe I'll be less depressed/ anxious in the postpartum period than I was last time around if I can get out in the sun and be active & social. Hopefully that'll help us all feel a little better about ourselves. 
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    @Bellodomani I'm an Oregon mama too! The winter definitely made me more inclined to lay on my couch and eat food. I'm hoping this summer helps me come out and get the needed vitamin D!
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    @JoMunson Oh my gosh hasn't it been absolutely wretched?! I swear there are days that I have looked at the 10 day forecast and legitimately cried
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