September 2015 Moms

MIL Cruise Fiasco ...

So DH family are BIG "cruisers". We go on at least one cruise a year with them, and they normally do about 3/4 a year. It can be a lot of fun, and I have now gone on 7 with the family in the last 5 years. Most of these are planned a year in advance or at least a minimum of 8 months. Well, MIL has been planning her retirement cruise since Thanksgiving and we made initial plans to attend. It's this coming December. We had not put down a deposit as of last month and she mentioned the deadline was coming up. So DH and I sat down to discuss, and I really didn't like the idea of taking our future 2 month old on a germ-filled cruise ship. After further investigation I felt like we had found a loop hole. The company we would have been cruising with, along with all of the other major cruise lines do not allow children under 6 months on their ships. Not to mention the dreaded hassle of trying to breastfeed in the middle of all that would be going on. DH and I decided as much as we want to go, we just cant. I would never leave my BF 2 month old for 5 days. And with whom....?? My mother and father both still work and none of my aunts have children. I felt good having exhausted all reasonable options because MIL can be a pill... DH called her the next day and said that we would not be able to go, as much as we would like to share in that time due to the fact that the baby could not go. The first words out of her mouth were "What does the baby have to do with ya'll?"   SERIOUSLY LADY!!!???? We won't go into how this is the first grandchild on both sides, or that we would have no one we could trust to watch our FIRST child. Not to mention all of the "extra" milk I would have to pump.... if that will even be possible for me to do. I was so infuriated by her selfishness but also so proud of DH, he was firm and said "If our child does not go, we don't go. Period". I doesn't really argue to much with her and thats fine, but he stood up to her and put a stop to her brand of crazy REALLY quickly. I'm trying to let it go because she has always been ridiculous on some level playing the victim... but anyway.

Thanks for reading my rant! 

Re: MIL Cruise Fiasco ...

  • Oh goodness that's extremely selfish sorry to hear that ; (
  • I would not leave my two month old while nursing either.  It took me a few months to build my supply and stash and pumping while on vacation is not fun.  I'm glad your husband supports your decision and hopefully your MIL will realize she's being a bit selfish about it.  If she brings it up again I would just say no and that be the end of it.  You do not have to defend your decision to her or anyone else. 
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  • Wow, that's really unreasonable of her, and selfish! I hope she comes around and realizes how difficult she's being. I can't believe she said that!
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  • That lady needs a major reality check. I would absolutely not consider going. You are totally doing the right thing. 
  • crs89crs89 member
    Even if you weren't breastfeeding I would still think it's too early to leave my newborn with a sitter and go on vacation. :( Sorry your MIL is being such a pain! So glad your DH defended the decision you both made so well! 
    Me: 29  H: 30
    Married: 4/27/13 
    BFP: 9/16/2014 * EDD: 5/25/2015 * M/C: 10/29/14 @ 10w2d 
    BFP: 1/25/2015 * EDD: 9/27/2015 * DS: 10/3/15
    BFP: 1/13/19 * EDD: 9/28/2019

  • You should thank your lucky stars DH made it to adulthood with that sort of mama.. Yikes!
  • WDDCHWDDCH member
    Geez Louise!

    Glad he stood up to her. I'm having my sixth baby and wouldn't leave them alone with anyone, much less the first baby either. My babies are stuck to me like glue the first several months which is biologically how it should be. Babies were made to be with their mothers postpartum. Humans are one of only a handful of mammals who continue to gestate outside the womb for the first few months (other mammal babies are born ready to get up and walk, learn to hunt/feed, etc. but human babies do not). I call this the fourth trimester. So sorry MIL but your retirement cruise isn't more important that bonding with baby.
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