May 2016 Moms


My very least favorite kind of waffles.  Go!

Re: Twatwaffles!

  • I made an appointment for this AM to get a recall issue repaired on my car. I show up for my appointment and they tell me they are backed up 15 days and I can drop off my car now to get it in the queue to fix in 15 days. 

    Why do they even make appointments if they can't get to it for 2 weeks? What do they expect people to do?
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  • I made an appointment for this AM to get a recall issue repaired on my car. I show up for my appointment and they tell me they are backed up 15 days and I can drop off my car now to get it in the queue to fix in 15 days. 

    Why do they even make appointments if they can't get to it for 2 weeks? What do they expect people to do?
    Ok well this is just ridiculous.  15 DAYS??  And they could not have called to relay this information over the phone.  And who on earth says "I'm here for my 8am appointment" and would find it reasonable to hear "OK, we'll call you in about 15 DAYS when it's ready."
  • Pinkeye is the twatwaffle today.  Daycare called today and DS has to come home, and stay home tomorrow.  Wife left work to get him, I'll have to stay home with him tomorrow.  Our awesome pedi is able to see him at 2, so hopefully we can get him on some eyedrops and clear it up so he can go back to daycare on Thursday.  Mama needs her sick days for maternity leave, little man!

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    Pregnancy Ticker

  • One of the kids I watch who has exhibited every naughty behavior he knows this morning before it was even 10 am. Including throwing toys, stomping on other kids, and eating boogers. Then he willingly went down for nap at 11 (instead of 1pm after lunch) something tells me he didn't have a good night and his dad didn't tell/warn me. Thanks dude. 
  • Aquinna82 said:
    Ok well this is just ridiculous.  15 DAYS??  And they could not have called to relay this information over the phone.  And who on earth says "I'm here for my 8am appointment" and would find it reasonable to hear "OK, we'll call you in about 15 DAYS when it's ready."

  • HA, apparently my "friends" are my TWs this week!

    cat fail animated GIF

  • My pregnancy hormones are my twatwaffles for this week.  For some reason been thinking about the crappy way I was treated in high school and half of my nine years of college (have three degrees that's why so long).  Been having my own little pity party courtesy of pregnancy hormones....... this is stuff I have not thought about in years.  Like for instance, no one asked me to senior prom, and even when time was getting short I started asking guys at that point out of desperation and got turned down left and right mainly b/c I was not pretty to look at.   I went alone and was pretty much miserable for the most part watching everyone else have fun.   The whole not pretty to look at part (aka: ugly) was a recurring theme through high school and college.  Even had it told to my face and within earshot.    So that is just some of the things that are seeping their way back into my  brain.  I think it was triggered by something I saw on tv.   And the pregnancy hormones have made it all magnified in my head like a billion times.   Yup, so my pregnancy hormones are the twatwaffles today.

    First Pregnancy
    • BFP: 01/25/2015
    • EDD: 09/28/2015
    • Incomplete MC: 02/28/2015

    Second Pregnancy

    • BFP: 09/11/2015
    • EDD: 05/25/2016
    Baby Born

  • I made an appointment for this AM to get a recall issue repaired on my car. I show up for my appointment and they tell me they are backed up 15 days and I can drop off my car now to get it in the queue to fix in 15 days. 

    Why do they even make appointments if they can't get to it for 2 weeks? What do they expect people to do?
    My dealer gives us complimentary rental cars for long repairs. Can you ask? If it's not safe to drive and they haven't scheduled you properly, it's their fault and they should pay!
  • Work. I went over this earlier in the ten things post but simply put, bc of a stupid policy I had to walk up 2 flights of stairs twice at 8 this morning. Then to replace the item that caused the issue DH and I had to go home during lunch and get the damaged item... Otherwise they won't give him a new one. So I wasted my entire lunch going home. Too bad so sad I'm taking a long lunch bc idc what they think today.

