July 2016 Moms

UO Thursday


Re: UO Thursday

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    @PhoebeJune1984 now I'm curious what the name is. :)

    I wont put it on here (since this is a new account to remain more private), but think of it as something along the lines of Matilda, Freya, Lilith. It was female, spelled correctly, it was in the high 600's when she was born, not something that you hear a lot. And sounded a little more like a adult name, than a name for a small child to them. 

    That's fair. The only person I've met outside family with DD's name was a girl I went to college with. I think if I met a child with her name I would question if it would transition into adulthood well (like Annie, or other ie/ey names)
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    Nerdchild said:
    UO: I know it's not cool to wish death on people, but with the heartbreaking passing of David Bowie and Alan Rickman, both at 69, I would like to point out to whoever is in charge that Donald Trump is 69 as well. *coughs* Rule of 3 *coughs*.
    HAHA...too bad it didn't work out the rule of three (when it came to age), and instead just a bunch of people (of random ages) passed away. Bowie, Alan Rickman, Lemmy Kilmister, Rene Angelil (Celine Dion's husband), Angus Scrimm.......

    Someone didn't give the "age of 69" memo.....
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    @PhoebeJune1984 A girl can dream!!
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    @AAAG13 that sounds terrible!!!
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    I appreciate the tame today I'm exhausted and to feel like I'm around sane people tonight is nice :)
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    elenabrentelenabrent member
    edited January 2016
    I'm with @DobbysSock on the fact that using traditionally male names for girls is not "gender neutral." It's part of the whole culture of girls being encouraged to do "boy" things but shunning boys who participate in traditionally female activities. It's bullshit and until you're totally cool with your boy named Sue wearing heart leggings to kindergarten we haven't found true gender neutrality. 

    (ETA: Couldn't resist a Johnny Cash joke)

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    @elenabrent "My name is Sue! How do you do?! Now you're gonna die!" That song always makes me laugh.

    You hit what I was trying to say right on the head. I have to admit I'm not innocent of it either - it's a really pervasive societal norm that I hate, but acknowledge affects me to a certain extent as well. I hate this fact, but I would be more internally comfortable with my daughter having a short hair cut, wearing jeans and a baggy t-shirt to school, and playing rugby than I would with a son wanting to wear sparkly pink shoes and a tutu to school and wanting to dance ballet. Granted, I would totally love and support him and let him be who he was, but internally I would worry about whether he would be bullied or targeted because of it. All I can hope is that our generation of kids will be more tolerant of people who fit somewhere outside of typical gender norms and stereotypes.
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    benten24benten24 member
    edited January 2016
    @Nerdchild I didn't know that giving douchebags the boot was a UO!

    ETA good for you for stepping away from that crap of poison people like that spew
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    @elenabrent that makes me really happy to hear! 
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    kayham12kayham12 member
    edited January 2016
    My daughter's name is Ainsley. This baby is Rylan (boy or girl). Im keeping it on the down low mostly because I don't really want to hear people's opinions of it. Internet strangers are one thing but I don't need criticism from people I know.

    I love girls with boys names. Ainsley is traditionally a boys name.

    ETA: @quartz02 I forgot to tag you.
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