May 2016 Moms

Twatwaffle Tuesday!!

lets here those TW's!

My TW is the lady that did my nails! I asked for a fade and specifically asked if she could do this if not I had something else in mind. She said she could and she definitely could not!!! They look horrible and she got nail polish all over my hands... Then charged me almost double my regular price! I even told her I wasn't happy with it and she said well next time we will try something else! Ummm there will be no next time for me! I will be driving the half hour to my normal guy and will never be using you again.

Re: Twatwaffle Tuesday!!

  • @Maybaby0519 oh no! Sorry you had that experience. I'd be pissed, especially since I never treat myself to something like that.

    My body is a twatwaffle today. Getting sign after sign that this baby is coming soon...and I'm freaking the heck out. My mom won't be here until May 4, this baby NEEDS to stay in until then. 
  • @Maybaby0519 How frustrating!  Did you ask to speak to the manager of the salon?  I recently tried a new salon closer to my work when I was short on time and was majorly disappointed.  I don't know what I was thinking because my usual nail tech is awesome - even if it's out of the way for me to go there. 

    I already posted about this on the TTT, but my TW is the company I ordered flowers through for my mom's birthday yesterday.  My mom lives 12 hours away, so I can't just pop in to wish her a happy birthday.  I placed an order online the day before with a guaranteed delivery by 5:00 yesterday.  At 8:30 last night, I got a restricted call that I let go to voicemail.  When I listened, it was the flower company saying that they couldn't get a local florist to do it but they could "try" to get it delivered tomorrow (today).  WTF!?  It's a birthday gift.  Her birthday was yesterday, not today!  I called them back, and they offered to upgrade the delivery for free but would not give me a refund.  I demanded to speak to the manager, and they finally agreed to refund the purchase.  I felt really bad, so I called my mom and told her.  She's coming to stay with us about a week before my due date to help get all the last-minute things ready, so I guess I'll just take her to a belated birthday dinner then, but I'm still mad about the whole situation.       

    Between that and all this sinus pressure, I just want to go home and go to bed!
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  • @Maybaby0519 this reminds me of when I was pregnant with my first and had a picture for what I wanted on my toes.  They were horrible and I cried! Haha! Funny now but I was so unhappy and paid $30 for nails that looked worse than anything I could do myself. 
  • So Sunday I was in the hospital being checked to make sure I was not going into pre-term labor.  They did a urine cath as well to check for UTI/kidney infections.  The urine cath results were just a little bit of bacteria that they chalked up to where the cath went inside and the back out.  It was really a teeny amount.  So today I had an appt at the OB and they did a urine culture as well b/c I'm still having the same excruciating back pain (worse than a normal back pain with pregnancy) they said it came back with lots of bacteria and they were going to send it to the lab for further testing to see if antibiotics were needed.  I'm confused.  I mean could two days really make that much of a difference?  My TW for the day is confusing/contradicting doctor visits. 

    My other TW is the little one growing inside me.  She needs to slow down!  I will be 34 weeks tomorrow and she is measuring at 37 weeks.  She is also breached.  Ugh. 

    First Pregnancy
    • BFP: 01/25/2015
    • EDD: 09/28/2015
    • Incomplete MC: 02/28/2015

    Second Pregnancy

    • BFP: 09/11/2015
    • EDD: 05/25/2016
    Baby Born

  • @swflJD the manager is the one that did the fade :( I've used her before and I was trying to get it done today bcuz on my day off I have my appt and lunch with some college friends then the hospital tour. I told them how unhappy I was and they still charged me $50 when normally I pay $30 with my regular guy. I hadn't been getting my nails done but my SO bought me a certificate for Valentine's Day and he's had me keep up on them. I was about to cry I was so upset. 
  • TW of the day goes to the ultrasound tech who did my initial anatomy scan. More details in the random thread but omg can today be over?
  • PARCC testing! I know there are some other teachers around but we're on week three of kids getting pulled out of class and I never know exactly who because of how our school set it up. Plus I just can't keep track of who was gone when after the fact and pregnancy brain just makes it worse!