    Also, pollen. My car is literally yellow. I cannot go more than 5 mins outside without sneezing and I'm congested. Should have known this was coming though. This is what happens when Florida winter just spontaneously ends. It's just significantly more irritating when pregnant.
  • @nerdymama15 I'm sorry you're feeling bummed out. Seriously though, F those guys! As my late grandmother (who was also a nut) used to say in fake latin, Illegitimi non Carborundum - "don't let the bastards get you down!" And hey, it's way better to peak when you're older anyway!
  • My pregnancy hormones are my twatwaffles for this week.  For some reason been thinking about the crappy way I was treated in high school and half of my nine years of college (have three degrees that's why so long).  Been having my own little pity party courtesy of pregnancy hormones....... this is stuff I have not thought about in years.  Like for instance, no one asked me to senior prom, and even when time was getting short I started asking guys at that point out of desperation and got turned down left and right mainly b/c I was not pretty to look at.   I went alone and was pretty much miserable for the most part watching everyone else have fun.   The whole not pretty to look at part (aka: ugly) was a recurring theme through high school and college.  Even had it told to my face and within earshot.    So that is just some of the things that are seeping their way back into my  brain.  I think it was triggered by something I saw on tv.   And the pregnancy hormones have made it all magnified in my head like a billion times.   Yup, so my pregnancy hormones are the twatwaffles today.
    Girl, you need to not worry about those losers. You got a man that loves you and a baby that will love you even more on the way! I can only think that the guys that acted that way in HS are fat, balding and married to bitches now that are making their lives living hell. In 4th grade, I was voted ugliest in my class so I know how it feels....

    If you could see those guys now, this is what you would be saying to them
    music video beyonce 711 fresher than you

    cat fail animated GIF

  • MrsKubley said:
    One of the kids I watch who has exhibited every naughty behavior he knows this morning before it was even 10 am. Including throwing toys, stomping on other kids, and eating boogers. Then he willingly went down for nap at 11 (instead of 1pm after lunch) something tells me he didn't have a good night and his dad didn't tell/warn me. Thanks dude. 
    How many do you have?? I have my 17 MO old and watch a 4 year old (only twice a week) and want to cry lol
  • @laurenmdrn16 WTF, teachers? Don't they keep supply kits in their rooms for stupid stuff/non-medical stuff like this?  On a similar note, I'm getting frustrated with some teachers on my floor who have run out of Kleenex/hand sanitizer/lotion and are sending their kids to my room to get it and interrupting my classes. I have this stuff because I bought it for my room. I'm going to just start locking my door.
  • Baskin Robins is a TW today.  It's a perfect ice cream day, and they're out of cookies and cream?!  
  • kbrands7 said:
    @laurenmdrn16 WTF, teachers? Don't they keep supply kits in their rooms for stupid stuff/non-medical stuff like this?  On a similar note, I'm getting frustrated with some teachers on my floor who have run out of Kleenex/hand sanitizer/lotion and are sending their kids to my room to get it and interrupting my classes. I have this stuff because I bought it for my room. I'm going to just start locking my door.
    No @kbrands7 it gets better. I personally stocked fanny packs full of non-medical essentials and ran around like a madwoman the week before school to make sure every single classroom had one. And I check them periodically throughout the school year. When I tell the teachers that they are free to use those items they respond "Oh, but then we will run out and not have any if we are on a field trip or you are not available. If the nurse is in the office, why wouldn't we send students to get supplies like that from the nurse's office supply?" And the fact that I provide full-stocked go-bags whenever I know a class is going on a field trip is a moot point I guess.

    The kicker is that I have to beg borrow and steal to keep well-stocked and have used my own money to buy items like cough drops, lotion, and chapstick. Now, I just have a huge tub of vaseline and swipe a q-tip in it for the chapped lips. I would say that if other teachers are sending kids into your room to steal your supplies, definitely lock the door! Not cool!

