I posted back on Valentine's Day that my MIL was keeping our LO over night for the first time and I was so upset, just worried. My MIL told me she slept through night in her pack n play and I thought great! But call it mothers intuition or just a feeling I had of something does feel right...but I told my husband "why does Kinsley always sleep through the night and nap for your mom but no one else?" Not my parents, not us. My MIL also kept her this past Wed and on Wed night and Thurs LO acted so weird. Not loud and talking, smiling. She was just quiet and tired. My parents who keep her during the week brought it up. Why is she acting so weird?
Well fast forward to tonight...my DH and I went out to eat for date night. We ask MIL to watch her while we were out. I texted her at dinner then again on way home...no response. We get home and my MIL is PASSED OUT ASLEEP ON THE COUCH. I'm talking dogs barking, us yelling "hey! We're home", My DH putting his finger in her ear twice and no waking her. Her phone was by her head so she had never heard my texts either obviously. She finally wakes 15 mins after we're home. LO was asleep in our bed (we co-sleep) but we KNOW she had woken, cried and MIL didn't hear her bc the way LO was on the bed, up side down on opposite side! This never happens, never has. Also, MIL told us "she hasn't woken one time" like she ALWAYS tells us when DH and I know she ALWAYS wakes 30-45 mins after you put her down. We have a 2 oz bottle ready for it. Feed her that and she's good...for a little bit. She always wakes, she's not the best sleeper.
So, bottom line my MIL has not woken up to my baby crying. She doesn't hear her. So she lets her CIO. And lies to us that she slept through the night or didn't wake when really no, you didn't wake.
We do not do CIO so yes, I'm very upset. But not even just that. You're not supposed to babysit and sleep?? Im so angry. She's going to want to keep her over night all the time. She always wants to. I'm thinking..no.
Re: One ANGRY mommy