July 2016 Moms


Flame Free Friday Confession, but let's be honest this is rarely flame free! Share away!

April Siggy Challenge Social Distancing



  • Meh.
    Me 28 DH 30
    Married May 16th, 2015
    EDD July 1st

    July16 May siggy challenge "May the Force be with you"

  • I just puked for the first time (STM 22 weeks)... wtf?!? I think I didn't eat enough before taking my prenatal and having a little hot tea for this headache. My eyes are so bloodshot. I look high. Props to all you ladies that have to deal with this on an ongoing basis.
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  • KASGKASG member
    edited March 2016
    My anatomy scan is Monday. I have to keep reminding myself that it's not just about boy or girl, but the overall health of the baby because -- I confess -- if it's a boy, I may be a little disappointed. Not "end-of-the-world, I-won't-love-this-baby" disappointed; just like "I wanted chocolate and they only have vanilla today" disappointed.

    ...But last night's episode of HTGAWM really put things in perspective!!! Whew!
    Me: 28
    DH: 29
    Married: 7/4/15
    TTC #1 since marriage
    BFP 11/17/15 -- EDD 7/31/16

  • KASGKASG member
    @MamaBish I sooooooo feel you on this! DH keeps bothering me about the dishes and I'm like...you could put them in the dishwasher/take them out too you know. Just because I'm not physically going to a second job doesn't mean I'm not working! I'm building a human here!!!
    Me: 28
    DH: 29
    Married: 7/4/15
    TTC #1 since marriage
    BFP 11/17/15 -- EDD 7/31/16

  • I confess even though I thought it was another boy I am still a little heart broken were having another boy.  (we found out Monday) Healthy is totally the most important thing but deep down Im still bummed; always wanted a girl to bond with too. 
  • @KASG last night's ep of HTGAWM was fucking awful for any pregnant woman to watch. I mean, I knew something bad was going to happen, why the hell did I watch it right before bed? I'm shocked I didn't have awful dreams.
    DD1: Born January 2013
    DD2: Due July 12, 2016
    Two rescue dogs 

    BabyFruit Ticker

    July 2016 - July Siggy: Weird Hot Dog Situations
  • KASGKASG member
    @mandyjulie DH said the same thing! I mean, we knew all along SOMETHING terrible was up but DAMN! (and I don't use profanity so...) My eyes watered...which NEVER happens. 
    Me: 28
    DH: 29
    Married: 7/4/15
    TTC #1 since marriage
    BFP 11/17/15 -- EDD 7/31/16

  • @mandyjulie oh no!!!! I haven't watched this week's episode but I had a feeling something bad was going to happen.

    My FFFC: I slept for over 9 hours last night and I'm still tired and contemplating going home early even though yesterday I "worked from home".  

    Pregnancy Ticker

    July16 JULY siggy challenge

  • I can't stop drinking Crystal Light and I may or may not have gone through about a box a day, every day, for the past week.
  • I was supposed to start work at noon but have a killer headache so I called and said I'd be an hour late. It's now after one and I just woke up from an impromptu nap.  Guess  I'm going to be even later
  • @megstervt I didn't know where I was standing regarding the baby moving inside of me. But today I was laying and notice my first belly movement from the outside. I could literally see the kicks and I was totally freaked out!!!
    BabyFruit Ticker
    Married: 07/04/2015
    BFP: 11/14/2015
    EDD: 07/25/2016
  • @elenabrent Mine is currently the same way. And it wasn't like that with my first pregnancy, so I am totally self conscious about it. It looks like I ran into a wall with the front of my belly. So I cannot wait until it is more rounded....
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • TM14TM14 member
    Ran out of testing strips because my pharmacy sucks so today I'm cheating on my diet. What the doctor doesn't know won't hurt right?
  • I have a horrible FFFC, maybe pregnancy brain at its finest.

    i was driving DS to daycare today and i was stopped at a red light a block away. DS keeps saying "mama mama look." I turned around and DS is standing up, leaning over the middle console with a banana in his hand. I forgot to buckle him in! 

  • TM14TM14 member
    Y0urm0m said:
    I have a horrible FFFC, maybe pregnancy brain at its finest.

    i was driving DS to daycare today and i was stopped at a red light a block away. DS keeps saying "mama mama look." I turned around and DS is standing up, leaning over the middle console with a banana in his hand. I forgot to buckle him in! 

    I'm sorry this gave me a good laugh.
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