    TW should also be whoever arranged the schedule for it. And I'm going to blame them for my 8th period outburst when like 10 kids were gone. Every day the kids had been back before 8th period. So I wondered aloud where everyone was and the kids there said "there's still testing" and then I said "dammit" in front of my kids :( They're in high school but still, not a shining moment. They were good about it and joked that I was supposed to swear in French at least. (I'm a French teacher). 
  • arj14arj14 member
    TW is the sub we had yesterday and today for the LMC Specialist at the elementary school... both me and the morning person hate her.  Trying to get her to do anything is like pulling teeth... and I don't know if she does this with the morning person, who is closer to her in age, but with me she is constantly double checking my answers to her when she asks me a question.  Raaage.  

    Specifically this week, we had to start getting reading incentive prizes ready and she just did *not* want to do it.  We didn't have final numbers because the LMC Specialist wasn't able to get them before he went to his conference, but it was on the list he left of stuff to do.  I asked her, repeatedly, to do it, saying please start on that because that needs to be started, I can handle checking out classes (her favorite activity ever it would seem - even though it's more of a hassle for us because it takes more time to explain to her what's happening than for us to just do it), please please please just start.  I eventually got her to do it, but she kept checking with every teacher who came through if she should really be doing it.  B!$#* IT's ON THE EFFING LIST HE LEFT WHO GIVES A F*** WHAT THE TEACHERS THINK THEY HAVE NO SAY IN THIS.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • @nerdymama15 Sorry that you've had conflicting messages from doctors. It seems to me that they should have treated the bacteria earlier especially since there is a marker they can dip for in samples to test for contamination to rule that out. I hope you feel better soon! Concerning measuring ahead, if it's the tape measure/fundal height measurement, a baby being in breech position this late can make you measure a week or two ahead because they tend to not settle well in the pelvis and stretch out your uterus more. So, your LO may not be as huge as you're fearing. When my LO sits breech, I measure 3+ weeks ahead; when he's not, I'm only about 1.5 weeks ahead in fundal height which correlates to how the baby is actually measuring. 
  • Lol @That1didntcount I feel like we need more than that?! 
  • Amazon. Three days in a row of receiving the wrong item in lieu of a gift purchased from my registry. To be clear, I don't care what anyone chooses to buy me - it's so sweet and thoughtful and makes me feel all the lovey feels! But in this case, the friends actually purchased the items listed on the registry, the gift receipt is correct, but it's a completely random variation of the item registered for. Sure, amazon, any 'ol pumping bra will do! No matter the size or which pump it'll work with! Sure, amazon, a cardigan to keep baby warm would have been nice, but instead let's do footie pjs. I'll just stick that over the onesie and leggings! So, three days of spending half-hour minimum on the line with customer service, three days of dragging my waddling ass across town with packages to drop off, three days of repurchasing items so I don't have to call friends who've already gone above and beyond with their generosity and thoughtfulness to inform them that now they have to call amazon for a refund and re-buy something. Thanks, Amazon, for making this one fun part of 8 months pregnant stressful! I wonder what'll be in store for me this evening...? Anyone else having this issue?
  • jholkema said:
    The twatwaffle is my mother in law. I just need to get this little rant out of my system.  My mother in law literally messages me everyday asking about "our baby" don't know why but that annoys me.  
     She also planned my shower a few days before my due date.  I've mentioned many times that I didn't want a late shower but she completely disregards what I say.  Apparently we were waiting for my brother in laws girlfriend to get back from her trip which isn't true because she got back over a month ago.  
    She's also been doing this "fun" thing where she pops by our apartment unannounced. Which i do not appreciate.  
    She also keeps trying to give me my husband's baby stuff.  It's cute that she kept it but at this point i don't think it's safe to put my baby in my husband's 27 year old swing.  Also my husband and I have chosen a stroller we want but my mother in law keeps saying she wants to buy our stroller.  But she refuses to look at the one we want and keeps mentioning this one she saw at Walmart! My husband and i are willing to buy our own stroller but my husband is so concerned about offending his mom.   
    If she calls my baby "her little guy" one more time i might snap.  He's my baby.  I know she's excited for him to be here but the way she's been treating me throughout my pregnancy and through out my marriage has made it hard for me. She has no respect for me and i have to just accept that. It's so frustrating. 
    My MIL does this too! Everything is we or our!  Like "It's 4 weeks till we have the baby"... uh no. I will be having the baby. And also I know when I'm due so I don't need reminders. 
  • @Maybaby0519 what is a fade on your nails? I'm out of the loop apparently. 
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  • @TXmamatobe it's actually called an ombré not a fade but I always say fade lol 

