November 2013 Moms

Milk was a bad choice....

I had super morning sickness for about 2 weeks from weeks 7-9.  I have been feeling pretty good the last couple of days but still unable to drink milk or eat meat.  Yesterday cereal sounded really good so I bought some Total raisin bran and had some this morning.  Needless to say within half an hour I was so sick from it.  I think it was the milk more than the cereal.  It reminded me of Anchorman:



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Re: Milk was a bad choice....

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    I say this quote often
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    I can't do cow's milk right now either.  Try soy milk or almond milk.  They might be a little easier on your belly.  The unsweetened vanilla is very good on cereal!
    ~Elizabeth ~

    Angel Baby # 1 : EDD 9/11/12,  Missed m/c at just over 13 weeks

    Angel Baby # 2 : EDD 9/9/13, m/c at 6 weeks

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    I had some milk that came back up the other day. It was awful.

    DD - Juliana Joan - Born October 27, 2010 - My Little Princess

    BFP 1/14/13 - M/C 1/22/13 @ 5 weeks

    BFP 3/20/13 - EDD 11/11/13

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    Thank you for your title it made me smile! Seriously considering laying on the bathroom floor right now!

    Milk is one of the only things that doesn't make me nauseated
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    I can't do cow's milk right now either.  Try soy milk or almond milk.  They might be a little easier on you
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    DH and I quote thg Ron Burgandy bit all. the. time. In our house, milk is always a bad idea. "I immediately regret this decision."


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    I LOVE milk...and can't handle dairy at all right now.  I'm still okay with well cooked meat in small doses.  Try almond milk.  Soy isn't really all that good for you.
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    mmm50mmm50 member
    I am glad you all appreciate that quote as much as I do!  That's the first thing I said when I came out of the bathroom and DH just started laughing.  I then realized what I said and that it was from Anchorman.  At least it was a funny end
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