Baby Names

Boy names!

arduaaaarduaaa member
edited March 2016 in Baby Names
I'm having another boy he's due July 19th and we just can't seem too decide on a name. We all have "A" names so we want too start with an "A" Our names are Audra Austin Asher Idk if you can comment and leave any other a name options on here. We jus need help deciding lol My husband loves Axel I'm not too crazy about that name

Boy names! 134 votes

39% 53 votes
42% 57 votes
8% 11 votes
9% 13 votes

Re: Boy names!

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  • Axel. It was my first choice for a boy. 

    Aiden is dated and cheap and Ace is a week bit ridiculous. Abel is ok. But Axel is best. 

  • austinjl said:
    This is actually good for a boy. This might be worth considering if you don't completely love Axel. Because of your list, and Adrian, Adrian is second best. 
  • Abram

    And the classics - Alexander, Andrew, Anthony, Adam, Arthur, and Aaron are all nice, strong names.
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  • The Aiden trend is getting old but that name is so much better than the other choices. Abel is okay but is too religious sounding to me.
  • Aiden or Abel

    axel sounds like asshole when yelle we had a dog with the name

    Ace sounds like a nn and not very strong on an adult


  • From your list, Ace. 
  • 4N6s4N6s member
    Aaron. Alexander. Anthony. August. 
  • Hate axel. Voted Abel

    Me: 29 / Hubster: 31
    Married July 2010
    DC #1 Oct 2013
    DC #2 EDD June 2016

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  • Voted Abel.  Aiden is ok but I'm sick of it, plus you already have Austin so that is rhymey. 

    I also like like the suggestions of Adam, Anthony, Andrew, Aaron, August.   Aaron might be a good fit for your family since it's not super common.  Also maybe 


  • I think Abel definitely goes best with your sibset. Aiden is overdone and Ace and Axel sound like cartoon character/trying to hard to be cool names.
  • Voted Abel. Arlo, Augustine, Archer 
  • Andrew
    March 2011: Off Nuva, cycle back to "normal" for me: No periods since 15 years old. June 2011:Provera&50 mg Clomid; Progesterone:0.7 July 2011:Provera&100mg Clomid; Progesterone:3.29 Met with RE:No Clomid response, begin injectables Sep 5 mg Letrozole and Ovidrel in the interim month. Cut out running (was a distance-runner), cycling, eliptical. Restricted to weight-training, walking, pilates. Brain MRI normal. Being physically over-stressed is the reason the body stopped producing prog. Late Sep 2011: Menopur, Ovidrel,& IUI (10.10.11):BFN-Great injectable response: 2 mature, 6 near mature, many smaller; Problem: 9 cysts! Dr: IUI too uncontrolled for number of viable eggs & age. On to IVF! IVF ER 12.6: 37 mature eggs, 27 fertilized, froze all to avoid overstimulation; FET 1.22 (2 Grade 1)=BFN; FET 2.22 (3 Grade 2)=BFP! Beta 10dp3dt=291; 12dp3dt=644; HB 3.26!! 174 bpm: Vanishing twin almost completely absorbed 10wks Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Voted for Abel even though it's a little too religious for me. Aiden is overdone, and the other two sound like names I might give to a dog. (Sorry!) Definitely loving PP suggestion of Adrian. 

  • Voted for Abel even though it's a little too religious for me. Aiden is overdone, and the other two sound like names I might give to a dog. (Sorry!) Definitely loving PP suggestion of Adrian. 


    ~~~~~~  Stuck in the quote box~~~

    This. Also a fan of Augustus from this list. Or August if Augustus feels too heavy
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