July 2016 Moms

What's Cookin'?

Haven't seen a thread recently about everyone's meal plans. I'm trying to make a conscious effort to cook at home since I'm stuck here for the long haul. The easier and fewer ingredients, the better! Mon/wed are tricky bc DD has volleyball from 6-8, so she and DH are gone from 530-830. So far I haven't been good about getting food ready by 5. 

last night: good ole spaghetti and meatballs 
tonight: shepard's or cottage pie. One of my faves from childhood. Also good if you sub sweet potatoes. 
Wednesday: slow cooker beef stew and garlic bread
Thursday: DH lemon panko breaded chicken with asparagus
Friday: out with my parents 

Re: What's Cookin'?

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  • Tonight: BBQ chicken salads and French bread
    Tomorrow: beef stroganoff 
    Wednesday: baseball practice night so we pick something up
    Thursday: french onion chicken and rice casserole and salad 
    Friday: fend for yourself night haha aka leftovers
    Saturday: usually eat out
    Sunday: brisket, roasted red potatoes and grilled veggies 
  • I love everyone's meal plans! It must be lunch time. Thank you all for inspiring me to cook more and eat out less
    Pregnancy Ticker

    July16 JULY siggy challenge

  • Gosh, I usually take one day at a time now. However I can give you up till Friday.
    Tuesday:Trader joes Mac and cheese
    Wednesday: burritos from dos amigos 
    thursday: marinated chicken wraps 
    Friday: Deep dish tomatoe and spinach pizza.

    Me: 30, DH: 31

    Married: May 16th 2015

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers

    IAmPregnant Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I made vegetable soup in the crock pot over the weekend and will be eating that throughout the week! I don't eat meat, DH does, and DD eats a bit of what we both eat. I would like to find more crock pot meals that we would all eat so I can make over the weekend and portion out or freeze for later. 
  • Gosh, I usually take one day at a time now. However I can give you up till Friday.
    Tuesday:Trader joes Mac and cheese
    Wednesday: burritos from dos amigos 
    thursday: marinated chicken wraps 
    Friday: Deep dish tomatoe and spinach pizza.
    Ha, my plan is for a perfect world. I guarantee someone is going to bitch about what's for dinner, and I will tell them to screw off and fend for themselves. 
  • I'm such a cooking failure. I was really planning on cooking more this pregnancy. 

    DH and I did make fresh spinach fettuccine from scratch the other day with hot Italian sausage, so I'm just eating leftovers. And then last night I made dinosaur chicken nuggets and tater tots...
  • Gosh, I usually take one day at a time now. However I can give you up till Friday.
    Tuesday:Trader joes Mac and cheese
    Wednesday: burritos from dos amigos 
    thursday: marinated chicken wraps 
    Friday: Deep dish tomatoe and spinach pizza.
    Ha, my plan is for a perfect world. I guarantee someone is going to bitch about what's for dinner, and I will tell them to screw off and fend for themselves. 
    Take out has become my new love interest. 

    Me: 30, DH: 31

    Married: May 16th 2015

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers

    IAmPregnant Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • @Y0urm0m is there any way we could get links? Those recipes look amazing! Nothing like a little inspiration :smiley: 
  • Gosh, I usually take one day at a time now. However I can give you up till Friday.
    Tuesday:Trader joes Mac and cheese
    Wednesday: burritos from dos amigos 
    thursday: marinated chicken wraps 
    Friday: Deep dish tomatoe and spinach pizza.
    Ha, my plan is for a perfect world. I guarantee someone is going to bitch about what's for dinner, and I will tell them to screw off and fend for themselves. 
    Take out has become my new love interest. 
    I wish I can order take out everyday. Why must it be so expensive and high in calories?! Ugh
  • @Y0urm0m all of those meals look mouth-watering, and I don't even eat that much meat!
  • @Y0urm0m is there any way we could get links? Those recipes look amazing! Nothing like a little inspiration :smiley: 
    which would you like the recipe for? I adjust the recipes to fit my DH's and I dietary needs and restrictions
  • @Y0urm0m the cauliflower fried rice looked real good. I'm looking for ways to sneak veggies in!
  • Last night I had a grilled chicken sandwich with veggies and tator tots. Tonight I'll have BBQ meatballs, grean beans, mashed potatoes, and Mac&cheese... My meal preps haven't been as healthy as they should be lol. I mainly eat my fruits/veggies in the morning for breakfast or for lunch. 
  • Monday: Taco Salad
    Tues: Chicken cacciatore in the crockpot w/penne pasta
    Wed: Chicken w/cream of mushroom soup w/veggies and quinoa in the crockpot
    Thurs: mmm dinner out at Chada Thai
    Fri: BBQ Chicken on the grill w/ veggies

    * chicken breasts were on sale this week so I bought a huge pack!! 

  • I'm sure I can find it on pinterest :)
  • Last night I made lasagna roll ups with low fat cottage cheese, spinach and reduced fat mozz instead of ricotta.  It was a pinterest recipe and it was a huge hit.  Check it out!

