Show us your nursery! Whether it's adorable, fun, neutral, colorful, simple, Pinterest-worthy, or in between - show it off! List sources if known for those that are still shopping/decorating
Well, I'm sure this is cheating, but here's my first baby's nursery.
Crib is the Kendall crib from Pottery Barn Kids; rug, light, curtains, and table are from Ikea; chair is from T.J. Maxx, sun-soaked greyhound is from a local greyhound rescue
We've added some shelving now that she's older and has more books and toys (we put a Kallax cube shelf in that little window nook—my house was built in 1890 and apparently they weren't worried about kids falling out of windows then. The shelf blocks the window and we open it at the top) but this room pretty much looks the same. She'll stay in here and baby #2 will have a new room.
This is what we are starting with. Currently playing around with the idea of keeping the bed in there for guests. The paint will stay the same as will the subtle coastal/beachy/spa feel the room has. Curtains, rug, custom husband built book shelf, and painted antique dresser with a pad on top are all on the "to do" list. My FIL built the crib.
We won't be actually setting up our nursery until about two months after the baby comes because the military has wonderful timing and we are moving within a month of the baby being born.
Our nursery set was gifted by a friend, I don't know where he got it.
The two large wood prints are from Ross
The framed comics are from a local comic book shop
I got the crib from Target and the bedding from Babies R Us. This weekend we ordered monster inc wall stickers, some pictures/sayings from the movie and light switch covers from Etsy so that's what we're going to going to do next. DH also has to add another shelf in the closet and I want to try and find lime green curtains and a rug. And hopefully we get his dresser and glider ordered soon. I have it all pictured out in my head now I just want to see it all put together!
I am insanely jealous of all these cute nurseries! We have next to nothing for little one yet, including a crib. I want to set everything up and start nesting, but we'll likely be moving a month before baby gets here so I'm trying to hold off. Boo!
@elldel We can be bad-timing-for-a-move buddies! Have you guys found a bassinet/travel crib/co-sleeper that you will be using until the nursery has been set up?
@elldel and @Nerdchild - I am in the same situation too. We are currently in a tiny apartment and house hunting. We haven't found "the one" yet but am hoping the market will pick up soon.
We are currently looking for a new house but more than likely it's not going to happen for a while. If that's the case we will be reusing #3's nook in our room for #4 and moving #3 in with our other boys. So not much is going to change besides the initials.
We haven't started yet :-/. Currently this new baby's nursery is my sewing room. We're in the process of buying our house, then we'll finish our bonus room. The bonus room will become my sewing room plus a play room for the kids. Then little man can have his nursery. I'm not worried, since I know he'll be downstairs in our room for the first few months. Excited to get all this going though.
We are moving DS into the guest room so the nursery will remain unchanged from what he had. Obviously we took all the stuff out of the crib but the set was gifted to us so we used it for pictures.
@elldel We can be bad-timing-for-a-move buddies! Have you guys found a bassinet/travel crib/co-sleeper that you will be using until the nursery has been set up?
High five, bad-timing-buddy! Yeah, there's a travel crib we've been eyeing for a while. It's on our registry but I think I'm just gonna go ahead and buy it for the peace of mind!
We're not very good with interior design at our house, and pinterest-worthy was never really our style, BUT hand-made with love we are all about! No crib mattress or bedding yet, but this is what we've got so far.
We're waiting until spring break at the end of March to start working on the nursery, but we'll start shopping for things next week after we know whether our baby is a he or a she! The nursery will be in our current office, so we have to move all that stuff out before then. Can't wait! This is the room set up as the office painted tan - we may keep it or paint it all white/very light gray with a white shiplap wall! The room is a little bigger than the picture shows, as our dog crate is in the other corner.
Love this thread! We move at the end of March so I will be putting mine together then.. probably right away since I just can't help myself Your nurseries are all so cute though!
This is only semi-cheating because while it is DS's nursery (before he arrived), I'm converting it to a "girlier" mermaid theme for DD while keeping the walls the same. Any ideas?
Feeling oddly comforted that there are other badly timed movers out there! Have to move for DH's job literally asap after birth (eep). Eyeing the lotus travel everywhere crib but mostly overwhelmed at planning this insanity! Can't seem to reply properly so @elldel@Nerdchild
We have a lot of work to do in the baby's room starting with removing some lovely butterfly/flower wallpaper from ceiling to floor! Oh joy! After that is finished we will paint the room A light grey color as we are team green for baby. We also plan to add an ABC's theme something similar to this.....
We're currently doing a lot of sanding and prepping to paint, and recently picked a paint color. We're team green, so while I want the room to work for either sex, I'd love to keep everything bright and cheerful. Here's my inspiration photo.
