July 2016 Moms


Let it all out, ladies.



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  • Haven't seen any fake pregnancy announcements on social media yet, but I'm considering posting that my pregnancy is fake and that it was a tumor the whole time- APRIL FOOLS hahahaha!
  • jwittwerjwittwer member
    edited April 2016
    If you comment on a day specific thread after said day (I'm talking about you HDBD) I refuse to like your post. You missed that window home girl, there's always next week. 
    Sometimes life happens and you just don't make it but still want to share. I see nothing wrong with that, so I'll go in and like it.

    ETA-- yeah it was me that was late to HDBD this week. But thanks for refusing to like the first pic I've actually taken this pregnancy.
    July BMB 2016 July siggy challenge

  • @mandyjulie Here's my FFFC: I saw your guinea pig gif and was like, "What?! Rodents with flowers?! I'd better watch it all the way through and make sure my little hamster photo isn't in there!" Haha... :)
    July BMB Siggy Challenge: Weird Hot Dog Situations
  • @Y0urm0m most defibitely! The 24 hours post weigh in are a total free for all. I have no shame. 
  • @Y0urm0m no shame in that game. I generally follow my appointment with in n out with animal fries. I am following this appointment with two lunches today :) 
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