How does everyone feel about the name Winifred nn Winnie?
Siblings are Madeline (Maddie) and Houston (No nn)
Its been growing on me more and more. I planned on using it as a MN but I think it's getting promoted in my mind to First Name Material.
Re: Winifred
TTC since September 2012
Also, I immediately think of
I just kept thinking of the little girl from the Box Trolls movie.
Baby #2 Due 3/7/20
You could also use Guinevere (also Gwenevere) and call her Winnie, but she also might end up with the nickname "Gwen."
I dislike Winona, but I'm from MN, so that name makes me think of the college town.
Married: 04/05/15
TTC since: 02/16/16
Ill "try out" some of the other names suggested and see how they roll off the tongue.
I appreciate you all taking the time out to respond!