July 2016 Moms

Baby Showers

So we're all going to be having our baby showers soon, so I figured I start a thread so we can show off pictures :smile: 


Re: Baby Showers

  • My mom, sister and I finally nailed down a date! May 21st (Saturday) and I'll be 32 weeks! Should we discuss themes? What we will wear? 
  • Mine is scheduled for May 28th, a whole 4 1/2 weeks before my due date. I am going to hate life. 
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  • Mine is May 22nd noooo idea what I'm wearing. It's so hard to shop when I don't know what size I'll be. But my moms doing Ahoy it's a boy theme. 
  • @blissylissy86 mine is May 28th too! I hope I don't hate life. 
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  • victoria98victoria98 member
    edited March 2016
    Here I thought I was jumping the gun by wanting a May baby shower! My aunt is hosting and hasn't set an exact date quite yet. We barely came up with a theme! "Rustic/Country/Elephant" at first it just sounded awful to me (not that I'm complaining about a party being thrown for me voluntarily) but once I actually put some thought into it I really started to like it (: the colors would be brown/baby blue/grey. My aunt is a party planner so Im very very grateful to have her. Edited bc I made myself seem like an ungrateful brat. 
  • @blissylissy86I think I'll be joining the party for hating my life by then. Southern heat in the middle of May, two months before DD ! 
  • My childhood hometown one is April 16 and my local one is May 1.  I set dates early per my friend's recommendation- that way we'll have time to get why we still need before the uber uncomfortable stage.
  • We originally set the date for June 4th (34 weeks) but the date conflicted with one of the hostesses. For those having their shower May 28th are you worried it will conflict with people's plan for Memorial Day weekend? That's why we switched to the 21st.
  • Similar to @austinjl i am doing my childhood hometown one April 16th (27.5 weeks) and local May 7th (30.5 weeks). I am doing the first one so early bc I will be back for a wedding. The perks will be being able to set up the nursery and see what we need!
  • @DarkCat I am kind of hoping it will interfere with people's plans! I am not excited to be the center of attention, so hopefully some people are camping or out of town :) I did want to have it a bit earlier, but that is just for my own sake of being giant and uncomfortable; however, this was the earliest date that worked for us. 
  • Mine is on the 14th of May; I'll be about 31 weeks. Didn't want to do it later because MIL goes in for surgery on the 17th, and will be in recovery for six to eight weeks. Theme is woodland animals. No one except my husband and I know it's a boy, so we tried to keep it neutral.

    Oh, we may have a small one in DH's hometown when we go up in June, too; I'll be 36 weeks then. 
  • Mine is May 1st. If there's a theme I don't know it. My mom had said she'd take me cupcake tasting but beyond that I have no idea what's going on with it. I imagine small and simple as that's how I prefer things
  • Mine is April 24th. It's early to make sure my sister, who is due in June with twins, feels good enough to be there. My mom and sister are really hosting it, but my MIL is kind of in on it too. It doesn't have a theme. Just baby. 

    I'm wearing a maxi dress I got from pinkblushmaternity. It has a sleepless, stretchy navy blue top and the bottom is flowery and flowy. Really comfy. 

    My sister's shower is this Sunday. I'm very excited. I love baby showers. 
  • I had my first one last Saturday, March 19th in my hometown (I was in the state for a conference so... free airfare!). My mom and two best friends hosted and did a cute woodland creatures theme to match my nursery. The only game we had was that I had to choose my favorite onesie and the winner got a prize. There were bibs and onesies to decorate, foam "leaves" to write well wishes on, and a painted tree for people to put their thumbprints on (like leaves). It was super sweet! This makes me sound like an ungrateful twat, but it was annoying that only three people bought off the registry. On the bright side, we won't need clothes for awhile!

