July 2016 Moms

FFFC 1-22


Re: FFFC 1-22

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    @Lindsayleigh1989 One word. Instacart. 
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    @Lindsayleigh1989 I know it sounds annoying, but if you enjoy going to Target, you'll be happy you went once you're there. I went Wednesday morning after it stopped snowing here, and there were like 4 other people in the entire store. I felt like I had the place to myself! I don't know what it is about that place, but I prefer it to pretty much any other store.
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    I also hate hot dogs.

    Also I'm a kissass at work. No shame.
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    @randypluskate  - instacart is the shit. I love it!
    July '16 May Siggy Challenge 

    BabyFetus Ticker
    Me: 29
    DH: 32
    Married: June 2011
    DD #1: December 2013
    DD #2: EDD July 2016
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    mckcak23 said:
    I hate hotdogs. 

    I hate ketchup
    Me: 28 | Husband: 39
    Married March 2016
    DD: born 7.22.16
    DS EDD: 6.23.18
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    Here is me fffc : according the pharmacist I am risking the health of my baby

    Sorry if it's jumbled I'm sobbing writing this.
    Didn't make it to target made it cub foods across the street it's -4 out, and I so regret it. I went to the pharmacy and mentioned my dr/nurse suggested I get Sudafed since congestion is making it hard to keep anything down or get rest since I can't breathe.

    She then asked after she got the med are you pregnant? I said yes and she goes "um I'm not sure this is safe for you say Kate is this okay for pregnant women?" Kate sighs and comes over sees the Sudafed and says "no it's not"

    So I tell her and show her my list of medicines safe for pregnancy and say I was told and show her where it says it's safe for 2nd and 3rd trimester. Kate says huffy "well it is a very iffy drug but I guess some dr's reccomend it" I asked her if there was anything else "safe" that could help as much and she admitted there wasn't. Since my list said it was safe I still purchased it as they actually silently had me do it... And whispered and stared at me as I walked away.

    All of the tears right now... I don't want to be a bad mom I just want to feel better :(
    April Siggy Challenge Social Distancing

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    @MamaBish thanks I feel like someone else on our board had a rude pharmacist early on too. Ugh people suck sometimes
    April Siggy Challenge Social Distancing

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    I suck at eating healthy. I was just faced with the decision of apples/grapes or a chocolate turtle bundt cake. Didn't even hesitate to go for the bundt cake. And my mom is bringing whataburger. Told my husband he is gonna have to start smashing up veggies and sneaking them into my food or a chocolate smoothie. Also, I love hotdogs. The movie theater or stadium kind. I got mad at my husband bc he bought all the hotdog supplies but forgot the the actual hot dogs!
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    @Lindsayleigh1989 it's a category C drug but I don't think your doctor would ok something that would but your baby in harms way. I'm sure the benefits outweigh the risks. It's pretty shitty of them to make you feel bad for just trying to feel better though.
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    edited January 2016

    @lindsayleigh1989 That is horrible!  you should file a complaint!  My doctor actually said it was okay for me to take Sudafed - even during first trimester.  And the one doctor i saw at an urgent place said the same thing.  I felt horrible after i saw so many people here that said not to use it, but if two different doctors said it was okay, and people used to do WAY worse things during pregnancy, i figured i'm okay.  Also, I'm on some "category c" or whatever medicine for my asthma and allergies, and my doctor does not seem worried.  My asthma medicine has steriods in it too i believe. 

    It's hard and dont worry, you are a great mom already!  You care for the baby so much, and love it already, thats what it needs.  And it needs mommy feeling better too!  They always say that it is always better for the mom to be feeling okay that way they can give the best care possible! 

    Eta:  its friday. 

    Me: 28 | Husband: 39
    Married March 2016
    DD: born 7.22.16
    DS EDD: 6.23.18
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    @Lindsayleigh1989 if doc says you're good, you're good. Everything in moderation. As long as you're not eating the whole box, you're good. Screw 'em.
    BabyFetus Ticker
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    @Lindsayleigh1989 fuck them. end of story. It is also on my Dr's list of acceptable drugs, and my Dr. doesnt specify trimester. Fuck Judgey Bitches. 
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    I'm team mustard over here. And now I really need a hotdog. 

