July 2016 Moms

Friday Ticker Change

LifeofLauren2LifeofLauren2 member
edited January 2016 in July 2016 Moms

How far along are you/what's your fruit or other comparable size? 

Rants, raves, symptoms, appointments or other baby-related stuff: 

GTKY: Who was the first person you told about your pregnancy (other than the dad or other mommy)?
Mommy to an angel baby and a sweet little girl Earth side.

Re: Friday Ticker Change

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    How far along are you/what's your fruit or other comparable size?   12 weeks (2nd tri here I come!) - Plum

    Rants, raves, symptoms, appointments or other baby-related stuff: I have been waking up tons of times throughout the night. I feel like I can't get any sleep! Also, I'm so hungry all the time. I never seem satisfied. And, I never seem to be able to drink enough water. It just doesn't sound good to me!

    GTKY: Who was the first person you told about your pregnancy (other than the dad or other mommy)? I told a co-worker who has become more like a friend about my pregnancy after telling my boyfriend. We sit in the same cubicle area at work and have become really close over the 4 years we have worked together. Plus, she doesn't know any of my family so she won't ruin my announcement.
    Mommy to an angel baby and a sweet little girl Earth side.
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    How far along are you/what's your fruit or other comparable size?
    13 weeks - matchbox car

    Rants, raves, symptoms, appointments or other baby-related stuff:
    Mfm appt yesterday went yucky. Not necessarily bad news but not good news either. Appt with my midwife today.

    GTKY: Who was the first person you told about your pregnancy (other than the dad or other mommy)?
    My best girl friend
    🌈  Preemie 2016  🌈
    ♥ Stillborn 2015 
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    How far along are you/what's your fruit or other comparable size?  16 weeks, avocado. 

    Rants, raves, symptoms, appointments or other baby-related stuff: Round ligament pain, seriously where the F did you come from?

    GTKY: Who was the first person you told about your pregnancy (other than the dad or other mommy)? My little sister, and then my mom cause she saw the pregnant on my face. 

    Me: 30, DH: 31

    Married: May 16th 2015

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers

    IAmPregnant Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    How far along are you/what's your fruit or other comparable size? 16 weeks action figure/avacado/hostess snowball

    Rants, raves, symptoms, appointments or other baby-related stuff: the headaches are killing me. Stayed home from work today with a headache and stuffiness. Hunger all the time but nothing sounds or looks good.

    Tomorrow we are going to the registration event at BRU which I'm really excited for.

    GTKY: Who was the first person you told about your pregnancy (other than the dad or other mommy)? Our best friends who are married and had a LO in July. They came over the next night and knew right away when I didn't have a drink.
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    @mckcak23, I wanted to do the BRU registration event too! I'm only 12 weeks and I'm not comfortable registering yet! Have fun tomorrow!
    Mommy to an angel baby and a sweet little girl Earth side.
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    How far along are you/what's your fruit or other comparable size? 15 weeks, orange!

    Rants, raves, symptoms, appointments or other baby-related stuff: Rant - Going through all of DDs old clothes/cloth diapers/blankets is turning into a hassle and making a big mess! Oh, and I want to eat all the time!

    GTKY: Who was the first person you told about your pregnancy (other than the dad or other mommy)? I told my friend. She was trying for a baby at the same time as me and we were each other's cheerleaders!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    Pregnancy Ticker

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    How far along are you/what's your fruit or other comparable size? 14w - lemon

    Rants, raves, symptoms, appointments or other baby-related stuff: Waiting for my prenatal appointment next Wednesday. I feel like it's been forever since I've seen my baby... I'm really looking forward to hearing the HB on the doppler for the first time and getting some reassurance that he or she is still in there and everything is OK! Otherwise, just hungry constantly... and if I wait too long before eating, any chance of me making a good food decision goes out the window.

    GTKY: Who was the first person you told about your pregnancy (other than the dad or other mommy)? One of my best girlfriends. I texted her a pic of the test asking if she saw a line or if I was just wanting to see one. She doesn't know any of my family, she's not on FB, and I knew she'd keep my news a secret because she knows it's not her news to share.
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    noelietrexnoelietrex member
    edited January 2016
    YAY! Thanks for starting this thread- I feel like we always skip Friday (maybe I'm just not paying attention though).

    How far along are you/what's your fruit or other comparable size? 16w- avocado here, dill pickle on Ovia... Is it just me or are these things not the same size?

    Rants, raves, symptoms, appointments or other baby-related stuff: Rant is I have a cold and hate everything and just want to cry and throw my hormone riddled self on the floor. On a rave note MIL and DH's aunt sent more hand-me-downs! Lots of maternity stuff for me and a few neutral onesies, all very gently worn and one of the maternity tops still had tags. I love them so much and it makes my life SO much more comfortable having these things because I would never have gone out and bought 10 maternity tops, but they fit SO much better than my regular shirts!

    GTKY: Who was the first person you told about your pregnancy (other than the dad or other mommy)? Honestly I told my best friend who recently had her first. I knew she'd be way happier for me than anyone in my family (and I was right) so for a while just she, DH and I knew lol.
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    @noelietrex every week DH and I talk about how vastly different the sizes are.
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    How far along are you/what's your fruit or other comparable size?
    16 weeks, it's going by so quickly. Only four more until I get to see my baby next!

    Rants, raves, symptoms, appointments or other baby-related stuff:
    RLP, not so fun.

    GTKY: Who was the first person you told about your pregnancy (other than the dad or other mommy)?
    I actually told my two best girlfriends, and then didn't tell DH until the next day. I was in shock and needed time to process.

    @noelietrex I always go with whichever one is biggest haha
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    Forgot to post yesterday!

    How far along are you/what's your fruit or other comparable size? 14 weeks! Baby the size of a lemon.

    Rants, raves, symptoms, appointments or other baby-related stuff:
    Rant-I wake up all the time! Also, I never usually dream, but lately it's all night...just random stuff!
    Rave-this week is the first week I've really started showing in whatever I wear! People at work have been commenting on little baby bump and it's making it feel more real and exciting!

    GTKY: Who was the first person you told about your pregnancy (other than the dad or other mommy)?
    My principal! He asked if I would like to move to 4th grade next year and I had to tell him that I'd be out for a couple of months and didn't think it would be a good idea!
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