TTC #1: February 1, 2014
BFP #1: 2/21/14 EDD: 10/31/14 MMC: discovered 3/31/14 (blighted ovum) D&C: 4/3/14 at 9w6d
BFP #2:12/18/14 EDD: 8/27/14 Beta #1 (16 DPO): 50 Beta #2 (18 DPO): 54 CP: 12/25/14 at 5w0d
Formally LisaG09
"Everybody wants to be happy. Nobody wants to feel pain but you can't have a rainbow without the rain."
Re: Boy Names
TTC since September 2012
Our Angel: EDD: 05/11/17. MC at 6 weeks
Baby #2- EDD: 07/18/17
Baby #2 Due 3/7/20
Married since 3/10/12
DD Born 12/15/14
DS Born 5/31/16
Not a fan of Gustin. I like August. Augustus feels a bit heavy to me but there's nothing wrong with it, just nms
I dislike the shortness of Gus as a fn especially because mn and ln are also one syallble.
I'm not entirely sure how to pronounce Gustavo or Gustave. They sound Italian or Spanish? We are not Italian or Spanish so it seems strange to use a name we have no ties to.
TTC #1: February 1, 2014
BFP #1: 2/21/14 EDD: 10/31/14 MMC: discovered 3/31/14 (blighted ovum) D&C: 4/3/14 at 9w6d
BFP #2:12/18/14 EDD: 8/27/14 Beta #1 (16 DPO): 50 Beta #2 (18 DPO): 54 CP: 12/25/14 at 5w0d
Names | Blog | Chart
Formally LisaG09
"Everybody wants to be happy. Nobody wants to feel pain but you can't have a rainbow without the rain."
And thank you for clarifying why you chose Gustin ... Makes more sense now.