September 2015 Moms

New Reality Series About Pregnancy/Parenthood

jen83mnjen83mn member
edited February 2016 in September 2015 Moms
Just thought some of you may be interested in TLC's new reality show called "Rattled." It follows four couples and their journeys from pregnancy through birth through parenthood. The first show just aired this past week and was pretty entertaining. Plus, the mom who was all over Facebook who struggled with infertility for 8 years and then became pregnant with quadruplets (two sets of identical twins) is on the show too. 

I think it's on TLC on Tuesdays at 9 p.m. CT. 

Happy watching!

Re: New Reality Series About Pregnancy/Parenthood

  • I just saw a preview for this tonight. I was wondering how it was! God knows if anyone followed me around when LO was first brought home, it would have been very entertaining I'm sure!! 
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