    this is what they should look like but mine look like she tried to tip my nail pink and there are hard lines everywhere with no center fade
  • @jholkema this is what my own mother does, it's annoying and it doesn't matter how much I tell her to stop, she says something about LO being "hers" like I'm just a vessel! It's the first grandbaby so I know she's excited, I'm just trying to make it these last few weeks without snapping since I've become a lot more irritable the last week!

    my TW are these white blotches I have all over my forearms and legs! I read that it's from poor circulation and maybe lack of iron during pregnancy, but I haven't had any swelling and take a prenatal plus iron pill because I'm typically anemic anyways. So maybe I have really bad circulation these days, but I look ridiculous and SO pointed it out when I got out of the shower the other day! He said holy crap what's wrong with your legs... The next day it my arms looked the same! Just another pregnancy side effect I'm not ok with
  • arj14arj14 member
    TW is the short term disability company.  I should be qualified for Wisconsin's FMLA (six weeks off if worked over 1000 hours in a 52 week period - I come in just over at 1040 hours per 52 weeks), but they're calculating those 52 weeks from the day I requested my first day of leave which is still six weeks away and saying I haven't worked enough.  Which of course I haven't, because it is literally impossible for me to have worked hours in a time frame that hasn't happened yet, JFC WTF is wrong with you people.  And of course this is the sort of thing they want to have scheduled in advance, but if they use my first day of requested leave as the marker, I won't be able to do that until maybe the week before.  I am not looking forward to trying to explain this to them on the phone.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Twatwaffle is the upstairs neighbor in our apartment complex. Lady stomps around past 10pm, lets her kid run around after 10pm and is rude to the complex officer when I call him up to complain. The other day, she was kicking the door because her husband or whoever the heck is at her place, wouldn't open the door. The other people around her and I were ready to call 911 because we thought someone was experiencing a break-in (this was at 11pm). After her hubby opened the door, she started yelling/raising her voice and five seconds later, I heard the loud pound/stomps in my bedroom. Thank God we're closing on a house soon.
  • I don't know what is up with all the MILs lately. Mine is pissed off at me because I haven't called/texted her?? I call her and never get a call back and I quite often text her pics of the boys because we live far. But FIL decided to tell me that she was very upset with me and she's mad because my mom is going to come up and help with the kids right before and after the baby is born. Well, I can actually count on my mom to be competent enough to take care of my kids. And my mom is staying with my brother (around the corner) because I don't have room in my tiny little place. MIL would expect me to house her and take care of whatever medical needs she has. Plus, MIL and I have a history. We didn't talk for 6 months during my last pregnancy and she only started to talk/apologize to me right before I had my son because she wanted to see him too.
    DS #1 2010
    DS #2 2011
    DS #3 2014
    DS #4 2016
  • NB817NB817 member
    My TW is my 22 year old niece that's living with us and has been basically rent free since September. Back in November she agreed to help with chores around the house on a weekly basis and to help watch /play with DD. She hasn't been doing any of it. I even gave her a list of chores she could do and basically choose from but still hasn't done anything. The last thing she did was at the end of February when I asked her to was the kitchen floor. She's only babysat for us a total of 4 times in the 8 months she's been here which is pretty infuriating. I've been giving her a break because she's been working 2 jobs and going to grad school but now I'm just annoyed at her lack of respect for our household rules and sense of entitlement. 
    I had a talk with her on the 10th and said if you can't do the chores and help out like you said you would then you need to move out on May 1st. Her second job at H&R block is done as of today so she said she would have time to get up and help with chores and DD. So yesterday I made a list for her of what I wAnt her to do today before she went to class. I left a note and sent her a text since she wasn't up when I left at 8:30 got my doctors appointment. She told my husband that she couldn't do the things in the list because she now had to work today then go to class then drive to her parents house tonight to go buy a new car tomorrow. 

