How long were you sore? How long did you take off work??
I am Still really sore 8 days out.. I actually wanted to get out of the house Friday ( week post op) and went to dinner.. It took everything out of me. I also went to the store and tried on more comfortable pants since i had nothing baggy.. It seems like i am so much more sore since then and now worried i over did it too soon.. I am supposed to go back to work tues.. ( this would be 11 days post) When did u return to work?? I don't want to baby myself but i also want to heal from this asap so we can try again..
Re: If you had a Laparascopy/tube removal
I remember walking to the mailbox about 1/3 of a mile away on day 3 post surgery and feeling like I might die. Recovery is rough. Hang in there. It just takes time.