An idea for an ottoman for your nursery in case your rocker/glider does no come with one or you're looking for a non-matchy one...I'm thinking of getting this white one since we're going with a peach/coral/white/gold/light gray color scheme. I'll probably buy a beige/cream glider but I haven't settled one yet.
I love pouf ottomans and actually prefer them to traditional ones. Love the ones at restoration hardware but they're pricey. This is great option! We're going with a peach/white/grey/silver color scheme I think.
@silvers626 I adore that crib! Where did you get it?
Also, we're currently in a 3 bdrm and (fingers crossed) set to close on a 5 bdrm on March 15. My "nursery" is a pile of stuff I've hoarded next to my bed.
My brother in law, sister and nephew were supposed to come visit this weekend to help paint the nursery (bil is an interior painter and offered to paint it) but ds came down with RSV and bronchiolitis so he's super contagious to my little nephew. I was really excited to start on the nursery but oh well! They are going to try to come next month instead! Went to hoppy lobby on Thursday and got some great decorations for really cheap and did a little crafting this weekend instead. Hopefully soon I'll have some pics to add!
Another pouf lover here! We purchased a black knit one for our ottoman. I so badly wanted metallic but it looked too feminine for me. Shoutout to Home Goods they have leather metallic and white ones in right now.
@aimz2377 I have been looking for a curtain like the pink and grey blanket or onesies that you have in your pile. I found something similar to it but I need four panels and it's like $60 per curtain. I'm not sure if I'm willing to pay that much for curtains.
Married: August 2012
TTC #1: July 2015
BFP 1: October 30, 2015; EDD: July 6, 2016- Team Pink
@taymiller we've been using some "Alaska" theme pictures from Pinterest as our inspiration. We not going full on Alaska though, sticking with the more generic "rustic". Lots of browns, blues and wood details.
@BeachTigress those are the colors we'll be using for the nursery. I found a crib sheet that matches at babies r us (which is where I got that sleeper). I haven't looked at curtains, though. That's super expensive for one panel. I assume floor length? Where did you find them? Online?
@silvers626 I adore that crib! Where did you get it?
Also, we're currently in a 3 bdrm and (fingers crossed) set to close on a 5 bdrm on March 15. My "nursery" is a pile of stuff I've hoarded next to my bed.
We got it at Toys r Us. The brand is Shermag. I'm in Canada though and that is a Canadian manufacturer but I'm pretty sure they sell in the USA.
lots of work left to do on the nursery but the crib is done! I made the crib skirt myself and I feel like that work is wasted now that I see how covered it is. But I loved the fabric too much to pass it up. Considering adding a mini pillow in the same print for decoration. Don't want to go full crib set on it though.
The chair on the right is almost complete too! Needs a couple more layers of paint and sanding.
This is as far as we are right now. The bed will eventually go on the floor (baby will be in a cosleeper for the first few months). It's coming along, I need to frame and hang a lot more art!
@PleaseSendPicklesNow I bought them off Amazon and they are vinyl wall decals. Super easy to work with!! They have all types and just a nice easy way to finish the space.
Finally found where I had these pictures saved. Baby #2 will be taking DD's nursery, so that's why it's already done. Hoping to have DD's big girl room finished by April so she gets used to the change before baby. We are/were team green and the nursery is Winnie the Pooh themed.
Re: The Nursery Thread!
Crib is the Kendall crib from Pottery Barn Kids; rug, light, curtains, and table are from Ikea; chair is from T.J. Maxx, sun-soaked greyhound is from a local greyhound rescue
We've added some shelving now that she's older and has more books and toys (we put a Kallax cube shelf in that little window nook—my house was built in 1890 and apparently they weren't worried about kids falling out of windows then. The shelf blocks the window and we open it at the top) but this room pretty much looks the same. She'll stay in here and baby #2 will have a new room.
He wanted us to know (and see) how sturdy it was! Hahahaha
Our nursery set was gifted by a friend, I don't know where he got it.
The two large wood prints are from Ross
The framed comics are from a local comic book shop
Edit: hit post before finished typing.
, 💙💙💙💙💙💙
We are moving DS into the guest room so the nursery will remain unchanged from what he had. Obviously we took all the stuff out of the crib but the set was gifted to us so we used it for pictures.
Can't seem to reply properly so @elldel @Nerdchild
Target also has great poufs for about $40!
Also, we're currently in a 3 bdrm and (fingers crossed) set to close on a 5 bdrm on March 15. My "nursery" is a pile of stuff I've hoarded next to my bed.
Married: October 2014
TTC #1 since September 2015
The chair on the right is almost complete too! Needs a couple more layers of paint and sanding.
@PleaseSendPicklesNow I bought them off Amazon and they are vinyl wall decals. Super easy to work with!! They have all types and just a nice easy way to finish the space.