    I sent her a text and said you need to do this list before you leave for your parents house. She gave me a lame "I apologize but I didn't know I had to work when I told you I could start doing chores today." I'm tired of her crap and feeling like a 15 year old is living here. And if she doesn't do that list before leaving to buy her new car she's out on May 1st. I don't need this stress in my life. 

    ME: 35 DH: 39

    Married July 2011

    DD Born 8/12

    TTC #2 since 11/13

    ME: Submucosal Fibroid Surgery Date APRIL 14th 2015 -Left Tube is blocked by Fibroid~Surgeon removed 26 Fibroids from my Ute and Unblocked my Tube

    DH:Azoospermia...Thank God we have 12 vials of frozen swimmers

    July 15-Check to see if Ute is all healed

    IUI #1 8/3/15...BFN

    IUI #2 9/5/15...BFP on 9/17/15

    Beta #1-344

    Beta #2-809

    Beta #3 8,390

    1st u/s 8/8/15 1 bean HB 135 @ 6w5d

  • The nurse who confidently gave me the wrong info yesterday, made me lug my giant whale ass in the 90 degree heat to the disability office (located a few miles from my hospital), when I could of just emailed my paperwork.
  • The weather!!!! No more heat waves until this baby comes out, mmkay? We don't have A/C in our house and I'm dying by 4 PM :( 
  • My dog is a twatwaffle today. Normally, he'll get out a few barks with the contractor being here and chill out, but no. Not today. He will not stop barking, and I'm trying to deal with contractor noises and working on financials in excel. My head is hurting so bad right now, and I just want to cry. All. Day. I can't take it anymore.
  • Every single asshole tax client who called yesterday out of nowhere wanting me to file an extension. I am the size of a house, I am 10 days away, I have people showing up unannounced, I work from home, and I am firing every person in sight. And my adorable son who threw an entire jar of change on the tile so my fat ass could pick up pennies and hardly get up. 
  • my MIL, who keeps telling me baby is ready to greet the world (I'm 37+1 and she's been saying this for a week) and my body, for giving me insanely bad cramps/contractions and may be proving MIL right. 
  • @nb817 - Sounds like you should tell her she needs to pay rent since she easily blows off chores and she can obviously afford a new car, so rent shouldn't be an issue. Sorry you're having to deal with this, but glad you're putting your foot down!

    My TW is the HR lady at work.  I don't qualify for FMLA or STD in WI but the company is granting me a personal leave of absence.  But I can tell she just used another employee's stock letter, as it has someone else's address, my last name is spelled wrong and the due date for one of the forms says "December 15th, 2015".  Also, of the four forms she has listed for me to return, I only had one included.  But she included other forms as well, such as a W-4 and Emergency Contact.  I'm waiting on her to respond to my email. 

  • NB817NB817 member
    js8812 said:
    NB817 said:
    My TW is my 22 year old niece that's living with us and has been basically rent free since September. Back in November she agreed to help with chores around the house on a weekly basis and to help watch /play with DD. She hasn't been doing any of it. I even gave her a list of chores she could do and basically choose from but still hasn't done anything. The last thing she did was at the end of February when I asked her to was the kitchen floor. She's only babysat for us a total of 4 times in the 8 months she's been here which is pretty infuriating. I've been giving her a break because she's been working 2 jobs and going to grad school but now I'm just annoyed at her lack of respect for our household rules and sense of entitlement. 
    I had a talk with her on the 10th and said if you can't do the chores and help out like you said you would then you need to move out on May 1st. Her second job at H&R block is done as of today so she said she would have time to get up and help with chores and DD. So yesterday I made a list for her of what I wAnt her to do today before she went to class. I left a note and sent her a text since she wasn't up when I left at 8:30 got my doctors appointment. She told my husband that she couldn't do the things in the list because she now had to work today then go to class then drive to her parents house tonight to go buy a new car tomorrow. 

    I sent her a text and said you need to do this list before you leave for your parents house. She gave me a lame "I apologize but I didn't know I had to work when I told you I could start doing chores today." I'm tired of her crap and feeling like a 15 year old is living here. And if she doesn't do that list before leaving to buy her new car she's out on May 1st. I don't need this stress in my life. 
    She can't pay for rent, but can afford a new car?  If she can't finish the items on the list, have her pay rent.

