Trying to Get Pregnant

Has anyone gotten a BFN 8 days after Implantation bleeding, but still ended up pregnant?


Re: Has anyone gotten a BFN 8 days after Implantation bleeding, but still ended up pregnant?

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  • KarliQ88 said:
    KarliQ88 said:
    Eeeesh. Can we try to be a little less scary on posts like this? I get they are annoying but not ling ago i was new. The newbie thread is long. I skimmed it. 
    It's ok you asked this. Just know most of us have not been pregnant making this question difficult to answer. Bodies do not work like clock work all the time (some are better than others at it). And no two bodies are the same. But i agree. Please consider reading the newbie thread...and please stay! Join. Great group of ladies who are supportive if you play the rules. Also forgiving. I made a mistake when i joined too no one held it against me. 

    Seriously. What's wrong with what  said? I made mistakes too when i started. Read the rules and I'm good now. I just think there was a nicer way to say it. I get these are annoying but i think after 1 or 2 corrections that's enough. 
    You also forget that everyone is typing at the same time and hitting post at the same time.  It's not like we are calling in air strike after air strike.

    Yes. True. But coming from a fairly new might he common sense to read the rules thread but i honestly didnt think it was that big of of a deal i didnt and just skimmed it. I don't want to start a heated "debate" about this..not in the mood. I just want everyone to feel welcome (but yes play by the rules)
  • Oh my gosh. I dont know why my post above  spaced like that making you all mobile bumpers scroll that much. Sorry!
  • This thread has been closed. Please do not ask the Community if you are pregnant. Instead, please visit our 1st Trimester board to discuss early possible pregnancy symptoms and the thread pinned to the top of this board called, “What does a positive pregnancy test really look like?” where members are permitted to display their pregnancy tests.

    Please note that we remove posts that do not follow our guidelines and will issue warnings to users who violate the Terms of Use.

    To review our Community guidelines, please visit The Bump Guidelines pinned at the top of this board. Thank you.

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