
IVF $$$

How are you paying for IVF?
Daisypath Vacation tickers

Re: IVF $$$

  • I took up a loan to pay for it. 
    One expensive child, but definitely worth it. 
    Once all is going well and I have a healthy baby I'll put my loan in my mortgage. 


    Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers Lilypie Maternity tickers

  • We had some covered under insurance, and lots piling up on credit cards. eep. just the way it goes :(
    Started TTC April 2011
    Me: 32, DH: 32
    Diagnosis: Endometriosis

    • 2012 - 3 Rounds clomid - all BFN
    • 2013 - 1 Fresh IVF with 2 day 3 embryos - BFN
    • 2014 - 1 Frozen IVF with 2 day 5 embryos - BFN
    • Took a long break, continuing trying naturally
    • Feb 2016 - Biopsy = Endo, DH sperm improved from 1% to 6% morphology
    • March 2016 - Fresh IVF cycle with acupuncture & intralipids: 20 eggs retrieved (17 mature), 7 ICSI'd fertilized, 9 naturally fertilized. 16 total embryos!
    • April 8th - 2 embryos (1ICSI and 1 Natural) transferred. (7 blastocysts frozen), April 18th - Beta = BFN
    • Sept 23rd - Lupron Depot Injection for Endo control
    • Nov 15th 2016 - Started daily Lupron Injections for upcoming FET
    • Nov 22 - Baseline US/BW - Intralipid Infusion - Start Meds for FET with immune protocol
    • Dec 16th FET transfer of 3 embryos (1 - AA, 2 - BB)
    • TW below
    • Dec 22nd - first ever bfp (very faint lines FRER & cheapie)
    • Dec 27th Beta = 192, Dec 29th Beta = 379
    • EDD - Sept 5th 2017

    - - -
    I'm a YouTube vlogger who talks about Infertility, IVF and Endometriosis. Check it out here!
    Follow along at
    Instagram @liv4todayvlog 

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  • Savings and a 0% credit card for 12 months.
    Married Jan. 2014
    Me:36 DH: 39
    TTC since August 2014, Mild PCOS + uterine fibroids
    Myomectomy June 2015- 18 fibroids removed
    IVF #1, May 2016 = 32 eggs retrieved, 12 fertilized, 7 frozen, 3 PGS normal
    FET#2, July 2016 = one embryo transferred 
    BFP! Beta = 617
    Due date = 4/9/17
    Delivery date = 3/20/17
  • Savings and 0% credit card as well!
    Married May 2009, TTC since November 2012 (Together since 2006 ish - had my eyes on him since 2001)
    Me: 32 (33 in May), Him: 37 (January)

    DX: Me: High Prolactin, Possible Autoimmune Disease Issues, though RE not concerned (?)  New RE has a plan!!
           Him: Minor Varicocele, low morphology, slightly low count


    Beta 5/9/2016 BFP!!
    Embryo transfer scheduled for April 28, 2016 and beta test May 9, 2016 (day after Mother's Day!)
    Transfer Meds include: Lupron Depot (4/1), Minivelle Patch (every 3rd day), Estradiol (3x daily), Amoxicillin, Progesterone in Oil, Methylprednisonlone. Lovenox and baby asprin added after transfer. 

    3/22/16 - Sono Saline ultrasound cyst to be aspirated on 4/1/16 if not cleared up by 3/29 US - It cleared on its own
    Retrieval 3/4/16 - 26 eggs retrieved, 23 mature, 20 fertilized, 14 embryos currently frozen
    Starting IVF Stims on +/- Feb 22, 2016
    HSG scheduled for 1-26-16 - All clear "beautiful uterus" (though inverted)