    My BIL is 22 and wanted to live with us starting in May.  With his GF. I had to be the bad guy to say no, but I just felt like it would negatively affect my maternity leave. 
    She actually does pay rent but only $100 which doesn't even cover the what she uses in hot water. And for the $100 she gets her own private suite in my house. The new car is because she got into an accident a few weeks ago totaling her car. But it's funny to me that I ask her to do what she said she would and suddenly she must leave and go car shopping for the next few days. Grrrrrr. 

    ME: 35 DH: 39

    Married July 2011

    DD Born 8/12

    TTC #2 since 11/13

    ME: Submucosal Fibroid Surgery Date APRIL 14th 2015 -Left Tube is blocked by Fibroid~Surgeon removed 26 Fibroids from my Ute and Unblocked my Tube

    DH:Azoospermia...Thank God we have 12 vials of frozen swimmers

    July 15-Check to see if Ute is all healed

    IUI #1 8/3/15...BFN

    IUI #2 9/5/15...BFP on 9/17/15

    Beta #1-344

    Beta #2-809

    Beta #3 8,390

    1st u/s 8/8/15 1 bean HB 135 @ 6w5d

  • arj14arj14 member
    @rlworzalla - just curious as I'm having problems with my WI FMLA and short term disability - is this because of the size of your company, or is it just hours wise?  I thought I remembered you working for a family company but that may be someone else I mixed up with you.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • @arj14 I have only worked with the company since September, and only about 20 hours a week, so I don't qualify for the number of hours that are required.
  • My TW is the staff at our old apartment complex. We told them we would likely be getting packages from people after we moved into our house, and they said they would either call us or forward them on. 

    NOPE. They have just been returning them so we have all these baby things in limbo and people keep asking how I liked their gift. On top of that, the staff is all temp people since the 2 main ladies are both out on maternity leave and they can't rub 2 brain cells together, I swear to God. 
  • The teacher who is the case manager for the student I primarily work with. Today I get into work and she relaid the message that she is "getting guff" that I am "taking too many breaks." When I look back at the day, I am not in the classroom with him for 3 of the 8 classes he takes and when I'm not with him, I'm scheduled to help in a different class and the other two classes I work on curriculum accommodations, attendant care documentation, and other odds and ends for him, other students with special needs, and the special education teachers. I've been doing this for at least three months, especially since we had a long term sub for a core class who wasn't familiar with accommodating lessons, and it never was an issue. I've also been getting mixed messages from this case manager about what my role has been with this student and on top of that, the parents of this student have been giving us drama. The other thing that really ticked me off is this came from a teacher who is on her phone half the time or comes to classes 20 minutes late herself, and has another aide working under her who is constantly 10-15 minutes late to every class. And I'm the one who gets talked to. I had planned on working up until I go into labor but I'm meeting with HR to see if I can stop earlier. I'm just done with it all and I keep praying our LO will come a little early.
  • wsgjmw1 said:
    JoMunson said:
    TW today goes to my body. I am so fucking uncomfortable. I can't find a single position that is nice- either I get heartburn, have trouble breathing, my back aches start up, or my arms fall asleep!
    This. Sometimes I feel like fucking uncomfortable doesn't describe the level of pain and discomfort I am in.
    Add me to the list. Between the pregnancy pain and this never ending sinus infection, I literally feel like i will never be comfortable again, and I can't remember the last time I was comfortable. And I keep thinking, oh 4-6 more weeks and this will be over and then I remember oh wait- when this is "over" you will have cracked and bleeding nipples and stitches in your vagina and hemorrhoids and raging postpartum anxiety that keeps you from sleeping. Ugh. I need to change my attitude and so far I'm failing :(
  • My neighbor is the TW.  He stopped us last evening while walking the dogs (while dragging myself up a hill- really rough since I was taken off of bed rest) asking how long I had left. I said 5 weeks since I'll be having a C-section or induced at 39 weeks....and he laughed and said "really? you look like it is time."

    Thanks dude, I know I'm huge. 
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