July 2016 Moms

How much caffeine are you all drinking a day?

I'm trying to drink as little as possible but it's impossible for me to not drink a can of Coke every couple days. Just curious what you all do?

Re: How much caffeine are you all drinking a day?

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    I drink a mug of half caff every morning (made at home). My travel mug is either 20oz or 24oz. I don't know the exact amount of caffeine but I do know home brewed drip coffee has less caffeine than store bought stuff.
    Me (32) & DH (35)
    Married 10.10.10
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    I drink a mix of herbal and Yerba mate tea which has about 80-90mg a cup. If I get an afternoon headache (became a norm in 2nd tri) then I'll drink a shot of espresso, which has around 80mg.

    @sboston06 just keep in mind it depends on the coffee bean. Even half caff it can be as much as 203-245mg for that coffee size. Im unsure of your caffeine goals; just wanted to inform :)
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    sboston06sboston06 member
    edited January 2016
    @dolewhipper thank you for the info! On further review my travel mug is 16oz so I feel better about that. I always found the definition of "cup" confusing as in general a cup is 8oz but a standard old school coffee cup is 6oz.

    Edited: autocorrect fail
    Me (32) & DH (35)
    Married 10.10.10
    DD born 7.25.16 <3
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    aceoffaithaceoffaith member
    edited January 2016
    I try to keep it to 100 mg a day maximum. I will either do that by allowing myself a soda or a chai latte. I don't have caffeine every day, but I don't worry if I do indulge.

    Edit: words are hard
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    For the past two weeks, I have had about 6oz of coffee, and then a couple of times a week I will have a soda. I crave soda like nobody's business, but did during the first 15 (or so) weeks of my first pregnancy as well. Which is funny, because I rarely drink soda when not pregnant. 
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    kellz14kellz14 member
    edited January 2016
    Pre-pregnancy I used to do just one cup of coffee in the morning with the occasional second cup in the afternoon.  Now I've cut back to half a cup (filling my 12oz mug up halfway) in the morning and that's it.  I tried doing decaf or half caf but quickly realized I'd rather have half a cup of the good stuff than a full cup of so-so tasting decaf.  By the way Coke has far less caffeine than the average cup of coffee. Like, 21mg a can or something.  I'm guessing my half a cup of coffee probably has 100mg or so caffeine, give or take.
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    I've never been a coffee or tea drinker, but I was a biiiig soda drinker before.  A 12oz can of Pepsi has 38mg of caffeine, so I guess technically to stay under 200mg, I could still have 5 a day!  (Caffeine wise - fine, sugar wise - whoa baby!)  I don't think I've ever in my life had that much in one day, though. :)  I let myself have a soda a day, if I'm having a particularly tough day, I'll have a second.  But no more after that! 
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    Before I was thinking about getting pregnant I drank coffee all day but then I switch to decaf and now when I want something hot I drink a jasmine tea...not sure how much is in the tea since the box doesn't have the info. I find that I can't or won't drink decaf for very long till it's back to the good stuff so i just stay away when I'm pregnant. 
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    edited January 2016
    I've actually had an aversion to coffee so I've only had a few lattes here and there or maybe a bottle frappuccino. I do crave sweet tea though so I try to only have one large (my brand is about 100mg of caffeine) per day.
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    I usually have a cup of coffee in the morning (just normal, home brewed drip) and a can of Coke Zero with dinner (34 mg).
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    a cup of coffee every morning (my travel coffee mug fits 1 c. of coffee and room for 1/2 and 1/2) and that's it for the day
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    I have a 12 oz coffee every morning by 10 am or I'm guaranteed a nagging headache for the day. In the afternoon or during dinner I will often have a glass of sweet tea or once in a while a soda. I've sadly gone off chocolate this pregnancy so I'm pretty sure I'm under the 200mg recommended limit.
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    I have a chai latte about 2-3x a week. I didn't drink a ton of soda prior to becoming pregnant but when I did it was always diet soda. When I asked the nurse about diet soda she didn't really give me a definitive answer so I've just been drinking it far less than I normally would. Diet Dr Pepper. Mmmmm....
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    I'm a teacher and I used to drink coffee in the morning on my way to school. Over the summer, I didn't drink much at all so I just continued not drinking any when school started up again in September. I knew I was going to try to get pregnant and I didn't want to deal with the caffeine headaches of cutting back. Now I just drink decaf if I really want coffee or I'll get decaf tea. Every once in awhile I'll drink a hot chocolate or something that I know has some. For me, it was just easier to avoid altogether.
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    I used to drink 4-6 cups of black french press coffee daily. When we started TTC I gave up the caffeine and have stayed away, except since second tri started I've decided on Sundays I can have 1 cup of black coffee at my favorite brunch place as a treat! I figure Seamonkey is sticking around now and one cup of strong black coffee a week won't hurt anything :)
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    I've actually had an aversion to coffee so I've only had a few lattes here and there or maybe a bottle frappuccino. I do crave sweet tea though so I try to only have one large (my brand is about 100mg of caffeine) per day.

    I've had the same, which really bummed me out because I'm a huge coffee lover. I've just now, at 15 weeks, began to enjoy it again. But now I have to drink decaf because the caffeine was making me jittery.

