Colorado Babies

First time mom needs more CO mom friends & playdates

Hi. I live in the Englewood/Littleton area and need to find more Colorado mommy friends. I am a stay at home first time mom and my daughter is 18 months old. Any advice on finding good play groups and mommy walking parties? It would be nice to be around other moms going through the same experience.

Re: First time mom needs more CO mom friends & playdates

  • I'm in Aurora/Cherry Creek, but I'm in the same boat. I know the local rec center has a few classes/groups. I'm not sure where to start otherwise. 
  • Hi! I am in the Centennial/ Greenwood Village area! I found a couple moms groups using the Meetup app and also NextDoor. Also, if you search Facebook there are often quite a few groups to join. Some of the Libraries have baby story time, which is a great way to meet other moms.
    I was nervous for the first Meetup I attended, but there are always new moms showing up and everyone is always nice. They are hosting events to meet new moms too!
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