July 2016 Moms

WTF Wednesday?!?!?


Re: WTF Wednesday?!?!?

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    WTF W..... well i started the day out great had a massage this Morning, got adjusted, had a lovely adviser meeting for the sorority I am an adviser for.. just to come home to find out my Fiance can't/doesnt want to go to Babies R Us. I was looking forward to going all day. Was excited to finally start our registry and get a feel for waht we'll want and need (i've already window shopped online but im a very tactile person and like to look/feel things in person). So now im cranky, he's cranky because work ruined our plans and i just want to curl up in bed with a tub of ice cream and not move.. UGH 
    First Pregnancy
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    Me: 27
    Fiance: 29 
    Step kids: 9&7
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    @blissylissy86 I have concluded most people ask the sex just because it's makes conversation. Like after you get engaged the immediate question is "so when's the wedding?" But in my mom's case I think she wants to know so she can start buying boy or girl specific things. Which frightens me a little! While we are super grateful for anything she may get us we also don't want to end up with a bunch of "stuff."
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    jlgriff11 said:
    Step son starting take the bus a couple weeks ago. This morning he was responsible for getting himself to the bus stop on his own, after dad left for work and my prego ass was sleeping. I awake at 8:20 (the time the bus leaves) to hear him yelling that his backpack won't zip, to which I yell back GTF to the bus stop now! (No eff word, but thinking it) I walk out to the living room to make sure he left, and the front fucking door is wide open! We have two cats so I was flipping the fuck out. They were safe inside, but this new game my step son is playing where he suddenly doesn't know how to do anything is making me crazy. (How do I use a towel? How do I get a glass of water? How do I shampoo my hair? What is 2-1?) seriously guys, he's 8 years old and it's like HIS FIRST DAY EVERY DAY. He's been making his own breakfast since he's been 4, I swear this kid has selective ableness.
    Would it have been so hard to get up for 15 minutes, make sure he's eaten a decent breakfast and send him off to the bus before you go back to bed? Maybe he just wants attention. Maybe someone should give him some, since he's been making his own breakfast since he was four.
    I don't think there is anything wrong for him being a little independent on certain days. It is possible that he wants more attention but assuming that he doesn't get any because he knows how to make breakfast at 4yrs old is a little harsh.

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    iamautumniamautumn member
    edited January 2016
    I just want everyone to know he asked for this responsibility. But glad ya'll assumed the worst. Sorry to complain on the wtf thread.
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    We took him evey morning and afternoon for 3 weeks, him telling us everyday he didn't want us to walk him to our front yard for the bus. Yes, it is in our front yard. He used to make his own breakfast because he would wake up at 3am everyday, and despite all our efforts he wouldn't sleep longer, so that was the solution we came up with. He had a cute IKEA kitchen where he poured cereal into a bowl. Kid wasn't flipping pancakes. If we gave him any more attention we would be sleeping in his bed with him. He has separation anxiety and PTSD from his mother abandoning him twice. We are trying to teach him some independence for when the baby comes so it isnt such a shock. I forgot as a step mom I have to explain all oft actions so I don't look like cinderells's evil step mother...
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    Man, I really like this board. I think if we actually were in person you might like me and be more understanding and see that I'm not a bad person. I'm sorry I made a ftm mistake. Maybe it's hormones, but I feel just terrible and weepy. I guess that's what happens on the Internet. We can bully people freely, in our sweet, sweet anonymity.
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    @iamautumn No one is bullying. Please look up what the term means before you get all accusatory and play the poor victim.
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    I want to bully.

    Me: 30, DH: 31

    Married: May 16th 2015

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    You don't get to decide what is bullying to me. And I'm not playing at anything-this is who I am and I'm being honest and putting myself out there.
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    Nerdchild said:

    I teach 8 year olds. I wouldn't let them go to the bus or walk home on their own and I definitely side-eye any parent that does.

    And if you want to cry bully, that's exactly the sort of thing that happens when a bunch of 8 year olds are left at bus stops by themselves without parent supervision.

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    The judgement is strong here today ladies, something in the water?
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    Where's @Y0urm0m ?!

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    I'm judging and have no shame of my judgy-ness.

    Me: 30, DH: 31

    Married: May 16th 2015

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    I gotta say @iamautumn I agree with pp's.  While I (personally) think it's ok to let him stand at the bus stop by himself, if it's in your front yard like you said, I agree that you should probably get up with him and make sure he gets out there on time.  He wants responsibility and independence, but someone has to teach him how to do those things.  And in this instance that is on you.  So teach him how to do it and have grace when he messes up.  You had a FTM mistake it's ok... you're learning how to do this step mom thing too... but except that maybe you had the wrong heart and move on.  
    Anniversary: 10/10/09
    DS: 11/21/14
    DD: 7/5/16

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    My wtf today is Uncle Sam and the IRS. I got excited to work on taxes because we could really use the refund money. Come to find out, we owe a significant amount this year due to raises. I said fuck that shit, will file an extension, and worry about that shit after the baby is born.

    Also, bedrest kinda blows. It's hard to feel put together and sexy while laying on the couch watching HGTV. Also, kind of lonely. A lot of my conversations start with "I read on the bump boards..." I know it's for the best and wouldn't jeopardize anything, but I was kind of looking forward to acting out on all this crazy second trimester libido and energy!
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    hmm @ButterMyBiscuit  I clearly missed THAT post

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    @Racso12 my puppy has gotten kennel cough before. The breeder told us to go to whole food and get the human medicine below. She said it's like a common cold for dogs and it will go away in a few days. We gave him the cough syrup at night mixed with honey and one of the pills at night and/or morning depending on he was doing. The rumex crispus is dry coughs worsened by cold air and the drosera rotundifolia is used for a spasmodic dry cough worsened at night and by heat. I hope this helps you with paying the cost for an office visit from a vet.
    Married: August 2012
    TTC #1: July 2015
    BFP 1: October 30, 2015; EDD: July 6, 2016- Team Pink
    TTC #2: September 2019

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    WTF body - have you ever had morning (all day) sickness, and then gotten a really nasty cold? Every time I cough, I risk spontaneously vomiting onto whatever I'm doing (or whomever I'm speaking with). Plus I had to work today - I missed 2 days already because of this damn cold and I'm the only person trained to cover the nurse who's away this week, so I really couldn't miss any more or I'd have been really screwing them over. On top of all of it I had to wear a face mask every time I interacted with anyone to avoid spreading the damn cold, and those things make me feel light headed and claustrophobic.

    WTF DD - she poured a huge cup of water onto the floor from the bathtub tonight. Good thing DH does bath duty.
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    Also...wtf to my puppy. He poop in the house last night. I just summed that up to him trying to wake me up and I did not hear him. But when I get home from work when I am tired and emotional already I see I peed all over his crate. I was so upset with him. I just cleaned it up and ate my pizza.
    #2- my husband just got home around 10pm and being in the road since 8:15 because people cannot drive in a inch of snow. Most of Maryland is excepted to get 2 feet of snow. Friday is going to be a cluster f on the road. I hope I can telework Friday.
    Married: August 2012
    TTC #1: July 2015
    BFP 1: October 30, 2015; EDD: July 6, 2016- Team Pink
    TTC #2: September 2019

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