I found out I have an arcuate/bicornuate uterus and currently in my TWW from my first round of IUI. They told me to take it easy and avoid exercise during this time. If/when I get pregnant, will I be able to exercise during my pregnancy? I know with these anomalies I have a higher chance of early labor other complications. I just have this feeling that I shouldn't and I'm not about to risk anything. But if I can, I'd like to do something. For the past week I've been scared to do anything and its only round 1! Just trying to get an idea of what might happen and I haven't really come across much info on this.
Re: Uterine anomalies and exercise while pregnant question
@catkids3 - how was the bicornuate uterus diagnosed? Sometimes an HSG or sonohystogram can show what appears to be a bicornuate uterus, but it can also be a septum. If it is a septum, it can be surgically corrected. I've heard that you either need a laparoscopy or an MRI to correctly diagnosed uterine abnormalities. I just wanted to check. I was originally diagnosed as having a bicorunate uterus, but laparascopy showed that it was a septum, which was corrected with surgery.
I'm not sure if there are any exercise restrictions due to having a bicornuate uterus. You're right, people with a bicorunate uterus are at risk for early labor, so your exercise might be restricted later in your pregnancy. Best wishes to you!
me 28 (Lean PCOS, hypothyroid)
dh 33
TTC #1 since early 2011
May 2011- natural pregnancy (metformin only); m/c @ 9 weeks + D&C
July 2011- lap to remove dermoid cyst
August 2012-current- 9 rounds of Clomid, 1 cycle of Femara, several cycles of soy isos, 1 IUI, O'd every cycle, BFN
August 2014- lap to remove uterine septum. Everything else looking good.
Moving onto IVF Feb/March 2016 Just kidding. Natural bfp 1/30/16. 1st beta 2/1 = 110. 2nd beta 2/3 = 332.
First ultrasound 2/19 - one baby with a heart rate of 127! EDD 10/11/2016
I had an HSG and than an ultrasound that showed it was more of an arcuate, possibly bicornuate. My doctor had another specialist review it and were both confident that it wasn't a septum. They did offer an MRI to be sure but since they both seemed so sure I bypassed it for now. Maybe I should go ahead with it? Sorry to hear your were misdiagnosed! Glad you were able to get it taken care of though! My sister in law had the same thing and has 3 kids now (2 from IUI and the last was a surprise! - that gives me hope!) She had to completely give up exercising throughout the entire thing starting with when they started IUI. All I know is I need to do something because I'm a big ol nervous pig right now!