    Switched clinics and now prepping for IVF in February / March

    Fourth IUI -  CD3-7 100 Clomid w/ Ovidrel Trigger - December, 2015 - BFN
    Third IUI -  CD3-7 100 Clomid w/ Ovidrel Trigger - November, 2015 - BFN
    Second IUI - CD3-7 100 Clomid w/ Ovidrel Trigger - September, 2015 - BFN
    Started Prolactin Medication October 15 - Levels quickly regulated to with in normal range
    First IUI - CD3-7 100 Clomid w/ Ovidrel Trigger - August, 2015 - BFN
    After no BFPs (ever) First RE/Urologist visit in Feb 2015
    HSG w/ OB, 2014 = all clear
    Trying to conceive since November 2012
  • Took out a loan, and we minimize expenses by sharing a car (we're lucky to have a subway train in our city that gets us to work when needed, with a station walkable from our house). 
    Me- 39 (turning 40 in April), TTC for the first time ever (since Jan 2015), low ovarian reserve
    Married 3/14/14 to my wonderful wife, but her sperm count is rather low
    TTC with frozen donor sperm and science

    7 IUIs, 7 BFNs.
    2 IVF attempts, both cancelled and converted to IUI, both BFNs.
    Decided that my tired old ovaries are ready to retire.
    Next step- reciprocal IVF, using my wife's eggs, my uterus!  
    fresh 5 day transfer (2 embryos) 4/17/17- BFP! 
    Identical twins "due" 1/2/17 (but anticipated arrival sometime December)

  • We took out a loan as well. No insurance coverage for IVF treatment at all, so it was loan or nothing.

    ---Trigger warning---

    Me: 31 DH: 27
    TTC since April 2013
    Two cancelled IUIs in Aug and Sept '15 due to low motility/count
    IVF round 1: January 2016
    ER: February 17, 2016; 9 retrieved, 7 mature, 7 fertilized
    Day 5 Blastocysts: 5 BB, 1 AB, all normal from PGS
    FET date: May 11, '16; transferred 1 AB embryo
    First beta: May 23, '16: 998!!  Second: May 25, '16: 1648
    EDD: January 27, 2017
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • If I don't qualify for the Megaset Trial...

    * our inheritance/savings
    * the in-laws

    We get zero insurance coverage for IVF.
    ***BFP & Child Warning***

    Me: 34, DH: 38 ~ TTC since 2014
    IUI #1-3 (Nov 2015, Feb 2016, May 2016) = BFNs
    IVF ER (July 2016) = 7 PGS normal embryos
    FET #1 (Sept 2016) = BFP! DD born 5/30/17
    FET #2 (April 2019) = BFN
    FET #3 (July 2019) = BFP! DS born 3/27/20
  • Savings, credit card, and a loan. No insurance coverage here! 

    RE DX for me: Anovulatory cycles/Mild PCOS  RE DX for DW: Endometrioma on left Ovary.
    Reciprocal Ivf Feb 2016. DW eggs and I am carrying. EDD: 10/27/16

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • Partial insurance coverage and a loan from my parents.
    Me 32 DH 34
    Married 9/2012 

    TTC #2 starting 9/2019
    BFP 7/13/2020!
    Due 3/18/2021

    TTC #1 since 2/2015
    Diagnosis: Unexplained Infertility 9/2015
    IUIs #1-#5: 9/2015-2/2016 all BFNs
    Moving to IVF with ICSI and PGS 5/2016-6/2016  Just kidding, BFP 4/4/2016!
    Spencer Elliott born 12/7/2016

  • We have 50% insurance coverage and used the money we received from our wedding/savings to cover most of the remainder.
  • 0% credit for 15 months.  would only do this if you expect to be able to pay it off.

    **Warning - Child Mentioned**

    Me: 33, DH: 39   Unexplained Infertility

    4 IUIs (chlomid) in 2013 which resulted in DS born in April 2014

    TTC #2 since August 2015

    5 rounds of IUIs (1 chlomid: resistent, 1 femara, 3 gonal f) = all BFN

    ER March 9: 26 eggs retrieved, 19 mature and 17 fertilized, 8 made it to genetic testing, 4 normal!

    FET #1 5/31 = BFN

    FET#2 7/26 = BFP!

