July 2016 Moms

UO Thursday

(Starting early cuz I'm bored lol)

I know you've get them, so let's hear them! 


Re: UO Thursday

  • My UO is that I like a bunch of baby shower games! I am amused they are being played at my showers (although it will be made crystal clear that they are completely optional) and can't wait to include that stuff in his baby book.

  • My UO is that I think it is pointless to get indignant about people commenting on our pregnancies, whether positively or negatively.

    I get that there are just some straight f#8&ed up things people say (like that one slore who commented that wearing heels caused someone's miscarriage, ugh!) but honestly, the experience we are going through is a pretty public thing once we hit a certain point (i.e. when that belly becomes waaaaaay obvious). People ARE going to comment.

    In 99.9% of the cases, people are excited about our pregnancies and want to share in our joy and we should let them, and forgive them for maybe not being so tactful. And for those who view our "condition" as dreadful, then that's their loss. I just don't see the point in getting ANGRY over it. Every time. It's more stressful to be upset than to just let it go. Do we really need more stress right now???

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  • @elldel that picture is amazing ! 
    April Siggy Challenge Social Distancing

  • Haha looks like my opinion is pretty unpopular, which I figured it would be!

    I totally get that everyone has varying levels of tolerance, sensitivity, and ballsiness (is that how you spell that) when it comes to responding to comments from others. And @Lindsayleigh1989, my comment was not meant to be judgy of other women for those differences.

    In fact, it comes from a place of wanting everyone to not feel so unhappy when it inevitably happens. I hate seeing other people unhappy and I wish I could wave a magic wand for everyone (here and in real life) to be able to block out the unwanted comments. So when all you ladies get stressed and angry about something that more often than not wasn't not MEANT to be hurtful, I wish it just *POOF* didn't bother you.

    And I'm not commenting on whether these outsiders are right or wrong for what they are saying, or for saying anything at all. The fact is....it IS going to happen, and we only have control over what we do about it. Some like to get feisty and react (and there are days I get feisty, believe me), but in general, I don't see the point in letting it ruin my day.

    As for those d-bags that do mean for it to be hurtful....they deserve all the wrath we can muster. I think a few of you have some MILs that fall into that category.

  • @kdm06c  Oh I would lose my shit if someone said "I'm so sorry" about all boys. Within ear shot or not, that is terrible.
  • @kdm06c I applaud you for not losing your shit. Those comments must get SO old. Nevermind 5 in one shopping trip!
  • Not exciting...but I am just curious to see where people fall on this one as they seem really popular. I find Lofthouse cookies to be the most disgusting things ever. Even as a kid I found them gross and now as a teacher I still can't avoid them.

  • @quartz02 it's insane.  Which is why people need to speak up and tell them it's not OK, whether they mean well or not. 
    Wife. Boy mom x6. Expecting #7. Wannabe homesteader.
    , 💙💙💙💙💙💙
  • Oh I really like those Lofthouse cookies!!!!!!

    my UO: I just read a fb blog written by a woman who decided she does not like pregnancy and I find myself agreeing with her.  That said, I am super grateful that I am pregnant and will hopefully have a happy, healthy baby at the end of this which I am so looking forward to.  However, I could do without the physical and emotional craziness that comes along with pregnancy.
  • Not exciting...but I am just curious to see where people fall on this one as they seem really popular. I find Lofthouse cookies to be the most disgusting things ever. Even as a kid I found them gross and now as a teacher I still can't avoid them.

    I totally agree with you! I think they are too sweet and sugary and totally dislike when my students bring them as a birthday treat! Ha 
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