June 2016 Moms

S#it Just Got Real

so my last BMB did this and I loved it!

Share your shit just got real moments here as we lead up to our babies coming.

For example, "I just scheduled my c section. Shit just got real."

Or a much less popular example, "I just lost my mucus plug. Shit just got real........Wanna see?" (Don't do that)(figured I'd throw in a mini lesson). 
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Re: S#it Just Got Real

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  • Every once in awhile I have a brief "holy shit" moment but then I'm like "11 1/2 weeks is forever!" So then I distract myself. We just picked out baby furniture and ordered it. I still need to sign up for some classes. And I stopped taking new clients on my caseload. All of that is making it feel more real.
  • Mine happened yesterday. On Thursday I scored a second newborn napper for the top of the pack n play that we already have at a huge consignment sale. I came home and washed it along with the pack n play, and then I set it all up in our bedroom where they'll sleep for the first six months or so. My twins have a place to sleep. I'll refuse an induction unless medically necessary, but these babies could be here as soon as ten weeks from now. 
  • Mine literally was a little bit of my plug today. Bahahahaha!!! If you want to see I will PM a pic... ; )
  • Reading everyone's post while in the hospital. Had my baby shower yesterday, but I was not able to attend. Thinking I'm 31w4ds and this little girl can come any minute.
  • I'm still kinda in denial. I have a little less than 13 weeks until my due date and I still have so much to do. I received my Medela pump in the mail yesterday and that was a "shit just got real moment" for me. Also seeing that 2 of our June moms have already given birth has me a bit freaked out. I'm definitely afraid of giving birth.
    Pregnancy Ticker

  • My moment happened when my DS had a nightmare and started crying in the middle of the night. It's been forever since he's done that I panicked and ran up to comfort him. On my way back down I noticed I had to big wet spots surrounding each boob. Guess my body's ready now just have to get my mind there! 
  • Reading everyone's post while in the hospital. Had my baby shower yesterday, but I was not able to attend. Thinking I'm 31w4ds and this little girl can come any minute.
    What's the latest update?  How are you doing?  How is your little girl doing? 
    DS 9/2/13 was a BFP from an IUI!
    Triplets due 6/29/16 also from an IUI!

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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