    BabyFruit Ticker

  • We lived only on one income when I worked in order to save for it

    ~~~~~~~~~Siggy Warning~~~~~~~~

    Me~28 DH~27 

     6-12-2010  Miscarriage. 
    3-16-2012 D&C/Miscarriage.
     Blocked Left Tube. 
    Diminished Ovarian Reserve   
    MFI - Sperm Morphology 2%.  
     Abnormal Antiphospholipid Antibodies
    April 2013 ~  1st IUI attempt - 100 mg Clomid- Canceled
    May 2013  ~ 2nd IUI attempt -100 mg Clomid- Canceled
    June 2013 ~ 3rd IUI attempt - 100 mg Clomid+ Trigger+ Progesterone~BFN
     IVF/ICSI #1 May 2014 ~ Freeze All ~ Due to OHSS
     5/1/2014 ~ 22 retrieved, 12 fertilized, 3 frozen
    5/28/2014 ~ FET#1 ~ Transferred 2 Hatching Blasts
      6/1/2014~ **BFP**
    6/9/2014 Beta #1 ~ 1022
    6/12/2014 Beta #2 ~ 3099
    6/16/2014 Beta #3 ~ >5000
    6/19/2014 First U/S ~ TWINS!!!  
    1/7/2015 Twins born @ 34 weeks

    image image Image and video hosting by TinyPic

  • I'm lucky that my insurance covers everything but the freezing which is on $730 but if it didn't I would be using a zero interest credit card. I feel all insurances should cover ivf since it's already enough stress in our lives. Good luck ladies 
  • I live in one of the states that requires a certain amount of coverage for IVF (I believe only the bare minimum is required - the actual ivf cycle but not the FET, PGD, freezing, etc). I'm lucky that my insurance covers all of it anyways. If I read the policy correctly, I think all/most of the meds are also covered, but if they're not, DH and I have been saving up a "baby fund" for a while that we will use.
  • I have insurance coverage but it doesn't cover everything a 100%. I took a loan against my 403b to cover the rest.

    Me-36 healthy

    DH-41 MFI due to Retrograde

    1st IVF 2/2016, 2nd  Ivf 4/2016 then banking w/PGS and Fet 5/2016

    St.Louis MO

  • ......this is where I say I am ever so grateful that I married a man whose hobby is planning our retirement and financial future.  We were literally give 4 weeks to come up with $10k for an egg retrieval back in 2013.  I had a new cancer diagnosis and had to decide right away to freeze some embryos before I started chemo.  Because of my awesome husband, we had the money.  

    This time around, it's gonna be more like $30k more before its all said and done.  We cashed out an investment fund to pay for some of this, and will put the rest on a credit card.  Small silver lining:  getting a billion airline miles for all this $$ on the credit card!!  Baby is sending mom and dad back to Europe in a few years!!

    We had the $5k of ER meds paid for through a Walgreens program for cancer patients back in 2013.  Not this it is $11k for the retrieval (they gave me a 25% cancer patient discount) including everything to get us to embryos frozen as blasts.  $5k+ for meds this time.  Another $6k has already been spent for PGS/PGD (had to throw a crying fit to get these next embryos included for testing), and $5k to biopsy our original set of embryos.  Finally, we will have the $5k for meds and FET.  At these prices, we'd better end up with twins!!
    Me: Age 38  Husband: Age 39
    Chemo killed my ovaries
    Currently:1 female embryo frozen at blastocyte stage, graded 6AA with a BRCA1 mutation
    4/16 ER cancelled on CD7: 1 follicle on L/ 0 follicles on R
    Now planning FET 7/6/16
    Also starting ER in June (my sister is donating eggs), and will try for a boy/second pregnancy
  • Credit cards and savings. Our prescription insurance helps with the medications but we ran out of infertility maximum coverage a long time ago.
    Married September 2004 <3
    TTC since January 2014 
    DX - MFI Antibodies, High DNA fragmentation
    IUI #1 November 2015 - 0% Motility
    IVF #1 January 2016 - (FAIL/Over-suppressed)
    IVF #2 May 2016 - (FAIL/25 eggs, 1 5BB xx, PGS abnormal)
  • I agree that insurance should cover IVF.  We are unable to do what most of the population is able to do, for MEDICAL reasons.
    ***BFP & Child Warning***

