July 2016 Moms



Re: 1/11/16 PGAL CHECK-IN

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    @MamaBish Do whatever makes you happy and feel good! A little refresh of the pregnancy wardrobe never hurt. ;)
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    @chels0120 What part of California are you in? :smile: 
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    Well I loved reading all of those updates today... Really good to hear such good news from so many people, and learn where everyone's from! 

    @chels0120 we're sorry you're here but very happy to welcome you, sending many good wishes, this is a great place to find support, we're here for you.

    One really random symptom (I don't even know if I'd call it a symptom, more of an observation), is that my saliva has started to taste like milk about 10 days ago. When I drink water that taste almost makes me think like there is milk in the water. It's weird but not really important or concerning :wink: But sometimes it's fun to share weird stuff to see if others have it too (end of random observation). 
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    @TiffRox81 we are in Bakersfield. You?
    @Serpica THANK YOU!!
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    @chels0120 We're in Sacramento! My sister is in Fresno. Not too far from you. Hopefully the summer heat isn't too terrible for us.

    I have a good friend in our neighborhood that has a 15 month old daughter. As soon as I told her about my pregnancy she started packing up all her infant items and is giving them to us Friday...including a Doppler!! She has no idea how excited I am about that hand me down, lol.
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    So incredibly happy to see all the great updates from today! And I agree @MamaBish that you should get new clothes if the other ones make you feel uneasy.
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    @TiffRox81 that's awesome!!!! And omg the end of July due date has me already wanting to cry!!! I'm scared to see the power bill that month hahaha
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    I had my OB appointment today. Everything went great. And then I got hit by a bicyclist. Luckily it was in the leg but I am still having a lot of anxiety.
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    @BostonBaby1 omg, that sounds so scary! I'm glad you are okay!
    Me: 33  DH: 31
    Married: 8/9/2010
    3 Furbabies - Kumo, Mal, and Lynx!
    Started TTC August 2014
    BFP #1 - 12/16/14 EDD 8/22/15 - MMC and D&C 1/23/15
    BFP #2 - 7/10/15 EDD 3/20/16- chemical pregnancy, ended 7/16/15
    BFP #3 - 11/12/15 EDD 7/21/16 - wishing and hoping for a sticky little bean!

    July'16 BMB May Siggy Challenge - Star Wars:

    Babysizer Geeky Pregnancy Tracker

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    @BostonBaby1 Glad your appointment went well and that you are okay! That is awfully scary
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    @BostonBaby1 Oh no!! I hope the bicyclist didn't knock you over. I'd be shaken up from that too!!! Get some rest!
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    @BostonBaby1 I liked your post because of your awesome appointment! I'm glad you're ok after getting hit!
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    @BostonBaby1 Sorry you got hit! I hope you're feeling ok. Glad you had a good appointment though!
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    @BostonBaby1 whatttt??? Glad you are ok!
    🌈  Preemie 2016  🌈
    ♥ Stillborn 2015 
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    Weeks/days: 13 weeks, 4 days

    Updates: had my last appointment on Thursday, everything went great, strong heartbeat. Also got my home Doppler in the mail this week. Best investment ever, really helps me keep from worrying so much! Also got a genetic blood test done, hoping to hear back on that soon!

    Symptoms: pretty symptom free entering the second trimester. I do have some crazy rash all over my hips from my detergent, going to have to start using baby detergent. I'll take that over puking all he time though!
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    Weeks+Days: 15W4D

    What's next: Appointsments/milestones/etc. I have another ultrasound February 19th :)

    Rants/Raves/Symptoms: I randomly throw up a few times a week so that's fun. Other then that everything is great!

    Optional GTKY: Where do you live? The freezing cold state of Minnesota
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    Hey ladies. My last pregnancy ended at 17w5d due to ruptured membranes (water broke) at 16 weeks. I've had all the tests and work ups to find no cause to why that happened. I've been deemed high risk for this pregnancy which is a relief because I'll be monitored very closely. I have been nervous the whole pregnancy so far but lately the anxiety has been worse (just started 16 weeks). I have nightmares that history will repeat itself and when I wake up in the morning I feel the bed to see if it's wet (water broke). I'm basically being tormented with anxiety and nerves, even though the pregnancy is going well...
    Anyone else in this boat?
    This is a horrible club to belong to.
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    MamaBishMamaBish member
    edited January 2016

    Hey ladies. My last pregnancy ended at 17w5d due to ruptured membranes (water broke) at 16 weeks. I've had all the tests and work ups to find no cause to why that happened. I've been deemed high risk for this pregnancy which is a relief because I'll be monitored very closely. I have been nervous the whole pregnancy so far but lately the anxiety has been worse (just started 16 weeks). I have nightmares that history will repeat itself and when I wake up in the morning I feel the bed to see if it's wet (water broke). I'm basically being tormented with anxiety and nerves, even though the pregnancy is going well...
    Anyone else in this boat?
    This is a horrible club to belong to.

    So many hugs to you! I'm so sorry for your loss.
    I'm in the same boat, lost my last baby at 28 weeks due to placenta problems. I am also high risk and will be monitored very closely. It's so stressful and scary. Hopefully we can help each other through this.
    🌈  Preemie 2016  🌈
    ♥ Stillborn 2015 
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    @stephTOBEgreen I am so sorry for your loss. I was a total mess as I approached the milestone of my longest pregnancy. Being pregnant after loss is really stressful, I hope you have a better day today
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    @stephTOBEgreen Welcome to this board! It's not a board anyone is happy to be included in but I hope you find it helpful to see you're not alone. Especially with all the additional worries!!! we all have them. I can attest to that for myself for sure!!
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    @stephTOBEgreen I am sorry that you find yourself a part of this group, but I think you'll see that the women here are an incredible support for each other. I'm pretty sure that most of us have gone through the terrible fears of losing this pregnancy also. Milestones are really tough and approaching them is anxiety producing. Pregnancy dreams/nightmares don't help. I'm also high-risk for multiple reasons… Hopefully you will stick around and continue to update us. (((Hugs)))
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    12w or 12+5 based on due date. I think I will be ready to switch to the lmp due date once I am clearly past 13w..which is next Sunday.

    Ob appt Thursday, then off to 4 week appt which I haven't had to do yet. Will probably have a 17w appt and then a 21w anatomy scan in mid March. We are getting an elective u/s Feb 6 to peek at baby and maybe get a sex. Then we will be telling our 3 yr old DD!!!

    Planning to talk to my boss either this week or next and start discussing maternity leave. Waiting till Feb 4 to tell my entire school.

    Been loving having my own doppler and using it about twice a week. It has been a life saver.
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    @BostonBaby1 so sorry for what happened... hope you are feeling better! Boston bicyclists out in the cold are just scary..... 

    @stephTOBEgreen I'm so sorry for your loss, it makes sense that this is a very stressful time for you; all of us are quite scared about the possibility of this happening again. But with support and encouragement we've been able to take it day by day... continue to update us on how you are doing

    Given all the good reports about dopplers I'm starting to wonder whether I should get one... my husband still thinks it would just up my anxiety. well next appointment is on the 27th, I'll try to wait it out... 
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