Baby Names

Alexa or Alexis?

We're struggling between these two names for our daughter, due in January. Middle name will be Rae (a family name). 

I like the vowel sound of Alexa, but Alexis is more classic, which I also like. I also think Alexis is incredibly hard for a little girl to say and there are a lot of "ess" sounds, which are tough. I know it will only be for a little while, but still something to think about.  

Nickname will probably be Lexi for either one, but looking for other people's thoughts. Thanks! 

Re: Alexa or Alexis?

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    If you are going to call her Lexi, I'd say name her Lexi or Alexis. 
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    I like Alexa a lot more than Alexis, but I thought Alexa Rae sounded familiar. I was thinking it was the name of Billy Joel's daughter, so I googled, and apparently Alexa Rae is an award winning porn actress. So, always a good thing to know. [And Alexa Ray Joel is Billy Joel's daughter, so console yourself with knowing you guys have similar taste?]

    I don't consider either name to be classic though. If that is the vibe you want, I would do Alexandra.

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    I prefer Alexis
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    I prefer Alexis especially if the nn will be Lexi.  I also like Alexandra.
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    I like Alexa more than Alexis. However, I don't like the name/nn Lexi.

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    I like Alexa a lot more than Alexis, but I thought Alexa Rae sounded familiar. I was thinking it was the name of Billy Joel's daughter, so I googled, and apparently Alexa Rae is an award winning porn actress. So, always a good thing to know. [And Alexa Ray Joel is Billy Joel's daughter, so console yourself with knowing you guys have similar taste?] I don't consider either name to be classic though. If that is the vibe you want, I would do Alexandra.


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    1998 Ovarian Cancer Survivor. 7 Miscarriages: 6w, 13w2d, 4w2d, 7w4d (DD's twin), 5w. Failed Tubal after c/s (!!): 5w2d, 6w4d

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    I like Alexa Rae better.

    I see it get mentioned here a lot that people google the names that they like and are turned off  when they find out a porn star has the same name*.  I honestly wouldn't let that deter you from using a name you love.  Both Alexa and Rae are pretty and legitimate names.   


    *I mean unless the name you want to use is Sextica McPornypants, or something like that. 


    BFP 1- EDD 2/09/11 Missed MC DX @11 weeks D&C- 7/25/10 BFP 2- EDD 12/22/11 Natural MC @ 5w 2d BFP 3- EDD 1/25/12 DD Josephine born 1/16/12

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    Alexis sounds soo pretty!

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    I prefer Alexa out of the two.  Whenever I hear Alexis, I see it in my head as "A Lexus" and picture the car immediately. 

    However, I like Alexandra more than Alexa.  It seems more finished and proper.


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    I like Alexa better than Alexis.

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    I don't like either, they're nms. I can't see Alexa or Alexis growing well.
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    I prefer Alexa out of the two.  Whenever I hear Alexis, I see it in my head as "A Lexus" and picture the car immediately. 

    However, I like Alexandra more than Alexa.  It seems more finished and proper.




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    What about Alexia?

    I also prefer Alexandra! But I am biased because that is what my LO is going to be named!

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    BFP #1 - 1/15/12, EDD 9/21/12, Missed M/C - 2/10/12 - I miss you Sapphire!

    BFP #2 - 7/1/12 - Met my lucky charm Alexandra on 3-16-13!!!

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    *I mean unless the name you want to use is Sextica McPornypants, or something like that. 

    Haha! I feel like this is the new Nevaeh...

    I prefer Alexa Rae

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    I prefer Alexa.  It think it's less common, too.
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    I like Alexa. Especially with the middle name Rae.
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    I like both of these, mostly because Alexandra is a top contender for us. I like Alexa the best out your two choices. 
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    I like Alexa better.  If it is going to be a hyphenate type of name I'd go with Alexa Rae.
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    I really like both names... both are nice! Sorry no help. 
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    Alexis, I think it's prettier and it makes more sense for the nn Lexi
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    I prefer Alexandra (you can still use the NN Lexi), but if I must choose I would go with Alexis because your DD can't have the same name as a porn star.
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