Babies: 3 - 6 Months

3 months tomorrow...please tell me the 6pm meltdowns are almost over!?

I'm just at my wits end with these nightly fits. DD won't let DH do her night time routine so it's just me! So tired of the crying!!!!

Re: 3 months tomorrow...please tell me the 6pm meltdowns are almost over!?

  • It should be soon! Is she getting enough sleep at night and for naps?
  • Naps are still kind of hit or miss. She has her witching hour regardless but is worse if she hasn't had good naps all day..on those day I don't usually fight her. Bath bottle and swaddle as fast as possible!
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  • UGH. I HATED that probably the most about having a young baby. It will pass! Soon!
  • TwizBeans said:
    UGH. I HATED that probably the most about having a young baby. It will pass! Soon!
    I love her to much but I'm sooooo tired of this crying crap!! Ugh I had forgotten this!
  • Is she crying because she's gassy? Mine is almost 5 months and when she was having her 6pm meltdowns during that time our pediatricuan recommended giving her gas medicine ahead of the fussy period so if we knew she was fussy at 6 we would give her a dose at 4pm then 5pm and it made such a difference. He told us key was to stay ahead of the meltdown.
  • She gets gas drops in every bottle.
  • I'm with you momma 14 weeks Monday and we are still crying a TONE! 
    During/after her bottles, before and during nap time, before and during bedtime. I am beyond done with it but I don't see an end in sight. 
  • kdoak2015 said:
    I'm with you momma 14 weeks Monday and we are still crying a TONE! 
    During/after her bottles, before and during nap time, before and during bedtime. I am beyond done with it but I don't see an end in sight. 
    Switched to soy formula today and going to see dr on monday. I'm starting to connect the dots and I'm suspecting reflux. Really hoping just a change in formula will be the cure we need. My momma gut just feels like something isn't as it should be!
  • Let me know how it goes, I'm also contemplating the switch but I BF also so there are soo many things that play a part in babies system. 
  • My son isn't quite 3 months yet, but with my older daughter the nightly fits were pure hell and torture to listen to. NOTHING soothed her and she would just wail for at least an hour or so. Then, all the sudden at 13 weeks it just stopped. 
  • To be honest, my LO Is 5 and 1/2 months now. Her evening fussy period had gotten better slowly after 3.5 months but to date - she is always more moody/fussy/cranky/needy at 5pm. I'm not if she has just had it with the day and is super tired that point. We started to put her to bed earlier like 630 last bottle and 7-730 bedtime and it has helped a lot. Bypassed a lot of crankiness since mostly she was just tired and hungry at that point. 
  • kde4kde4 member
    The witching hour can be brutal! In hindsight, I think it ended somewhere around 4-5 months. We used to try getting out of the house when it got really bad. For some reason they were better behaved out of the house when they got really worked up.

    My favorite activities and tips for surviving different phases with our twins!

  • Glad I'm not alone. I want to punch people in the fact when they say they have such a happy baby. I'm a jerk. lol
  • My baby is almost 7 months and had a few meltdowns last week when we Try to put her to bed in crib. But then she sleeps 8 hours plus. It's very frustrating but I keep telling myself I'll deal with it to sleep through the night !
  • Mine didn't end until 20 weeks.
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