February 2016 Moms


I was diagnosed with mastitis last Monday, was put on antibiotics for it, and had my follow up today where I told the doctor it was all cleared up. Then about 7 tonight, I start feeling feverish so I take my temp and its 100.8. I refilled my prescription and took some Tylenol and ibuprofen. I'm just so mad that it's back. 

To top it off, my fiancé is out with friends tonight and Harrison is being cranky not wanting to sleep. I'm just so frustrated tonight. I try to not be frustrated and angry around the baby but I'm failing tonight. 

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Re: Mastitis

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    I'm sorry! I hope you get some relief and rest soon. 
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    Ugh I am so sorry. Mastitis is the literal worst.  Feel better!! 
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    I woke up with mastitis yesterday.  I have an appt this morning to see the dr.  And since it started after DS slept for an even longer than normal night, I was afraid of the same thing happening tonight.  So, instead of my wonderful 6-7 hour stretch of sleep (yes, I know that this is awesome), I woke at the 4 hour point, forced DS to nurse (he never woke up, but he nursed well), then I pumped the excess from both breasts.  So, my kid slept, I did not.  I never had this issue with DD.  Your mastitis returning is what I am afraid of becoming a viscous cycle for me.  :(
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    That is the worst. So sorry. 
    *E 10/2012, H 7/2014, F 2/2016*
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    Im so sorry. Your frustration is totally understandable.
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    So sorry!! I had it a few weeks ago and it was the worst! I had the fever/chills and achy body before any breast pain so I just thought I was getting the flu. Woke up the next morning and they hurt so bad I cried the entire time the baby was nursing. So miserable, hope you feel better soon! 
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    How awful :( Hope it clears up quickly this time!



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    I was diagnosed with mastitis last Monday, was put on antibiotics for it, and had my follow up today where I told the doctor it was all cleared up. Then about 7 tonight, I start feeling feverish so I take my temp and its 100.8. I refilled my prescription and took some Tylenol and ibuprofen. I'm just so mad that it's back. 

    To top it off, my fiancé is out with friends tonight and Harrison is being cranky not wanting to sleep. I'm just so frustrated tonight. I try to not be frustrated and angry around the baby but I'm failing tonight. 
    This exact thing happened to me this week. I war on my last day of antibiotics when my fever returned. My ob extended my prescription by 3 days but I don't understand how it could have come back while still on the meds. I am not feeling very confident that this course is going to kick the infection. I'm sorry you are going through the same thing. Caring for an infant is enough work without feeling like you've been hit by a train twice. 

    Married to DH June 2013
    BFP #1 07/23/14 lost heartbeat @ 9w
    BFP #2 11/07/14 mmc @ 9w
    BFP #3 due February 2016!
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    Same thing happened to me--mastitis returned almost a week into my antibiotics. Wtf.
    S & A married 8.12.2013
    Expecting Saulie O 2.12.2016
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    Fu!!! Just hit me today like a brick house. Chills, low grade fever, and body aches! I'm waiting for the doctors office to call me back. For those of you that have had it, how long did it take to feel better after antibiotics were started? Thank the Lord DH called in sick tonight. Or else I'd cry my eyes out!!

    This is the shit that seriously makes me want to stop BF! How women do it for years is beyond me?!
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    It only took 2 hours from the first pill for sweet relief from the chills. Ugh I'm sorry you're sick. Mastitis is the worst. 

    Married to DH June 2013
    BFP #1 07/23/14 lost heartbeat @ 9w
    BFP #2 11/07/14 mmc @ 9w
    BFP #3 due February 2016!
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    I think my issue was more a blocked duct than mastitis because I got it again! I just pump that breast really, really well, take an ibuprofen for the pain, tylenol for the fever, and it's cleared up the next day.

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    @DrillSergeantCat how can you tell the difference? Is it the fever? Last night the hard, swollen, almost piece of a pie, started in one of mine and it was painful all night. I think it's just a clogged duct. FTM here, how long does this last? I'm doing some heat and massage and hoping it eases up as I express throughout the day. 

    Hope you start to feel better soon!! 
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    @seckenrode I would call the dr to be safe. I had the same thing -hard lump on the one side- and did the heat, massage etc but by day two had chills, fever and a patch of red skin that was hot to the touch. Saw the dr today and was told I should see relief in 24 hrs with the antibiotic. 
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