Baby Names

We need help picking a name for our daughter.

amber_robleyamber_robley member
edited January 2016 in Baby Names
We are having the hardest time picking a name for our daughter. She will have 2 sisters named Nataley and Kinsley and a brother named Bennett. We are keeping the name a secret from our family and friends until she's born so I haven't been able to ask anyone opinion since it will be a surprise. Thanks for your help :)

We need help picking a name for our daughter. 101 votes

Brieley (Bree Lee)
11% 12 votes
39% 40 votes
48% 49 votes

Re: We need help picking a name for our daughter.

  • I'd go with Presley. It's not my style, but it's the best of the bunch.
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  • We are having the hardest time picking a name for our daughter. She will have 2 sisters named Nataley and Kinsley and a brother named Bennett. We are keeping the name a secret from our family and friends until she's born so I haven't been able to ask anyone opinion since it will be a surprise. Thanks for your help :)

    Not Presley or Blakeley but definitely not Brieley - it sounds like cheese.
    Other -ley sounding names:
    Hailey (as noted above)
    Molly/Polly/Shelly/ (as a nn)

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  • Not a fan of any of the options. I'd especially pass on Brieley because it will get misspelled and mispronounced all the time. Love the suggestion of Hailey.
  • Blakeley is my daughter's name. We love it. That gets my vote. :)
  • I don't like any of them. Hailey is a good suggestion. Marley? Hadley?
  • If you named you daughter Brieley, she would spend her life correcting the pronounciation. Please don't do that to her.
  • None of these names are to my taste at all, but I would vote Presley #1, Blakeley #2, and leave Brieley off completely, as it is both weirdly reminiscent of cheese (and believe me, I love cheese) and confusing in spelling and pronunciation.
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  • None of those are my style so I didn't vote. If you're open to suggestions, here's a few other names that follow your theme.

  • Your list makes me sad. I really hate to pile on the negative feedback but they're all pretty bad, Brieley being the worst (it isn't a name, by the way). Presley is the least bothersome if you're set on these choices. I think you've been offered some really good alternates that hopefully you like!
  • NHKx2 said:

    Your list makes me sad. I really hate to pile on the negative feedback but they're all pretty bad, Brieley being the worst (it isn't a name, by the way). Presley is the least bothersome if you're set on these choices. I think you've been offered some really good alternates that hopefully you like!

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  • Sorry I personally do not like any of these names. I'm assuming you like girl names ending in a Y. Suggestions;
  • I agree with most of the previous comments. I really do not like any of your options and hopefully you can find another name that pp have suggested. Good luck.

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  • None of the above. Sorry.
  • Not one of them sounds like a solid name that ages well and to a stranger the first impression upon seeing them is poor. Some names give off an uneducated lower class impression and people judge that. Here are some suggestions that may fit your style


  • Why? Just... Why?
  • bbiutmcph said:

    Not one of them sounds like a solid name that ages well and to a stranger the first impression upon seeing them is poor. Some names give off an uneducated lower class impression and people judge that. Here are some suggestions that may fit your style


    That's a pretty rude thing to say that they "give off an uneducated lower class impression". Kendall makes me think of the Jenner which doesn't exactly scream sophisticated.

    And honestly, why can't people just say "not my style"? There is no need to say "my eyes are bleeding" and things like that. NMS gets the point across without sounding like a total jerk.
  • I think they are all horrible,especially Brieley. I think Hadley is a great suggestion.
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  • NHKx2 said:

    The difference between the blunt and honest opinions provided here and simply saying "NMS" is that "NMS" implies that the names are perfectly good choices, but I personally wouldn't choose them. For example, Matilda is a perfectly acceptable name, but it is "NMS" personally. Brieley...well that is a horrible, made-up name and should not be anyone's style. The OP asked for opinions and she got them. Better that she find out what people really think of the names while she has a chance to come up with alternates. Being soft and gentle doesn't help anyone, least of all her future daughter. 

    Perfectly said! I completely agree!

    OP, I also agree with PPs that all 3 name choices are pretty bad, Brieley being the worst of the 3. Presley is best out of your choices, or you could think about some of the alternatives listed here.

  • bbiutmcph said:

    bbiutmcph said:

    Not one of them sounds like a solid name that ages well and to a stranger the first impression upon seeing them is poor. Some names give off an uneducated lower class impression and people judge that. Here are some suggestions that may fit your style


    That's a pretty rude thing to say that they "give off an uneducated lower class impression". Kendall makes me think of the Jenner which doesn't exactly scream sophisticated.

    And honestly, why can't people just say "not my style"? There is no need to say "my eyes are bleeding" and things like that. NMS gets the point across without sounding like a total jerk.
    As many have pointed out in the past nms is not exactly helpful and it's broad as an answer. People come here for honest opinions on first impressions of names. There are also actual studies that talk about names first impressions and social class. That being said you have to quit taking things personally. This is not the first time you have found a thread which has a name and then got bent out of shape. I've wrote and rewrote several times how to even finish this and can't find the right wording. But I guess, I'll try the best I can, we don't comment on already born children here, just opinions people ask on potential names and what their thoughts are. You can't take it personally of a name you used and loved doesn't get glowing reviews, you didn't ask and no one is talking to you or about you. Some people here don't like one of the names we used but I don't take it personally as I'm not asking about and we loved it and used it. However I've also used this board to help narrow my lists because sometimes you don't know what a stranger would think of a name and it help eliminate my girls name list by reasons I wouldn't think of. I didn't find anyone rude didn't get upset it's pointless considering I asked for input. Nms isn't helpful but someone saying omg it sounds like (insert something gross) that's helpful not rude. Same as when I see my son's name posted for opinions I don't tell people they are rude if they think it sounds like a douchebag or a rocker or a whatever else, I've already decided and not asking for input
    I will agree that NMS can be unhelpful now that I have stepped away and thought about. I can see that "I don't like those, but here are some suggestions that seem to fit the style/theme/etc you like." can be very helpful.
    I wasn't so much upset about a particular name, though since I named my daughter one I obviously like it. I was more upset that with responses such as "my eyes are bleeding" that offer no constructive help to the OP.
    In rereading your original post, I realize you had good insight in your comment and while basically saying "I don't think those are good choices", you have other suggestions that seem to fit what the OP was looking for.
  • Sorry, but I agree that they sound "low class" and trendy. It's your kid, so if you love the name, use it, but names generally carry connotations with them, and not all of them are good. Presley is probably the best out of the bunch. 
  • I completely think you should go with a name that you and your partner love. If you don't care about other's opinions of it, than no worries. If you do care about the general public's perception of the name you choose than I suppose taking these comments into consideration is useful.

    The names are not my style, but every person is different. I definitely understand the desire to have a unique name that is also pretty.

    Hey, you never know what may become more popular. When I was growing up Isabelle was completely uncommon and I never had any classmates with the name, I actually thought my name was kind of weird. Well, you can see how that's changed over the past 5 years or so, it's SO popular. 
  • Still scrolling for a "none of these" option. Can't find it.
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  • Wow people can be so rude! Sorry for that! I really like them all! Blakely is on my list so I voted for that :) 
  • Brynlee? 
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  • Please none of these. I like Blake for a girl if you remove the Ley. The rest are awful.
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