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • kp90kp90 member
    My TW is whoever decided to make the child birthing classes I have to attend for the next 6 weeks from 7-9:15pm... hello... we are pregnant... we don't function past 7:05pm!  -_-  oh and its 40 minutes away! Cherry on top!
  • kp90kp90 member
    yogahh said:
    My pregnancy hormones are my twatwaffles for this week.  For some reason been thinking about the crappy way I was treated in high school and half of my nine years of college (have three degrees that's why so long).  Been having my own little pity party courtesy of pregnancy hormones....... this is stuff I have not thought about in years.  Like for instance, no one asked me to senior prom, and even when time was getting short I started asking guys at that point out of desperation and got turned down left and right mainly b/c I was not pretty to look at.   I went alone and was pretty much miserable for the most part watching everyone else have fun.   The whole not pretty to look at part (aka: ugly) was a recurring theme through high school and college.  Even had it told to my face and within earshot.    So that is just some of the things that are seeping their way back into my  brain.  I think it was triggered by something I saw on tv.   And the pregnancy hormones have made it all magnified in my head like a billion times.   Yup, so my pregnancy hormones are the twatwaffles today.
    Girl, you need to not worry about those losers. You got a man that loves you and a baby that will love you even more on the way! I can only think that the guys that acted that way in HS are fat, balding and married to bitches now that are making their lives living hell. In 4th grade, I was voted ugliest in my class so I know how it feels....

    If you could see those guys now, this is what you would be saying to them
    music video beyonce 711 fresher than you

    @Yogahh WHAT?! I'm pretty sure having a votes on 'The Ugliest' should never even exist. Kids are so cruel to one another. Ugh. Breaks my heart. And you are not ugly mama.. even if I didn't know what you looked like back when the shenanigan voting took place! Crazyness.
  • My body is the TW this week. I've had a lot of dizzy spells lately and Dr ran a CBC this morning after my appt. Everything came back normal but I went to Wal-Mart with my husband after the appt and he had to catch me before I fainted and fell. So now I am getting compression stockings and they are ordering an EKG....I just want an answer!
  • kp90 said:
    My TW is whoever decided to make the child birthing classes I have to attend for the next 6 weeks from 7-9:15pm... hello... we are pregnant... we don't function past 7:05pm!  -_-  oh and its 40 minutes away! Cherry on top!
    Mine is 6-830 and I thought that was bad!
  • kp90 said:
    My TW is whoever decided to make the child birthing classes I have to attend for the next 6 weeks from 7-9:15pm... hello... we are pregnant... we don't function past 7:05pm!  -_-  oh and its 40 minutes away! Cherry on top!
    Mine are like that too. I'm always so tired at the end of them. I've been scheduling to work from home those days even so that I can take a nap during lunch time and even that doesn't really help. Thankfully I'm halfway done so I only have 3 of mine to go.
  • kp90 said:
    yogahh said:
    My pregnancy hormones are my twatwaffles for this week.  For some reason been thinking about the crappy way I was treated in high school and half of my nine years of college (have three degrees that's why so long).  Been having my own little pity party courtesy of pregnancy hormones....... this is stuff I have not thought about in years.  Like for instance, no one asked me to senior prom, and even when time was getting short I started asking guys at that point out of desperation and got turned down left and right mainly b/c I was not pretty to look at.   I went alone and was pretty much miserable for the most part watching everyone else have fun.   The whole not pretty to look at part (aka: ugly) was a recurring theme through high school and college.  Even had it told to my face and within earshot.    So that is just some of the things that are seeping their way back into my  brain.  I think it was triggered by something I saw on tv.   And the pregnancy hormones have made it all magnified in my head like a billion times.   Yup, so my pregnancy hormones are the twatwaffles today.
    Girl, you need to not worry about those losers. You got a man that loves you and a baby that will love you even more on the way! I can only think that the guys that acted that way in HS are fat, balding and married to bitches now that are making their lives living hell. In 4th grade, I was voted ugliest in my class so I know how it feels....

    If you could see those guys now, this is what you would be saying to them
    music video beyonce 711 fresher than you

    @Yogahh WHAT?! I'm pretty sure having a votes on 'The Ugliest' should never even exist. Kids are so cruel to one another. Ugh. Breaks my heart. And you are not ugly mama.. even if I didn't know what you looked like back when the shenanigan voting took place! Crazyness.
    Its ok. I am friends with some of the guys on FB now and I can tell you, they ain't no catch. 

    cat fail animated GIF

  • ALL of the people. Here is a small sampling of the over 50 visits I have had to my office today:

    -Kid was sent down because she ate spicy cheese and her mouth feels hot
    -Teacher walked a student down who had a wiggly tooth and interrupted my lunch because it was an "emergency"
    -No less than 7 students with "chapped lips"
    -Another student was sent down because he had one sneaker and one snow boot on. How does that even happen? is that my problem?
    -The art teacher sent down a girl because she was wearing a pretty dress and she didn't want to get paint on it
    -Another student came down for clearly no reason and insisted that he was down for "the thing that kid was here for" pointing at a student who was leaving my office after his diabetic check-in before lunch. Nice try kid.

