Backstory: My husband was leaving for Canada for a business trip during the last two weeks of January 2016. He came back February 1st! We weren't as careful as we should have been, who would after two weeks separated?! I had a short but very heavy period that started a few days later. It ended on the 13th!
The next day, let's just say we were more careful, or so we thought.
I first noticed that I may be pregnant March 6th. I had suspicions before then, but the insane nausea was a tell-tale sign. I confirmed at home on March 11th. Here's where the story gets confusing.
March 17th, I went in for my first prenatal (I have a history of miscarriages, and high risk pregnancies.) When they did the ultrasound, I only measured 4w 5d, and of course no heartbeat, only a sac.
I also had an hCG test done which revealed a level of 1,840 -- At 4w 5d? Either I am further along then the ultrasound said, and I'm measuring small, or my hCG is really high.
So, my question is: Could I be carrying multiples?
Can an you tell me your experiences?! Singleton and Multiples stories will be greatly appreciated, as well as any questions. Thanks!!!!
*update, this is my 5th pregnancy, and will be 3rd child.
Re: Singleton VS. Multiples hCG Levels
If you look, twins and singletons are very close betas. Your just seem to be on the high end of nornal.
If you were farther along then 4.5 weeks, your U/s would have shown that. First tri U/S are very accurate, to +/- 3 days.
Also, the tech said there is definitely one sac, but where it was positioned they couldn't rule out multiples. So I do go in at 8w 6d to confirm either singleton or multiples!
every pregnancy is different and symptoms can change.
Symptoms are not a sign of a healthy pregnancy nor are they a sign of twins. Each pregnancy is different.
so no, has nothing to do with amount of babies.
Me - 28, Lean PCOS
DH - 31
Married June 2010, TTC since March 2014
FET cycle #3 Transfer July 28th 2016, Triplets born healthy on February 26th 2017 at 33w1d!
HG is not an indication of anything except being pregnant. I get that, 5th pregnancy, 3rd viable pregnancy, all HG. I wasn't using that as a key sign. The only difference is how early this one started.
Thanks for all of your opinions! Happy pregnancies!
By the way, no HGC levels do not indicate multiples - my obgyn told me that when I thought I may have twins.