July 2016 Moms

How much caffeine are you all drinking a day?


Re: How much caffeine are you all drinking a day?

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    Totally just wondering, is there a reason to give up caffeine completely (or seriously minimize)? Did anyone's doctor say it was a good idea? My doctor always said it was totally fine having up to 2 caffeinated drinks a day and everything I've read agrees. I've had up to 2 drinks a day (coffee, a chai latte, tea, etc) without thinking twice...
    My midwife didn't even ask if i drink anything with caffeine and before getting pregnant i was probably getting close to 500mg on some days. With DD my doctor didn't ask anything either so i think it's more of a personal decision on limiting or if your are having problems they might look at that. For me I have to cut the coffee completely out cause I can talk myself into drinking 5 cups no problem. 
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    I try to stay under 100mg of caffeine daily. I very rarely go over the 'recommended' 200mg. However... I'm a full-time working mother of a 13-month old. Momma does what she needs to in order to get through the day.

    When I was pregnant with DS I went from drinking about 3 cups of coffee a day (and an occasional soda) to nothing for the first 12 weeks. I was uber paranoid and worried. After 12 weeks I allowed myself up to 100mgs for the rest of the pregnancy. After I had the baby I limited myself to same one cup a day I had got in the habit of while pregnant so I could breastfeed without affecting the baby too much. Thankfully, DS had developed a tolerance while in the womb and tolerated the one-cup-a-day habit just fine. Flash forward a year of breastfeeding and one cup a day and I'm pregnant again... I've just kept up the one cup habit (MS permitting...) with an occasional soda.

    I'll keep this same caffeine intake through BFing the next one... unless they don't tolerate the caffeine well! Then.... Then it will be a sad, sad day in my household.

    DS: EDD, December 19th, 2014. Born, December 19th, 2014!
    DD: EDD, July 18th, 2016. Born, July 19th, 2016!
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    I've had bit of a coffee aversion too but even before it was just a cup in the morning. I usually have tea in the mornings now if I don't feel like coffee. I've completely cut out pop (soda) but for the high sugar content not necessarily the caffeine. But I never was a pop person anyways. Im not into chocolate at this point either.
    I didn't think caffeine was such a big deal ha-ha. In my reading too results always differ so I'm believing the ones that say its okay!
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    Since I have naturally low progesterone levels, even though I take supplements, I stay away from all caffeine, along with anything else that has at all been linked (even loosely) with miscarriage/pre-term labor. This was not at all based upon my doctor's recommendation, but a result of DH and I scaring ourselves shitless by spending too much time on Google. For instance, in addition to no caffeine, I don't eat pineapple - DH read at one point that there is some vitamin in pineapple that can induce early labor. Granted, to get enough of said vitamin, I'd probably have to eat like 16 whole pineapples, but I'm a worrywart. Insane, I know... just my personal preference.

    I'm also a big soda drinker when I'm not pregnant. With DS, I couldn't stand not having that carbonation, and I just don't care for sparkling water, so I would drink root beer or Sprite. I attribute a lot of my weight gain during my first pregnancy to all of the sugary soda I was drinking (I gained 65 pounds). This time around I've pretty much cut soda out altogether; however, over the past week, I allowed myself 1-2 diet cokes a day as a treat. I'm back to my water and decaf iced tea, though.
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    I have never liked the taste of coffee, but looovvveee Pepsi.  So much so that I often say I'd rather drink Pepsi than eat food if I could.  As I've gotten older I've cut way back on it (stupid metabolism).  During pregnancy, I've pretty much cut it out completely -- I don't think a little caffeine is bad for you or baby, but don't want the empty calories w/ no nutrients.  On average, I'd say maybe 1/2 can of soda per week.  Sometimes - with pizza or a hamburger or at the movies - or on a rough day - i Just NEED a little.  But I share it with someone and don't have the whole can.  
    09/12/14 BFP (EDD 5/15/15) 
    10/06/14 US #1 showing baby at 6W1D w/ no HB (rather than 8W4D)
    10/13/14 US #2 confirming miscarriage 
    10/28/14   800mg oral cytotec (very good experience)  

