July 2016 Moms

UO Thursday

Give me your unpopular opinions.

🌈  Preemie 2016  🌈
♥ Stillborn 2015 

Re: UO Thursday

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    HMcDade1 said:

    My UO: I will never feel bad about taking medicine while pregnant. I don't think there's been a day that I haven't taken either Zantac, Benadryl or Tylenol. Things are on the approved list for a reason - and there's no reason to feel more miserable than the first trimester (or pregnancy in general) makes you feel. I don't think people should be afraid to take things that are category B.

    To each their own- but I'm in the camp that if I can't function then that can't be good for the baby either.

    I took category C, benefit to mom outweigh risk to fetus
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    @Taymiller I have too by recommendation by my doctor. Again, don't feel bad about it for 2 seconds. Agree with you 100%
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    HMcDade1 said:

    @Taymiller I have too by recommendation by my doctor. Again, don't feel bad about it for 2 seconds. Agree with you 100%

    My back was so bad I couldn't hold my 18 month old. I had to take steroids and now I feel a million times better. I couldn't even be in the car for more than 10 minutes because it was so painful. Thank you catergory C drugs, I can function again.
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    Also not a fan of maternity shoots. Just not my style. I have no problem with other people doing them but I would never.
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    @Sarac381 and @Taymiller but i have the cutest maternity photos EVAH from DS!!!!

    DS: EDD, December 19th, 2014. Born, December 19th, 2014!
    DD: EDD, July 18th, 2016. Born, July 19th, 2016!
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    Baby #3: EDD, April 16th, 2016
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    @Lindsayleigh1989 FTW with the Willem gif. I'm dying!!!
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    edited January 2016

    Natinat6 said:

    While I know there is a baby name board, I don't really want to go over there for help with our daughter's middle name. I don't 'know' most of those people whereas I have a sense of the regulars over here and value opinions on this board more.

    Besides, I feel like there are a few people over there who take delight in being mean. They don't seem to even be pregnant or trying. They just seem to want to tell people how stupid their names are and in turn how smart the triller is.

    I think there are some good people who tell it like it is. I have no problem with honesty and being told a name is made up. But some of these people think they are teachers and I'm too old for that shit.

    I dunno, sometimes people need a harsh dose of reality. Sailor is NEVER an acceptable name for a human being, evvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

    Possible QBF...

    Well, crap @PinkLady2015 thanks for ripping on the best name of all time.....

    ;) j/k
    Me: 33  DH: 31
    Married: 8/9/2010
    3 Furbabies - Kumo, Mal, and Lynx!
    Started TTC August 2014
    BFP #1 - 12/16/14 EDD 8/22/15 - MMC and D&C 1/23/15
    BFP #2 - 7/10/15 EDD 3/20/16- chemical pregnancy, ended 7/16/15
    BFP #3 - 11/12/15 EDD 7/21/16 - wishing and hoping for a sticky little bean!

    July'16 BMB May Siggy Challenge - Star Wars:

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    mamafox14mamafox14 member
    edited January 2016

    Natinat6 said:

    While I know there is a baby name board, I don't really want to go over there for help with our daughter's middle name. I don't 'know' most of those people whereas I have a sense of the regulars over here and value opinions on this board more.

    Besides, I feel like there are a few people over there who take delight in being mean. They don't seem to even be pregnant or trying. They just seem to want to tell people how stupid their names are and in turn how smart the triller is.

    I think there are some good people who tell it like it is. I have no problem with honesty and being told a name is made up. But some of these people think they are teachers and I'm too old for that shit.

    I dunno, sometimes people need a harsh dose of reality. Sailor is NEVER an acceptable name for a human being, evvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.


    Disagree. Totally acceptable but only if it is a Wild at Heart reference.

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    I pitched my daughter's name over there when I was pregnant. I wasn't pleased with the results and gave her the name of a "perpetual three year old" anyway. It's a pretty popular name right now considering I have taken her for a few appointments and was asked "which one" when I gave her name
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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    UO (at least for people who have to pick up the slack): I think it's okay to do next to nothing when "working from home". I feel like WFH is understood by most as fooling around at home while in arms reach of email in case of emergency. 2 weeks PTO per year is bullsh!t and we all know it so WFH is how we balance things.
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    kayham12 said:
    I pitched my daughter's name over there when I was pregnant. I wasn't pleased with the results and gave her the name of a "perpetual three year old" anyway. It's a pretty popular name right now considering I have taken her for a few appointments and was asked "which one" when I gave her name
    @kayham12 well now I want to know the name. Our DD's name is C.a.l.l.i.e. (that's her legal name, it's not a nickname for something else). I love it and it suits her ;)
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    Natinat6 said:
    While I know there is a baby name board, I don't really want to go over there for help with our daughter's middle name. I don't 'know' most of those people whereas I have a sense of the regulars over here and value opinions on this board more. Besides, I feel like there are a few people over there who take delight in being mean. They don't seem to even be pregnant or trying. They just seem to want to tell people how stupid their names are and in turn how smart the triller is. I think there are some good people who tell it like it is. I have no problem with honesty and being told a name is made up. But some of these people think they are teachers and I'm too old for that shit.
    make a name thread! If our #2 is a girl, I'll need help too! My problem is I like too many girl names. I remember watching Oprah in the 90's and there was some poor girl on the show whose name was PAGES long. I can relate to that mom, although I'd never do it. Hehe!
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    kayham12 said:

    I pitched my daughter's name over there when I was pregnant. I wasn't pleased with the results and gave her the name of a "perpetual three year old" anyway. It's a pretty popular name right now considering I have taken her for a few appointments and was asked "which one" when I gave her name

    I was told my daughter's name was "juvenile and ridiculous even if it's a legitimate name"

    I'm cool with name threads in here.
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    There was a name thread as soon as we all got pregnant, but it might be worth starting a new one and starting fresh since we've all had a few months to think about it and pretty soon those of us who are finding out (and don't already know) will know the sex.