    The list goes on and on. Just 6 more weeks until maternity leave...just 6 more weeks...
    No. Way.  I have no idea how you put up with that! 
  • Baskin Robins is a TW today.  It's a perfect ice cream day, and they're out of cookies and cream?!  

    This reminds me that I have Klondike bars in the freezer.  **off to stuff her face**
  • Baskin Robins is a TW today.  It's a perfect ice cream day, and they're out of cookies and cream?!  

    This reminds me that I have Klondike bars in the freezer.  **off to stuff her face**
    Now I really want a Klondike bar... However there is a Carvel ice cream place in walking distance from my office that I've been meaning to stop at. That might work too.
  • edited March 2016
    My TW this week is my SIL, who is in town and staying at our house for a few days. Yesterday while trying to sleep off the sugar crash from the glucose test, she came in and shook me awake mid-nap to let me know that she was borrowing my remote for the gate at FIL's house...which I already knew she was doing, because we had discussed it the night before. And then she wanted to talk about her ideas for the nursery. I was like, really? You want to do this right now? 

    And then later in the evening, I was in the living room discussing the test and stuff to her, and mentioned that I hoped I passed this one because I am really dreading having to do the three hour test. Her response? "Oh, don't worry about GD. You'll be lucky if you have it, because then they'll induce you a week early! So it's a good thing!"

    Like, wtf? No, I don't want to be induced early. I want LO to cook for as long as she needs to. If I have GD and it's necessary, then fine, but I don't see GD as something that I'd be "lucky" to have. 

    And this is a woman who works in a pediatric ER. 

    ETA, because I apparently keep forgetting things today: she also literally said that she's the only one suffering from MIL passing away in December. Because DH and I are pregnant and my BIL and his wife have kids. Like, no. It sometimes helps to distract, yes, but kids/pregnancy come with a whole other category of stresses on their own, and they definitely don't make things any easier.  DH has been really struggling with his grief and I know it hasn't been any easier for BIL. She's not the only one. 

    I've basically just been biting my tongue all throughout the last few days. Thankfully, she goes back home tomorrow. Normally I get along really well with her, but this time around she is just pushing all the wrong buttons with me. 
    Pregnancy Ticker

  • MrsKubley said:
    One of the kids I watch who has exhibited every naughty behavior he knows this morning before it was even 10 am. Including throwing toys, stomping on other kids, and eating boogers. Then he willingly went down for nap at 11 (instead of 1pm after lunch) something tells me he didn't have a good night and his dad didn't tell/warn me. Thanks dude. 
    Update, kid slept from 11-3:30. Either he didn't sleep at all last night and the dad decided not to warn me, or he's getting sick. Lovely. 
  • kami09 said:
    MrsKubley said:
    One of the kids I watch who has exhibited every naughty behavior he knows this morning before it was even 10 am. Including throwing toys, stomping on other kids, and eating boogers. Then he willingly went down for nap at 11 (instead of 1pm after lunch) something tells me he didn't have a good night and his dad didn't tell/warn me. Thanks dude. 
    How many do you have?? I have my 17 MO old and watch a 4 year old (only twice a week) and want to cry lol
    I have my 19 month old and a 21 month old and a 9 month old. With twins on the way. I watch them 5 days a week from 7:15-5. 
    I love kids but + pretty much double hormones? It's been a long winter....
  • I made an appointment for this AM to get a recall issue repaired on my car. I show up for my appointment and they tell me they are backed up 15 days and I can drop off my car now to get it in the queue to fix in 15 days. 