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    @Lindsayleigh1989 I have previously been told that sudafed is safe while pregnant as well. As PP mentioned, your doctor has more training and is more familiar with your specific circumstances and wouldn't recommend something that is going to harm you. That pharmacist exhibited extremely poor patient care and customer service treating you that way. If I were you that would definitely be my last time going there.
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    @Lindsayleigh1989 I am sorry that there were bitches who decided that they know better than you and made you feel like a bad mother. Don't let anyone get you down about this, especially if your doctor approved it!

    Feel better and I hope you file a complaint about them

    BabyFruit Ticker
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    I've been craving raw brownie batter. I might just make some brownies this weekend :)
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    @Lindsayleigh1989 how rude! I would for sure call and complain.
    H. Foxe born October 22, 2013
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    Y0urm0m said:

    I only added like 9 of the Instagram mamas. If I didn't recognize you, I didn't add you. I have no interest in following people who don't contribute to this site but always seems to pop up for HDBD and Instagram threads

    Do you even go here?

    Sort of OT, but can someone explain to me the point of being on Instagram? Please? I feel like an old fogey.
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    edited January 2016
    I fully plan on letting my nanny kids watch movies all.day.long. I took a Unisom for the first time last night because I am having issues sleeping, and I still feel like I am drugged. When I had the tv off this morning, they were both losing their cool and fighting, their little neighborhood just had its play structure torn down, so we are stuck in the condo. I just cannot deal today. So tv it is.

    No ragrets.

    BabyFruit Ticker
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    @PhoebeJune1984 did I miss your update on how it went telling your bosses? I remember you were worried about how your lady boss would react, right?
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    1) I never read the intros

    2) I hate sausage. DH is the director of R and D for a company that makes sausage so we always have some and I never eat it.

    3) today I went back to work after being dismissed from jury duty so I wouldn't have to spend the day/evening with MIL. I won't get home until midnight, but that's better than trying to parent my daughter while she's there.
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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    My FFFC is that I'm really pissed at DH about my whole dog dying situation. While it was an accident, it was avoidable and completely his fault and (this might make me sound like a bitch) but he doesn't feel bad enough about it.

    Also, frozen pizza for dinner because adulting is hard.
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    AAAG13 said:
    I hate when grown women do not wear bras in public. This goes double if you have big boobs. If I can see your nips you need to fix that ish. Yesterday a parent came to pick up her kid, with no bra on, at three in the afternoon. She also rubbed my blump which was really disturbing, I feel like her nipple may have brushed me as well...ew.
    nope nope nope. I don't wear bras. Hate every second of them. They're uncomfortable, i have small tits so don't need them and I refuse to wear them. They're nipples, I has them, don't look if you don't wanna see 'em.
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    My FFFC is that I'm really pissed at DH about my whole dog dying situation. While it was an accident, it was avoidable and completely his fault and (this might make me sound like a bitch) but he doesn't feel bad enough about it.

    Also, frozen pizza for dinner because adulting is hard.

    You in no way sound like a bitch! You have very righteous anger and he needs to be groveling and showing way more remorse in my opinion
    April Siggy Challenge Social Distancing

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    @Lindsayleigh1989 I'm sorry you were treated that way! What bitches! In the fall before pregnancy I was in an accident and was prescribed some pain meds. We got to the pharmacy 15 minutes before they closed and this stupid bitch pharmacist refused to help me, proclaiming she was exhausted and couldn't handle another possible thing. Another pharmacist had to come over and do her job so I could get the medicine my doctor told me I had to take that night. Every time I go to the pharmacy I mean mug her and wonder how she still has her job.

    @elenabrent hotdogs with mustard are awesome. Especially with pickles and onions.
    Pregnancy Ticker
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    @AAAG13 Yup. That's dinner.

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    I really like gas station hot dogs, or at the stadium but making them at home is not the same and I really want one now...I know it's gross but they taste so good.

    Once on a ski trip in Colorado (read: unfamiliar area) I made my husband drive around to five different gas stations until we found one that had hot dogs. Best hot dog I've ever had. :)
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    @PinkLady2015 ehh if their small
    I probably wouldn't notice. My issue is when their large and floppy. Gravity is real.
    Pregnancy Ticker
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    AAAG13 said:

    @PinkLady2015 ehh if their small
    I probably wouldn't notice. My issue is when their large and floppy. Gravity is real.

    ehhh, either way, let em fly ladies... I'm all for big floppy boobs...don't make them go to boob prison :)
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