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    A little caffeine is shown to be pretty safe! But there's also no harm in trying some substitutes for a few months (even things with less caffeine rather than no caffeine at all- like Matcha green tea!) A lot of these have wonderful wonderful benefits for both mama and baby as well :)https://blog.mumberry.com/post/137096505605/can-i-really-have-coffee-while-im-pregnant

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    @PinkLady2015 "we can't tell whether it was caffeine intake or the fact that mom was also taking heroin at the time" ...hahaha

    @soberkfell You know, whatever makes you feel less anxious is ok in my book. For anyone. I'm sure I'm doing some small things differently that wouldn't matter in the slightest. However I did eat a whole pineapple myself one day last week, no joke.
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    One cup awake but five more in my dreams!
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    One can a day....2 if needed/craved
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    I used to drink 4-6 cups of black french press coffee daily. When we started TTC I gave up the caffeine and have stayed away, except since second tri started I've decided on Sundays I can have 1 cup of black coffee at my favorite brunch place as a treat! I figure Seamonkey is sticking around now and one cup of strong black coffee a week won't hurt anything :)

    That sounds so awesome. I want black coffee and brunch!
    TTGP December Siggy Challenge: Favourite Holiday Movie Moment

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    I don't worry about caffeine intake during pregnancy, but I'm also not a huge coffee drinker in general. Before pregnancy I drankone cup of coffee a day (various size depending on what I felt like). In first trimester coffee turned my stomach, unless it was a Tim Hortons double double, so I switched to black tea in the morning except for the occasional to-go cup if I felt like a treat. I'm not a big pop drinker in general, but more because of the sugar than the caffeine, but my go to pop on the rare occasions I drink it is a diet coke which I have only had once while pregnant. I think I've had a couple iced teas as well.

    This is another "to each their own" area of pregnancy for me - studies have shown some caffeine is totally fine, so just do what you're comfortable with. 
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    2 mugs of home drip with half n half (try to omit sugar most days) or one mug if I plan to have soda later or some earl grey tea later, or one grande starbucks latte or specialty drink that contains expresso.
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    For me, it depends on the day. I sometimes don't have any, but might have an 8oz cup of black tea if I need a little kick. Since being PG I've only had 1 double shot caffinated latte (i used to have one every day) and I bounced off the walls until I crashed.
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    Anyone hear anything about increased coffee levels make your baby "hyper" or cranky? These are the reasons my mom friends say they decreased caffeine. I don't buy it.

    @loganlacey black coffee is my natural laxative. The. Best.
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    Anyone hear anything about increased coffee levels make your baby "hyper" or cranky? These are the reasons my mom friends say they decreased caffeine. I don't buy it.

    @loganlacey black coffee is my natural laxative. The. Best.

    I haven't heard that but I drank coffee in the morning and tea in the afternoon everyday my last pregnancy and my kid is very chill.

    I don't drink much with this one because I just nap when #1 naps but if I can't nap you bet your ass I drink some caffiene. I really don't track how much I drink, I don't think I go over the max.
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    @aimz2377 You just changed my LIFE! I used to love my cup of coffee in the morning but around week 8 I just couldn't do it. It absolutely repulsed me! I was so sad to lose that little bit of variety in my drinks, haha! You just gave me hope that I should revisit the coffee, now that I'm further along. What do you know....voila, I like it again!!! SO EXCITED to add that cup a day back into my routine!! :smiley: 
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    I was a complete caffeine addict pre-pregnancy, 6-8 cups of coffee per day. Now I'm down to 2, and any days I've tried to quit completely, I'm home all day with a headache. Maybe TMI but, constipation as well, oy.

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    Anyone hear anything about increased coffee levels make your baby "hyper" or cranky? These are the reasons my mom friends say they decreased caffeine. I don't buy it.

    I haven't heard it makes the baby hyper or cranky, but my midwife said caffeine crossed the placenta as one of the reasons to cut back/ cut it out. I assume it's not the best thing, but I'll definitely ask more about how it affects the baby at our next appointment. Good question!
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    I drink one sometimes two cherry cokes a day. No one likes a mean suz.

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    edited February 2016
    My family doc and OB said anything less than 4 cups of coffee a day is safe.  I did my research and cannot find anything supporting the need to cut caffeine completely. First trimester I switched to decaf (Yuk!!). After I hit 13 weeks I ditched the decaf and went back to regular. It's working for me; I feel great! 
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