    My next shower is on May 14th here in my current town, hosted by my close friend. It's also going to be woodland creature themed, but I don't know any other details except that it's at a local restaurant and at brunch time. :)
    July BMB Siggy Challenge: Weird Hot Dog Situations
  • Anyone else having a coed shower? DH really wanted to come. I told my Mom to have fun picking out games that's coed friendly haha :-P 
    My husband is coming. It's not coed because with just all of the women we're almost at 50 people. It would be chaos to invite men too at this point.  
  • I just got the email mine will be May 15. I'll be just shy of 33 weeks. Hopefully not feeling too large. I have a mint green floral dress from pink blush maternity but I am fearing I will be sweating through it's long sleeves. Haha. Being the center of attention makes me nervous and anxious so I'm hoping they invite my husband to come during gift opening or at some point. 
  • Shelby00519 We're having a co-ed. I am totally on board since we mostly have couple friends I like the thought of including them! I don't know much because my sister & mom are throwing it and want it to be a surprise. I know it will be "untraditional", co-ed, and June 11th at night (I'll be 34 weeks).
  • My little one looks like she will be making an early arrival so both of my showers have been moved up just in case. My work shower is April 30. I don't know much about that one in terms of theme. I just asked if I could provide favors for the guests (about 30) so I will make home made sugar scrub in mini mason jars. 

    My my sister is throwing me a shower for friends and family May 7. The theme is pink with gold polka dots. Instead of games we are doing two craft stations: baby headband making and custom baby blocks. I think she said it will be a brunch. 

    No decisions on outfits yet. Probably whatever fits by then. 


    Married November 2011

    TTC since June 2012

    2014 Diagnosed with Complete Uterine Septum

    October 28, 2015 BFP!!!


  • My best friend just reached out to me and asked if she can host my baby shower. It will be her, my other Best friend and my SIL. The theme is "Tea Party- Alice in Wonderland Un-birthday". No dates have been picked yet. I am due end of July the 27th. Not even sure whens the best time to do it? I see a lot of May showers. My friend and SIL have children so I am sure they will pick the perfect date where I am still comfortable.

    Me: 31 & Husband: 40                                                       
    Married: November 2014

    M/C: 8/27/2012 - EDD: 3/22/13
    BFP:11/19/15 (4 days after our 1yr wedding anniversary!)
    Our rainbow baby will be here 7/27/2016 (Arrived 8/2/2016)

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  • Anyone else having a coed shower? DH really wanted to come. I told my Mom to have fun picking out games that's coed friendly haha :-P 

    Mine was co-ed. We had over 100 people with a banquet-style dinner. Basically, my mother turned it into an almost-wedding for us since my husband and I eloped (eloping was so awesome!). I thought it was too much since I couldn't interact with the guests hardly at all because there were just too many people.  A very stressful day indeed.  90% of the other baby showers I've been to have been smaller and mostly all women. 
  • Mine's supposed to be a surprise thrown by my sisters... So no idea when that is happening :)
  • My church is throwing me a shower on May 14th, but I live too far away for my family to make it so my best friend and sisters are throwing me another one closer to my hometown. It sounds like that one may not be until June though when I'll be huge and uncomfortable.. And depending on whether or not I'm induced, it may not even be until after baby girl is here. 
  • My coworkers are having a shower for me on May 5th. There are about 15-20 people going and it will be after work at someone's house.

    My "big" shower is a surprise thrown by the grandparents and my sister. All I know is that it's on my weekend off (I work every other weekend), so I'm fairly certain it will be the weekend of May 14th or June 11th. I also think I'm having it in my parent's backyard but I could be wrong. There will be about 40-50 people there (my wedding shower was the same way...we both have large families, and this is just aunts, cousins and immediate family!). It's not technically co-ed but DH will be there, and so will my dad and some of my uncles. I know I'll be pretty far along by then so I'm planning to wear a sleeveless maxi dress that a friend gave me. Something comfortable! 
    Me (32) & DH (35)
    Married 10.10.10
    DD born 7.25.16 <3
  • May 1st is my day! As most people said, I wanted to give myself a chunk of time to fill in the gaps of what we didn't get. A few super thoughtful friends and my mother have offered to host. One friend blew me away with her invite creativity!! Super excited to see how the rest turns out. 