    Me: 34, DH: 38 ~ TTC since 2014
    IUI #1-3 (Nov 2015, Feb 2016, May 2016) = BFNs
    IVF ER (July 2016) = 7 PGS normal embryos
    FET #1 (Sept 2016) = BFP! DD born 5/30/17
    FET #2 (April 2019) = BFN
    FET #3 (July 2019) = BFP! DS born 3/27/20
  • How much are all the meds that you have to get? I'm so nervous for that cost. 
  • I had an $11,000 lifetime maximum policy, but it specifically included injectable meds, and it was exhausted after a cycle and a half of meds -- no ER or ET procedures. Kind of crazy.
  • @Drove2u my meds were about $2500-3000 which included insurance coverage. 
  • Holy crap!!!! 
  • Our lifetime max was only $2,000. Doesn't go very far!
    Married September 2004 <3
    TTC since January 2014 
    DX - MFI Antibodies, High DNA fragmentation
    IUI #1 November 2015 - 0% Motility
    IVF #1 January 2016 - (FAIL/Over-suppressed)
    IVF #2 May 2016 - (FAIL/25 eggs, 1 5BB xx, PGS abnormal)
  • @Drove2u  I just paid $5124 for my ER meds (menopur, follistim, ganirelix, HCG trigger), plus I think $7.50 for the Estrace and Clomid from my regular pharmacy.  If I remember correctly, I had to have a second shipment with more menopur and follistim when we did our first retrieval, so I expect this amount will go up.  IVF is definitely not cheap!
    Me: Age 38  Husband: Age 39
    Chemo killed my ovaries
    Currently:1 female embryo frozen at blastocyte stage, graded 6AA with a BRCA1 mutation
    4/16 ER cancelled on CD7: 1 follicle on L/ 0 follicles on R
    Now planning FET 7/6/16
    Also starting ER in June (my sister is donating eggs), and will try for a boy/second pregnancy
  • @calfherder $2,000?!?! That's ridiculous!!! I always wonder if any women with IF actually write these insurance policies
  • @mtpbadger If you think $2,000 is ridiculous wait until you hear this: I have no coverage at all, not even to find out why I can't conceive. I can't get any services through my insurance (Kaiser in So Cal) so I was referred to an outside company.

    As for how we paid for everything: We had quite a bit of savings to cover me staying at home with kids that we spent on IUIs for just about a year. We only moved on to IVF because DHs parents offered to help us pay for it. They paid the clinic fees (stim cycle with fresh transfer plus 1 FET cycle) and we paid for a second FET and meds. Meds for stim were about $3300 with a compassion care something card. Meds for first FET were about $670 and second FET were about $650, plus refills of PIO when I needed them, which are about $50 a bottle. I think the FET was around $4000 total.
    About us:
    Me - 28, Lean PCOS
    DH - 31
    Married June 2010, TTC since March 2014

    FET cycle #3 Transfer July 28th 2016, Triplets born healthy on February 26th 2017 at 33w1d!

  • Loan and credit card  :#
  • My insurance covered our IUIs, and my meds were injectables.  We paid around $300 each time (WITH insurance coverage) for my follistim, ganirelix, and ovidrel trigger.  My IVF meds are going to be about the same, yet because our insurance doesn't cover IVF I was told to expect to pay around $3k for the same meds.  I'm REALLY glad I still have some follistim and ganirelix left over!!
    ***BFP & Child Warning***

