Indiana Babies

Thawing pork?

I planned on making pork chops tonight, but just realized I never put them in the fridge. Does pork thaw ok in the microwave, or should I figure something else out? 

I don't eat pork, and I don't like thawing chicken in the microwave.

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Re: Thawing pork?

  • I never like thawing things in the microwave because even when I use the thaw settings, the stuff seems to cook on the edges.

    Are the chops thin? If they are, I might just run them under water. Or, figure something else out. :(

    Bummer - I hate when that happens! I almost forgot to prep my crock pot meal last night for tonight's dinner. I would have been so bummed!

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  • imageNDwife07:

    I never like thawing things in the microwave because even when I use the thaw settings, the stuff seems to cook on the edges.

    Are the chops thin? If they are, I might just run them under water. Or, figure something else out. :(

    Bummer - I hate when that happens! I almost forgot to prep my crock pot meal last night for tonight's dinner. I would have been so bummed!

    That's my problem with chicken, and even thawed in the fridge, froen chiken never seems to be as tender anyway.

    They are thin cut, so maybe I'll try water.  Otherwise, I can make tacos.  I have pretty much perfected the art of microwave thawing ground beef. :)

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  • DH and I do this all the time.  We are pros at thawing it in water.  Just run the water over it until it gets hot, then fill a large bowl of some sort with the hot water and put a plate or something on the meat to hold it down.  You should be good to go in 20 minutes or so.  Just switch the water often.  GL!
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