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    I don't see a lot of sense in asking strangers for advice on baby names.  To me, if someone wasn't in the room when the baby was made, then that someone shouldn't have any say in whether a name is "really good" or "really crappy" or "totally ridiculous, why the heck would you ever consider that name?!"  This also includes well-meaning family members who say "that name is kinda hard to say... you might want to pick something different". 

     So there's this boy. He kinda stole my heart. He calls me "Mom"

    Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

    Voted "Mom of the Year" 2012 Sweetpea Mom Awards

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers


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    There was a name thread as soon as we all got pregnant, but it might be worth starting a new one and starting fresh since we've all had a few months to think about it and pretty soon those of us who are finding out (and don't already know) will know the sex.

    Started one. :) I remembered reading in the other Names thread that there was a couple requests for one that opinions/feedback/suggestions could take place as that one was a "safe place" to say the names you were thinking about.
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    I don't care that people get told a name is made up. I think everyone needs to hear the truth.

    I just dislike the people who show up in every thread, are pompous and act like a child's name needs their stamp of approval. It just seems like they are trying to show off...

    There also seems to be a gang mentality against certain things like unisex names, surnames etc. None of the things they dislike applies to our daughters name- it's a girls name, not made up, historically/personally significant and not common. I just can't help but roll my eyes when they ride in on their high horse and try to school a bunch of adults.
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    MotherOfDucksMotherOfDucks member
    edited January 2016
    I'm with @noelietrex ... I think as long as it isn't horrible, it doesn't matter if it's made up or "unisex." Like... please don't name your precious little girl Troyshawnda or Blender (yes... these are REAL examples... I didn't make them up) but what's wrong with naming a baby of either sex Avery? Or whatever.
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    @noelietrex The thing about unisex names is that people will call the child a she when he's a he if they don't know any better.  My DS's name is Reece, and there have been several people to call him a she if they just hear the name and don't know DS is all boy.  Plus, in the classroom when the teacher is calling roll for the first time that year, if they are expecting the child to be one and it's the other, it can be embarrassing for both parties.  I know one year, I had already had a girl named Madison in one class, so when I got to the next class and called the name Madison, I was looking for a girl to raise their hand and instead there was a boy in the front row with his hand raised.  I'm sure the shock registered on my face, because he said "What??  What's wrong with a boy being named Madison??" 

     So there's this boy. He kinda stole my heart. He calls me "Mom"

    Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

    Voted "Mom of the Year" 2012 Sweetpea Mom Awards

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers


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    I don't get it- what's wrong with making up names? What's wrong with unisex names? Maybe I need to be schooled... I assume these same "authorities" dislike hipster parents with babies named Juno or Bear or Apple. Meh they sound lame to me.

    There is nothing wrong with unisex names, or made up names, or any of this. But just like EVERYTHING ELSE that is pregnancy or parenting related, most people have no problem shoving their opinion down your throat and shaming you for not agreeing.

    If my only reason for not choosing a name for my child is that it might be mildly inconvenient or confusing for a theoretical future teacher, I'm sorry but to me that is ridiculous.

    People who try and make blanket "rules" about names are lame, I completely agree.
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    Today's UO's are really mild XD

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    kayham12 said:
    I pitched my daughter's name over there when I was pregnant. I wasn't pleased with the results and gave her the name of a "perpetual three year old" anyway. It's a pretty popular name right now considering I have taken her for a few appointments and was asked "which one" when I gave her name
    That happened to me when I pitched my daughter's name as well. It was in 2011, and I was informed by every.single.commenter that it was a "harsh"/"hard" name and horrible. Then they gave me suggestions of names in the Top 20. Ummm...no thanks. I realize that my daughters name is not along the same cutesy line as Ellie and Lily....but it is a legit female name and spelled correctly. It made me second guess the name. We ended up using it, because I had to remind myself that she will be an adult FAR longer than she will be a child. And now I see the name brought up on a regular basis as suggestions for other posters. A couple of them, being suggested by a few that poo-pooed on my post asking about the name. What a difference a couple of years makes......
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    @Lindsayleigh1989 I laughed at that thread. Did she really think that a carseat manufacture was going to make a carseat for 5-40 pounds, and then say it wasn't safe for newborns?! I will say that there are some convertibles that have a better recline than others, but if it wasn't safe for a newborn (after tons of testing), then they would change the weight limits to reflect that. 
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    @PhoebeJune1984 now I'm curious what the name is. :)
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    @PhoebeJune1984 now I'm curious what the name is. :)
    I wont put it on here (since this is a new account to remain more private), but think of it as something along the lines of Matilda, Freya, Lilith. It was female, spelled correctly, it was in the high 600's when she was born, not something that you hear a lot. And sounded a little more like a adult name, than a name for a small child to them. 
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    My UO I hate when people try to force their hand me downs on you. This being said I have one friend who had her baby a little over a year and a half ago and is giving us so much stuff our registry was able to be cut down a lot by her generosity. Some stuff she is giving us is stuff I didn't know if we would be able to afford and probably wouldn't be able to get on our own. However we have other friends who chain smoke in their house with their kids. They really want us to have a girl so we can take their hand me downs and I just CANT because everything smells so bad! The last thing I want is my newborn smelling like smoke, they keep pushing their stuff on us. They also want us to take their crib which hasn't been set up in a few years. They aren't the most responsible and I could see them giving it to us missing pieces. I have kindly said several times that we will have more than enough stuff thanks to family but they won't stop.
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