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

    Married: October 23, 2010

    DS: 8/7/2013

    #2 EDD: 6/29/2016, C Section: 6/22/2016

  • @Y0urm0m How was the cauliflower fried rice? I'd love to try that. I've been on a fried rice kick and snacking on roasted cauliflower but never thought to combine them. Genius. 
  • You guys are so good. I fail epically at meal planning, despite my best intentions. Before pregnancy and the 3 months of terrible MS/no appetite, I was doing really well with freezer prepping. My MIL and I do like 2 months of meals and snacks at a time, and it's awesome. Really looking forward to getting back to that now that food is no longer my enemy. Poor DH has been very meat deprived.
    Married 6/1/13
    BFP #1 7/2013 MMC 9/17/13
    BFP #2 5/2014 MC 6/15/14
    BFP #3 11/13/14 (Found in ER with ruptured cyst) Diagnosed MC 11/15/14
    BFP #4  4/2015 MC 7/1/15
    BFP #5 10/21/15  EDD 7/3/16 Praying for our rainbow! 
  • We've been using Blue Apron -- saves some time because we don't have to meal plan and grocery shop as much.  However, it's still about 30+ minutes to actually prepare and cook the meals.  about 2/3 of the meals we've had so far have been very good.  Last night's Blue Apron meal was really delicious - pan seared chicken breast with demi glace, mashed potatoes, and maple-glazed carrots. It was really good, but after DH scarfed down his plate in about 30 seconds he said "that was an awesome appetizer...but what's for dinner?" Normally the portion sizes are more than enough for 2 people so this was definitely an oddity. We then made popcorn for "dinner" and had ice cream sandwiches (skinny cow) for dessert.  YUM!
  • I made pancakes and eggs Tuesday. Frozen pizza last night. Tonight is pork chops and sides, haven't decided what and knock off Cheesecake Factory brown bread(hopefully it's good!) and tomorrow is date night. 
  • @rnyland1 My husband and I used to do Blue Apron too! But we felt like it got repetitive and stopped. Do you feel like they have a great variety these days? 
    Pregnancy Ticker

    July16 JULY siggy challenge

  • We're having HelloFresh (like Blue Apron) for dinner this week. Last night was chicken paprikash with creamy polenta & dill, tonight is spiced salmon with a blood-orange arugula salad, and tomorrow will be caramelized onion burgers with crispy cauliflower... definitely creative and tasty food!
  • @Kellyj103 I don't feel like it gets too repetitive, but I do feel like some of recipes are too complicated for weeknights. We need meals that can be quickly prepped, cooked, and served in a short amount of time. We will probably get a box about once a month or so just to mix things up a bit from now on.
  • @rnyland1 I agree! Some of those "30-45 minute" meals took me an eternity. I'm not much of a cook but maybe we will go back to doing it once a month so it doesn't get too old!

    Pregnancy Ticker

    July16 JULY siggy challenge

  • tonight- bratwurst, salad with blue cheese crumbles, pecans and craisins and garlic french fries

    tomorrow night- chicken piccata, salad and noodles

    Wednesday- chicken stir fry over fresh spinach 

    Thursday- spaghetti with ground turkey over wheat pasta, salad and garlic bread

    That's all I got so far.  Probably salmon on the weekend.
  • Tonight I made baked turkey meatballs, tomato sauce with zucchini, shitake mushrooms, garlic, onions, and red bell peppers, with spaghetti. I'm so full and happy. Craving satisfied. 
  • This weeks menu: 
    -Bean Soup with Cornbread 
    -Make your own Panini night with raw veggies 
    -Parmesean Chicken Soup with garlic bread 
    -Pulled Pork, Homemade Slaw, and Baked Beans 
    -Chili Sauce Chicken, Stick of Butter Rice, and Roasted Green Beans with Grape Tomatoes 
    -Leftovers x 2 

  • @LDSJM123 mmmm now I want cornbread!
  • Cornbread does sound good. I may have to add that to the list of things for DH to bring home. Although he isn't very good at grocery shopping. I asked him last week to pick up Texas toast in the frozen food section and he brought home a plain loaf of bread. 
    I need to plan for the rest of the week. So far I got:
    Italian sausage and spaghetti sauce in the slow cooker to be served over spaghetti with garlic bread.. Or cornbread. 
  • Cabbage rolls for tonight, been craving them soo badly for some reason!
    Pasta salad with chicken tomorrow... and that's as far as I've gotten lol
  • @LDSJM123 I'm coming to your house. All of those meals sound amazing! 
  • Tonight we had 5 ingredient honey garlic shrimp and broccoli (DH really liked it and it's only 230 calories a serving)

    tomorrow is chicken and pesto zoodles

    Wed is blackened mahi mahi over cauliflower rice

    than Thursday we are having ground beef and tomatoes stuffed spaghetti squash 

  • Cabbage rolls for tonight, been craving them soo badly for some reason!
    Pasta salad with chicken tomorrow... and that's as far as I've gotten lol
    I craved Romanian cabbage rolls so hard last night. I made DH run out at 9pm last night to get me sarmale. It was so worth it.
  • Tonight we're having fresh whole wheat pasta with sautéed spinach & garlic, topped with fried eggs and parmesan cheese. YEAH.
  • chicken in the crockpot with some ponzu sauce...chicken stir fry get in my stomach
  • I just made egg salad. It was amazing. 
  • Y'all are making me so hungry for some good American food. Our family is currently living in Saipan and it is difficult to find ingredients for some of our favorite meals. We were able to make chicken and dumplings last night :) We usually stop by the market in the afternoons to pick up the night's dinner, but I do hope this week we can make:

    -grilled chicken, green beans, and red potatoes seasoned with Italian seasonings

    We usually  eat out one night a week.  Completely depends on what Momma can eat because I'm still having some pretty strong food and smell aversions.
    Pregnancy Ticker
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