July 2016 Moms

Momma Says NO!!

I agree with "everything in moderation" but what are a few things you know you are going to be completely adamant about when your little one comes. (I know things can change when baby is actually here)

1. DH and I hate to see children soothed with electronics (I understand they can be educational it's just preference) So when our little one turns 8 months old she will definitely not be the proud new owner of an Ipad.


Re: Momma Says NO!!

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    Unlike his cousin, Lincoln will NOT be having over night/weekend stays alone with SIL or DH's grandparents (or anyone for that fact) before he is a toddler. (Yes I realize there might come a time when it is necessary that I can't avoid. That is a different story. MY DD is 4 and never stayed anywhere without me or DH, so not unrealistic.) Yup, there will be hurt feelings. Our nephew started having overnight/weekend stays with family at like 2 months. That's what was right for her/them and I support that, but just not something I can be comfortable with, for us. 
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    No tv was was my only big no for DD! 
    @alyssavalentino - we were against tv before two-years. We did really great for the first 18 months with only watching tv if we were sick. However, I am sure the 2nd child will be more exposed to it since DD likes to watch a show after she wakes up in the morning and after nap! 

    @jennyleigh16 - I agree! A friend highly recommended the book, "Hands free Mama: A Guide to Putting Down the Phone..." I am on hold for it at the library. 
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    @kdm06c Fair point, and of course this is coming from a FTM. I guess it's more that many of these programs are designed for parent interaction, and in ignoring them, the kid is missing out on part of the experience. I think it's a little different than a park or an open gym where they can just go and play. 
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    As a teacher I plan on following the no technology under age 2 philosophy. I feel strongly about that. 
    But in general I agree with the "never say never" especially as I've never done this before and have a limited idea of what to expect. 
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    For me, being that this is kiddo #2, my rules are: No sick people, no pop, no caffeine, ( he loves caffeine free tea though) no candy. I also haven't gone overnight without DS and he is 18 months now, just haven't felt comfortable with it.
    I do give him the occasional cookie/ bite of cake once in a while though :wink: 
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    I'm anti cell phone baby sitter. My best friend's son knows how to FaceTime and he's 3. Since he was 1.5 he's just been handed her iPhone. I really don't want that. I know my DH and I have very overbearing mothers and we're going to try really hard not to parent that way. I missed a lot my teenage years because my mother allowed me to do nothing. 

    Me: 30, DH: 31

    Married: May 16th 2015

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    Here's the thing. You have to do you. Do what you are comfortable with as well as DH/SO. This is what we do with DD and she's a pretty awesome kid (yes, that's my opinion;) ) Reach agreements on things as often as you can. Keep them happy, keep them safe. Other than that, who really cares what you choose for your kids. They are YOUR kids. 

    I am in total agreement with @Y0urm0m on this. You just have to be supportive of other moms and respect people's decisions to raise their kids the best way they see fit. But please step in if the kiddo is in harms way. 
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    For the people who say they limited screen time did you not have the tv on any channel or just kids shows constantly on?

    @Taymiller I definitely think all bets are off on airplanes lol!  
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    Plus, that allows you to watch Frozen too, @Taymiller . Win, win. ;)  

    My only fast rules with DS have been no soda and that I don't allow him to play with my phone. I don't follow the no technology rule, but I get frustrated when kids think they can grab mine or anyone else's cell phone and do what they want with it. My friend's two year old (whom I love) is the reason I have a passcode on my phone, and I don't want my kid thinking an expensive piece of technology is an appropriate toy. 

    Each family is so different, and each mother and child has their own strengths and weaknesses.  Differences in parenting make an interesting world. :)
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    @alyssavalentino - We didn't have the tv on during DD's awake hours the majority of the time. However, there are many exceptions to this for us. Example, we watch our favorite sport games, if we were at someone's house DD watched shows with them if it was on and we definitely watched hours of shows while flying! I am a SAHM so I watch 1-2 shows while DD naps and as soon as she is in bed at night DH and I sit down to watch 1-2 shows together! 
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    edited February 2016
    We don't let DD watch TV yet, but also break the rules for our college football games, the Super Bowl, Elf when we decorated the tree (a tradition), etc. 99% of the time the TV is off if she is awake/around though. She pays attention though and learned how to swipe to unlock my phone even though I never let her use it. If I left it somewhere, she was in, so I had to add a passcode when she started messing up my calendar.

    Also: We didn't do movies on the plane because I think DD was too young to have it keep her attention, but at 10 months, she very quickly figured out that this was a situation that somehow gave her all the control. We did and allowed things we would never do to try to keep the peace for passengers around us.
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    @Natinat6 Very smart approach. That's mostly what we've done too. We watch a lot less TV and eat a lot healthier now that we are parents.
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    We're pretty open minded and go with the flow people who are going into parenthood with open minds... My only goal is to raise this girl or boy to be a good person, and to love them unconditionally...  BUT One thing I know I won't do is put my kid on one of those leash back pack things! 
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