    Why do they even make appointments if they can't get to it for 2 weeks? What do they expect people to do?
    Update: I did in fact drop my car off, but only for ONE of the recall issues (there are 2 that need addressing; and the other apparently it is a widespread and time consuming issue if they are backed up 2 weeks in fixing it) which they said they could address by the end of the day today. 

    They just called and said "Hey sorry, we won't be able to get to it until tomorrow or possibly Thursday." WTF people? You keep my car for 7 hours and THEN tell me you won't be able to get to it? Get your crap together. And with that, I'm off to pick up my car and deal with this sh!t later.
  • arj14arj14 member
    I don't have a personal twatwaffle this week... so my twatwaffle today is the person in my area who impersonated a Humane Society employee and stole their donation jar from a business.  What a dickbag.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • dshannah said:
    My dealer gives us complimentary rental cars for long repairs. Can you ask? If it's not safe to drive and they haven't scheduled you properly, it's their fault and they should pay!
    They said they could only authorize a complimentary rental for one day, which didn't really help me much so I didn't bother. Apparently they don't see my 5-year-old hatchback as the crown jewel I do :open_mouth: 
  • ALL of the people. Here is a small sampling of the over 50 visits I have had to my office today:

    -Kid was sent down because she ate spicy cheese and her mouth feels hot
    -Teacher walked a student down who had a wiggly tooth and interrupted my lunch because it was an "emergency"
    -No less than 7 students with "chapped lips"
    -Another student was sent down because he had one sneaker and one snow boot on. How does that even happen? is that my problem?
    -The art teacher sent down a girl because she was wearing a pretty dress and she didn't want to get paint on it
    -Another student came down for clearly no reason and insisted that he was down for "the thing that kid was here for" pointing at a student who was leaving my office after his diabetic check-in before lunch. Nice try kid.

    The list goes on and on. Just 6 more weeks until maternity leave...just 6 more weeks...
    OMG how do you have the patience for that!? You're my hero for making it through the day!
  • MrsKubley said:
    kami09 said:
    MrsKubley said:
    One of the kids I watch who has exhibited every naughty behavior he knows this morning before it was even 10 am. Including throwing toys, stomping on other kids, and eating boogers. Then he willingly went down for nap at 11 (instead of 1pm after lunch) something tells me he didn't have a good night and his dad didn't tell/warn me. Thanks dude. 
    How many do you have?? I have my 17 MO old and watch a 4 year old (only twice a week) and want to cry lol
    I have my 19 month old and a 21 month old and a 9 month old. With twins on the way. I watch them 5 days a week from 7:15-5. 
    I love kids but + pretty much double hormones? It's been a long winter....
    Omg. I'd want to jump off a bridge!!! 
  • My TW is the rhogam shot. My hip is killing me  :'(
  • @yogahh I feel so bad for you. Want to come to S. Louis and share one of my showers? And screw those 4th grade a$$hats!!!
  • arj14arj14 member
    Nevermind, the cat is being a twatwaffle.  We feed him 3/8 of a cup of food, 3 times a day.  Somehow he makes it between his 7:30 AM and 4:00 pm feedings just fine, but the time between 4 PM and 8 PM?  Can't do it.  Can't make it.  45 minutes after his afternoon feeding he is meowing incessantly, jumping up where he doesn't belong, knocking things over, and if we're watching TV he will jump up on the stand and sit directly in front of the screen, or better yet turn around and start pawing at the screen.  This behavior never, ever gets him his food before 8 PM. 

    (Occasionally he will take a break from his asshole behavior to just sit and stare at you.  You can't look at him when he does this because then he just starts right back up with everything again.)

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I have had a majorly terrible day involving a douche attacking me and complaining about the "unprofessional way I treat him". I notice that twatwaffleTuesday is pretty popular today, so instead of dwelling on what an a hole my TW is, I will finish with some random thoughts.  I hope everyone who has had a tough day today has a better day tomorrow, and also hope there is a special place in hell for people who f with a 6-7 month pregnant woman. 
    Baby # 1: BFP 10/26/12: Baby girl born 7/1/13
    Baby #2: BFP 9/2/15: EDD 5/15/16
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