July 2016 Moms

NT Scan and Anatomy Test

I'm scheduled for my NT scan tomorrow and Anatomy test in 7 weeks. I got a call today from the clinic that said My insurance (Aetna) doesn't cover these tests until my $3k deductible is met. I thought they were covered that's why I scheduled them. They said NT scan would be $198 and Anatomy would be more like almost $400. Is that normal?? If NT scan comes back good then do I even need the Anatomy test? I guess I'm confused as to what the Anatomy test really does?? Will they at least be able to maybe guess gender tomorrow at NT scan? (I will be 12.5w)

Re: NT Scan and Anatomy Test

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    Yes it's normal unfortunately. My insurance doesn't cover them either. If I were to skip one I would skip the NT scan. Lots of development happens during those few weeks between. Most anatomy scans take different measurements of bones, legs, skull thickness, checks blood flow from cords and heart, etc.
    Wife. Boy mom x6. Expecting #7. Wannabe homesteader.
    , 💙💙💙💙💙💙
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    Yes they are very different tests and should not be done at the same time. NT is looking for fluid behind the neck and soft markers such as nasal bone and a few other things. Also it gives you a ratio as a result 1:10000 chance of ds or 1:390 things like that it based on the ultrasound a blood draw and family history.

    The anatomy scan is an in depth ultrasound where they go area by area looking to make sure the baby is developing appropriately. At this time they are able to see a lot more. I believe both are valuable but if you choose to skip one I'd skip the NT.
    April Siggy Challenge Social Distancing

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    And at 12.5wks female and male genitalia looks pretty much the same. So they could make a guess but honestly it would just be a guess they can't really tell.
    Wife. Boy mom x6. Expecting #7. Wannabe homesteader.
    , 💙💙💙💙💙💙
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    Replied to the duplicate... Oops. What I said was...

    I believe the anatomy scan is more of an overall look at the entire body, making sure everything is developing correctly. That's when they usually tell you the gender because things are much more developed, but that's not the main reason for the scan.

    As far as I know, the NT scan looks at the neck mostly for indicators of chromosomal issues and usually has a blood test that comes a few weeks after. The results go together to come up with your risks for chromosomal issues. If they guess the sex at the NT scan, I would not trust that at all. There isn't anything developed enough at that point. Boys and girls have pretty much the same external parts until a few weeks later.
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    If you chose to skip one please do not skip the anatomy scan. It is an in depth study of your baby's body and internal organs to make sure everything is functioning as it should. My mom had both the NT and a/s with my brother and it wasn't until the a/s they discovered severe abnormalities with his heart. At the NT scan things just aren't developed enough to see those kinds of things.

    As for the sex of your baby no. If they give you a guess I would take it as a grain of salt because as pp's have said girl and boy parts will look the same for a few more weeks.
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    I can't even imagine your dr letting you choose to skip the anatomy scan. Does your dr office offer a payment plan? Ours did and took all of the expected procedures/costs and then divided it up throughout the pregnancy, then you don't have large bills, but can spread it out evenly. Might be something to check into.
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    The cost varies depending on your insurance. With my first, I paid close to what you mentioned above and it went toward my deductible. This time I have different insurance and just paid a copay. Like PPs said, the anatomy scan is extremely important.
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    If you chose a plan with a high deductible, then you will always be paying a lot out of pocket until you reach that deductible. This is my first pregnancy with a new high deductible plan and it sucks. My first, I worked for the hospital, had their insurance and barely paid a thing. My cystic fibrosis blood draw EOB my insurance was charged over 5400 and my pay is over 2800. Our deductible is $7000. Not really sure where it is all going to come from, but the Lord provides.
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    And I also and up doing payment plans for the higher bills.
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    PP are right about the importance of the anatomy scan. It's really not about finding the sex. Also unless you are planning a home birth I can guarantee you'll reach your 3000$ deductible with the hospital fees for the birth so see it this way, pay more now, pay less this summer when baby comes
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    Ditto everyone else. For comparison, the NT scan is like 10-15 minutes where the anatomy scan is an hour long. That shows you how much more in depth of a scan it is.

    Me: 33 DH: 32 SA#1 low count (6mil) SA#2- now in IUI range!(30mil) Dx:MFI
    11/1- IUI#1,12/1- IUI#2, 1/2- IUI#3 all BFFN
    IVF#1. Long Lupron.ER 3/8 10R,4M,5F. ET 3/3-one 1AB, 2 frosties 5dp5dt-BFP!! Beta 3/25-794 Beta 3/27- 1794
    First u/s 4/8 saw hb. 4/22 missed mc 8w3d. d&c 4/26
    FET #1- bcp start 6/9. ET 7/12. 2 perfect blasts.5dpt-BFP!! 
    Beta 7/24 -1,239!! Beta 7/26- 2569 Beta 7/29- 7120.  U/S 8/7 hb 118! U/S 8/14 hb 143! U/S 8/20 hb 170. Graduated!! Stick baby stick! 

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    Yes, normal. I don't believe anatomy scans are optional. NT scans are.
    TTC #2: 12/2012
    Back to our beloved RE 10/2013
    BFP #5 3/5/14
    Beta 1: 47. Beta 2: 87. Beta 3: 482!

    Baby CCH v2.0 due 11.14.14

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    Go for the Anatomy scan if you are going to skip one. That was where we learned about my DS's kidney issues. It's a really awesome what they can see.
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