    The little card on the right has a poem about bringing a book instead of a card. 
  • Anyone else having a coed shower? DH really wanted to come. I told my Mom to have fun picking out games that's coed friendly haha :-P 
    My friend is hosting a co-ed backyard baby-que at our place on May 14th. Most of our friends are couples, so it made complete sense. Plus, with a year-end client kicking off the following Monday, the rest of May, June, and most of July are out (this is the exact reason I was unable to have a baby shower with DD).
    July BMB 2016 July siggy challenge

  • Im having a shower in my hometown 4/30 since that's what worked for my side of the family.  My brother-in-law and his wife are hosting a "surprise" shower on July 4th for DH's side of the family.  My mother in law was awesome enough to tell me about the plan in secret since I hate surprises and would have been kind of upset at first.  DH's family is kind of spread out and they all normally get together that day anyways, so it worked logistics wise.  I feel sort of bad because I know we will have purchased all the essential items at that point (hello Type A planner here).  Hoping people will be excited to buy the cute non-essential stuff anyways!
    Me: 29 & Husband: 36                                                         
    Married: October 2014
    NTNP: April 2015 - June 2015
    M/C: June 2015
    TTC #1 since September 2015
    BFP: 11/9/15 - EDD: 7/24/16
  • @Shelby00519 My shower is co-ed ish. One of my oldest friends is a man and he was very insistent he get an invite. 

    I do do have two possible dresses picked out. I pretty much live in jersey maxi dresses when I'm not pregnant so I have got myself a few and they are so comfortable!  One option is an orange flutter sleeve maxi and one is a blue and green abstract print sleeveless maxi
  • @Weville I love co-edish. My mother in law and best friend said no co-ed but I have a few friends who are men who would love to attend. I don't want to propose co-edish to them because I don't want them to think I'm stepping on their toes.

    Pregnancy Ticker

    July16 JULY siggy challenge

  • @MamaBish I agree with the no baby shaped food! My Mom wanted to do a pregnant belly shaped cake and I told her no way, I think they're sooooo creepy looking. 
  • @Shelby00519 I am having a co-ed shower as well, since the majority of close friends are guys!

    I will be having 3 showers, since my family is insane and refuses to have a joint shower with my MIL, who lives 40 minutes away, my husband and I will be making the 12 hour round trip car ride twice! Although as much as they drive me nuts, I love them so much and so blessed to have a supportive family. My dates for these showers are May 21st and June 4th.  The 3rd shower is TBD, but it will be held down in DC so my friends do not have to make the long car ride with us.

  • My MIL is throwing mine on 4/30. She was nastily excluded from my husband's first baby shower by his ex and was so heartbroken by it that we decided to give her first dibs on throwing one for our first baby together (my mother has 9 grandchildren already and was more than happy to take a back seat for this last one). I was happy to let her take the reigns and participate whole heartedly in the joy of a new baby.

    She is going absolutely nuts. I've done my best to stay out-of-the-loop but from what I hear, there are already 75 attendees, and that's just women! No idea about theme but it's being hosted in a beautiful restaurant.

    I'll probably wear a pretty, springy type dress and get dolled up. I'll be 31 weeks (nice and early so I'm not heinously pregnant and uncomfortable), so I'll still have the energy to do my hair and wear heels.

  • Mine is May 7th and I'm actually super excited! My mom's best friend and my sister are throwing it and the theme is rainbow/showers. It's women only and intimate compared to some of you guys (probably about 30-40 people). My initial thought was co-ed and a boozy-brunch but I'm not the one throwing it! :) My school is throwing me an additional one which I am actually anxious and dreading. They're all wonderful people but I hate the thought of them being expected to get me gifts. 
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