    Me: 34, DH: 38 ~ TTC since 2014
    IUI #1-3 (Nov 2015, Feb 2016, May 2016) = BFNs
    IVF ER (July 2016) = 7 PGS normal embryos
    FET #1 (Sept 2016) = BFP! DD born 5/30/17
    FET #2 (April 2019) = BFN
    FET #3 (July 2019) = BFP! DS born 3/27/20
  • Our insurance covers nothing so we did a low interest medical loan through Lending Club Patient Solutions (who our clinic works with). No prepayment penalties, but not looking forward to paying on it! My meds for the first IVF cycle (Menopur, Follistim, Ganirelix and HCG trigger) were $3300. Our clinic recommended Walgreens Specialty Pharmacy in Frisco, TX. They were great to work with on both orders we've used them for, getting the medication to me right when they said they would. We had to freeze our embryos after the first cycle so our FET meds were only $200 thankfully. Our insurance covers all the other meds (Estradiol, Medrol, PIO).

    Me: 33, Hubby: 36
    TTC since May 2014
    First RE Appt - September 2015
    DX: Hypothyroid, DOR
    IUI w/ Clomid - October 2015 - BFN
    ER - 2/10/16, 2 Day 3 Embryos
    FET - 4/15/16 - BFN
    Summer 2016 - Taking a break to try herbal treatment and acupuncture
  • @Drove2u that is awesome news! I could cry for you!!
  • Thank you!! I almost cried on the phone with insurance today. Lol I told the guy too "I'm going to cry I'm so happy" feeling  super grateful. 
  • @Drove2u That's amazing! I'm so happy for you!!!
    Married September 2004 <3
    TTC since January 2014 
    DX - MFI Antibodies, High DNA fragmentation
    IUI #1 November 2015 - 0% Motility
    IVF #1 January 2016 - (FAIL/Over-suppressed)
    IVF #2 May 2016 - (FAIL/25 eggs, 1 5BB xx, PGS abnormal)
  • @Drove2u - That's wonderful news!  What meds are you taking and was this with or without insurance coverage?  Also, what pharmacy?  Inquiring minds need to know :)
    ***BFP & Child Warning***

    Me: 34, DH: 38 ~ TTC since 2014
    IUI #1-3 (Nov 2015, Feb 2016, May 2016) = BFNs
    IVF ER (July 2016) = 7 PGS normal embryos
    FET #1 (Sept 2016) = BFP! DD born 5/30/17
    FET #2 (April 2019) = BFN
    FET #3 (July 2019) = BFP! DS born 3/27/20
  • Lol. I don't have the list in front of me so let me try to remember. I haven't started them yet so not too familiar. But it's menopur, gonal f, Lupron, hcg, antibiotic, estrace, a vaginal applicator and one more that starts with a c. Insurance is covering everything. Aetna pharmacy is shipping some, some I got at a local cvs and one I have to go to a specialty pharmacy forty minutes away to pick up. I have Aetna so they're covering this. 
  • @Drove2u the one that starts with a C...cetrotide, perhaps?
  • @Drove2u possibly clandamycin suppositories? I had those last time.
    Married September 2004 <3
    TTC since January 2014 
    DX - MFI Antibodies, High DNA fragmentation
    IUI #1 November 2015 - 0% Motility
    IVF #1 January 2016 - (FAIL/Over-suppressed)
    IVF #2 May 2016 - (FAIL/25 eggs, 1 5BB xx, PGS abnormal)
  • Wow, that is a long list so I'm really glad your insurance is covering!  We have BCBS but no IVF coverage so that probably means no med coverage for IVF either :cry:  I'm hoping that since they covered my IUI meds they might cover them though... FX.
    ***BFP & Child Warning***

    Me: 34, DH: 38 ~ TTC since 2014
    IUI #1-3 (Nov 2015, Feb 2016, May 2016) = BFNs
    IVF ER (July 2016) = 7 PGS normal embryos
    FET #1 (Sept 2016) = BFP! DD born 5/30/17
    FET #2 (April 2019) = BFN
    FET #3 (July 2019) = BFP! DS born 3/27/20
  • Yes!! Cetrocide!! Lol nice job!! 
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