TTC After a Loss

False positive OPKs?

so just trying to see if anyone has some experience with this. I am exactly 2 weeks today since my d&c, I know my hcg is dropping based on a week's estimator clue blue this weekend and I have been following my BBT with a steady decline. This morning, my temp dropped like a rock, so for some reason I figured let's start my OPKs today since I see my doc for post op appointment and BD clearance tomorrow. 

Low and behold, smiley face. I don't trust it since it's only 2 weeks and in the 2 months we were TTC prior to loss I only got 1 positive, the month of our BFP. 

Did is anyone have issue with multiple false positives after their loss from all the hormones? It's been 2 weeks, I have no bleeding and don't want to miss it if it's real, so that would mean HIO a day before the official ok from my dr. 

(Sorry if this seems like a dr Google post, that is not how I intend it)

Re: False positive OPKs?

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    Are you still getting positive pregnancy tests? 

    And not a Dr. Google post at all, you are definitely a part of this community, so ask all the questions you'd like. 
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    I do know that with the OPK strips you will get a positive if you have Hcg in your system. Is it possible that you still have pregnancy hormones in your system and that's what is being picked up on your test? I haven't used that type of OKP test so I'm not sure if they kinda work the same as the Internet cheapies. 
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    I would think it's the hcg in your system turning it positive. 
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    Yup same as above.  Hcg will cause a positive opk.
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    Take a pregnancy test. Mine stayed positive for 5 weeks post d&c. LH and hcg are similar structurally causing hcg to show an LH surge on an opk. (It happened to me, but I wasn't using digital)
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    Thanks for the heads up. My hcg on Sunday was low enough it showed 1-2 weeks on a pregnancy test. I am going to retest and see if it still shows up positive on an HPT. Poor DH got so excited it might have been a positive OPK. 
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    I'm 2 weeks out also and I got a false positive on the OPK. I didn't realize LH and HCG were structurally similar. My HPTs are still reading positive :( I don't think I have ever wanted a negative HPT more in my life! I can't wait to just move on! Hubby and I want to ttc asap!
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    @kstewar3 I am with you there. My doctor was a little surprised I was still turning pregnancy tests 2 weeks post d&c today so he checked a beta for me so we can see where my numbers are at. He told me to go ahead and try even though my tests aren't negative yet since everyone's hormone "threshold" is different and no one knows what your hcg needs to get down to before you ovulate again. Some people it's still over 20 and some not until 0 according to him 
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    Well that's good to hear that everyone's threshold is different! I don't see my Dr until next Wednesday and I am super anxious to find out my beta, I'm praying its low. I'm still spotting tho, which is a huge disappointment every time I go to the bathroom. How far along were you when you m/c? I was 10 weeks but the baby had stopped growing around 8 weeks 5 days.
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    I was 9 weeks, baby measured 8w2d. We must have caught mine the day or two after the heartbeat because it had actually grown exactly 2 weeks in size since our scan at 7 weeks when it measured 6w2d
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    I'm sorry for your loss :( I am so glad I found this board, it's so nice to talk to others in the same boat as me. I really feel like most my friends and family are tired of hearing me talk about this loss and about the HPTs, bleeding, etc. Reading others thoughts and stories has really helped me in my healing. 
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