    As for caffeine intake, I drink maybe 1 can of soda a day. I don't usually finish the whole thing because it's too sweet, but I do need a small amount to keep me going. I work in kindergarten and caffeine is vital.
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    I was a caffeine addict, but a couple of months before I got pregnant, I gave up all caffeine. I had headaches for a couple of days, but then I was fine. I have avoided caffeine all together throughout this pregnancy and planning on keeping it that way. I have been replacing caffeine with water, orange juice and fruit smoothies ☺
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    I have a hot drink aversion so no coffee for me :'( I miss it! I don't drink soda often and don't even want chocolate. I was the same with DS (little to no caffeine) and he was fine with it when I was nursing. I think it has more to do with their bodies and digestive systems than how much we drink while pregnant.
    H. Foxe born October 22, 2013
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    edited January 2016
    None. I love chai and Diet Coke, but I cut it out while TTC because I know I can manage without it. My mom may have been suspicious because I always got Diet Coke when I ate out with her and I switched to water.

    Edit: Saw above post and remembered chocolate. I have a healthy amount everyday, so I can't say no caffeine.
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    Unfortunately, I am a big diet coke drinker. I'm trying to push water, but I'm having a hard time drinking enough with my MS. I haven't really been monitoring my caffeine intake, but I have good and bad days. I forgot about chocolate having caffeine, so I may need to take that into consideration since I seem to be eating a lot of that lately!
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    LaurenAsh23LaurenAsh23 member
    edited January 2016
    I probably have one or two cokes and one or two cups of coffee. Unfortunately, pregnancy brings on terrible headaches and migraines and the only thing that helps is caffeine.

    Eta: I have a water bottle with me all day long too and chug that as much as possible, so those drinks mentioned aren't the only things I'm drinking
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    I gave up my daily coffees but I'm still having one here and there when I have a nasty headache that I can't shake.
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    I've been drinking either 4oz of strong black home-brewed coffee or a large half calf almond milk latte from the coffee shop on week days. On weekends I indulge in 8oz of homemade black coffee. I'm not a soda drinker and have been keeping my tea consumption caffeine free. 

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    Before getting pregnant, I'd drink about 20-24 oz. of dark roast French press coffee every day. Since my BFP, I've switched to decaf. Even now, it's only 10-12 oz. of decaf every couple days. I do eat chocolate, so I'm getting caffeine from that. But overall, I was able to cut a lot of it out.
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    I drank decaf when pregnant with DS1, 1 cup half caff a day pregnant with DS2. This baby I drink 1 cup regular coffee with creamer. Both my other kids are totally fine, though DS2 is a better sleeper. That is probably more a second kid thing or luck of the draw than anything else though.

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    Chocolate does have caffeine, but in very small amounts compared to sodas and coffee, so unless you are eating several candy bars a day, it doesn't amount to anything significant really. I believe darker chocolate has more.
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    I've only had it with the few migraines I've had. It seems to be the only thing to kick them. I do eat chocolate, but not a lot. I've been drinking a ton of water, milk and juice.
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    Totally just wondering, is there a reason to give up caffeine completely (or seriously minimize)? Did anyone's doctor say it was a good idea? My doctor always said it was totally fine having up to 2 caffeinated drinks a day and everything I've read agrees. I've had up to 2 drinks a day (coffee, a chai latte, tea, etc) without thinking twice...
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    I gave up coffee and coke before we started TTC but I'd been drinking 2-3 coffees per day prior to that. Like PPs I had an aversion to coffee during the first tri and drank tea 3 or 4 times a week and no coke. Now it seems I'm over the aversion and slowly going back to small coffees maybe twice a week and I might have a pop (canadian, don't judge)  every other day. I just try to be aware of how much I've had. If I drink a coffee that morning I won't have a coke in the afternoon, etc. Moderation and all that. 
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    I still drink 1-2 cups of black coffee every day. No caffeine plus hormones equals migraines for me. And I love coffee. I'm not a big soda drinker. I'm also drinking close to a gallon of water a day.
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    I drink normally drink 1 cup and I sometimes have a sweet tea later in the afternoon as of now, but for the first trimester I had a huge coffee aversion. I actually couldn't drink any hot beverages at all. I sometimes had a cold latte to take the edge off. I believe you should do what's best for you within reason and moderation. If you need 2 cups to keep up with an active toddler at home or to keep the headaches at bay, do it. 
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    I drink as much as I want. :#
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    My caffeine weakness is sweet tea, though coffee is a close second.  I'm not sure how much caffeine is in my tea or coffee, but if I have a large cup of coffee at the office, then I try to stick to water the rest of the day.  If I'm drinking sweet tea, I may get a Mc D's sweet tea to drink while I'm at the office or have a couple small glasses of tea with supper at home, but I've been drinking more water than anything lately. 

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    Before getting pregnant I would drink like 5 cups a day! Now it kind of grosses me out, so even if I wanted it, I can't really take it, especially the K-cup stuff! Sometimes I'll get a decaf latte and that seems to be okay.
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    I have a can of pop per day... I tried to cut it out some days but I find myself getting a migrane if I dont have it. I think its ok in moderation. 
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    Thank you all for your responses! This is my third so I'm not overly insane. My first I cut out caffeine altogether til the third trimester where I'd have a can of Coke a week. But with 2 toddler sons... I need some caffeine! Haha. Just curious if I was the only one still drinking some.
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    @jennyleigh16 no shame. I say pop as well haha
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    @djham88 I did the same thing, completely cut out caffeinated beverages with my 1st pregnancy. This time, I have a toddler that I need to keep up with! I'm not a coffee drinker but I have a hot tea most mornings. I've really cut back on soda but if I want something fizzy I try to stick to non-caffeinated (root beer, sprite, sierra mist). However, I still indulge in the occasional diet coke.
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