July 2016 Moms

Bottle Question...

So we were looking at baby bottles as we are starting our registry.  I am interested in the Tommee Tippe bottles but am confused about where they are made.  On the box at the store it says they are made in Morocco but I keep seeing it posted online that the bottles are made in China.  Anyone know for sure which is correct?  I would rather get bottles not made in China.  Also, has anyone used the MAM bottles and what did you think of those?

Re: Bottle Question...

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    Don't have an answer.  Agree with PP- buy a couple of a few different brands, try them out, then go buy more :)
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    PP's have good suggestions - I had a really hard time with bottles and bought like 15 different types to find the one that worked for us. We ended up with Avent but every baby is different. Here's hoping this new baby likes Avent!
    July '16 May Siggy Challenge 

    BabyFetus Ticker
    Me: 29
    DH: 32
    Married: June 2011
    DD #1: December 2013
    DD #2: EDD July 2016
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    Avent for lyfe!!
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    I completely agree with what Sara said above.  Don't get your heart set on a brand -- baby will make that decision.  Also, since it seems you are concerned, have you considered glass bottles and adapter nipples?  To answer your question, products must be labeled accurately and fairly in the U.S.  If it says made in Morocco, it's made in Morocco.

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

    Married: October 23, 2010

    DS: 8/7/2013

    #2 EDD: 6/29/2016, C Section: 6/22/2016

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    Thank you all for your suggestions and thoughts.  I realize that baby will choose the one he/she likes best but I am hoping to collect at least three different brands of 'well liked' bottles ahead of time.  I am pretty open to brands and styles but in my mind it is ideal if they are not made in China and that seems to be a hard find in some cases.  Thank you for the glass bottle idea.  I may go that route.
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    We used the glass Dr Browns bottles.  I loved using the glass ones.....just don't drop them on your toes!  :wink:   We also switched to plastic once they started holding them on their own.  The glass ones were just a bit heavy for them.
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    SaraC381 said:

    We used the glass Dr Browns bottles.  I loved using the glass ones.....just don't drop them on your toes!  :wink:   We also switched to plastic once they started holding them on their own.  The glass ones were just a bit heavy for them.

    I was a pumper so I loved the glass bottle because the fat didn't stick to the sides. And I agree when he could hold his own bottle we used plastic
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    We also used Dr. Browns (glass and plastic). We HATED the tommy tippee bottles. She did fine, but they leaked from the vent.
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    I used Avent with DS and loved them. Tried them with DD and she didn't like them. Doc said she had colic so I searched for colic bottles and liked the Tommie tippee ones. One downside to the colic ones is there are so many parts to clean. I would research bottles and look at the reviews. I don't know which ones I'll go with this time. I might buy one of 3-4 brands and see which one the baby prefers. I never even looked to see where they were made. Why is that a deciding factor for you? (Not trying to be rude, just curious if I'm missing something)
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    I will get what is needed for baby but the reason I prefer 'not made in China' is because there have been some issues with toys etc. which have had to be recalled.  I know of toys and food which have killed both babies and pets.  I just don't feel I can trust some of the products from there.  I am sure to some extent it is like that anywhere but I am just being as cautious as possible.
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    It sounds like the Dr Browns and the Avent are some I should put on my list.  Thank you all!  I like the idea of the glass, at least early on while we feed.  Also, Thank you Taymiller for your insight regarding using the glass bottles for pumping.  I intend to pump so this is helpful info.
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    We used glass, too. Dr Browns and Lifefactory.

    I ended up preferring the Lifefactory: they're made in France, they don't have a million parts like Dr Browns (Dr Browns has a vent inside. My daughter didn't have an issue with gas so we didn't need it), and you can buy sippy caps for them, so no need to buy sippy cups when it's time.

    She's 2 and now uses them to drink water and milk. Love things that can do double duty!
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    Never heard of Lifefactory.  I'm going to have to look those up!
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    Be prepared. You're going to see all kinds of recalls and reported child death. It's a big industry and people do stupid things with items. But every parent will have their "thing(s)" that are important to them and this is yours and that's totally cool. we've used avent and born free. But we're FF'ers from the start so we don't have issues with trying to find a bottle that the baby will take. They just take what they're given. I don't use dr Browns because of all of the pieces. We've used TT when at my parents house and in need of a clean bottle. They're fine, though we don't need something that resembles a boob. I prefer the avent just because it's easier to put together and fill.
    TTC #2: 12/2012
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    We used Avent with both boys and will buy them again. But honestly we had some of the cheapie generic simple bottles and they worked great too.
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    Dr. Brown bottles are amazing, but are also a pain to clean! Tommee's didn't work for us, the nipples kept sinking in.

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    Used dr Browns on all my kids and will on this one also.
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    I had one Tommee Tippee for my daughter and hated it. My husband hated it as well. Then I had my nanny twins and that is all they used. They always leaked, their little mouths couldn't form a good seal around them, so the milk would pour out the side of their mouths and get all over me and them. Nightmare!

    I used Dr Brown glass bottles the entire time. I had no issues with them being a pain to clean. But I rinsed them in hot water after she was done with the bottle, and then put the bottles right into the dishwasher and the little pieces in one of those dishwasher baskets for bottle pieces. Our dishwasher was ran every night. I also pumped right into them, instead of pumping into plastic ones and having the fat sick on the sides. But we had enough small bottles to last throughout the day, and large bottles (for when she was drinking out of large bottles) to last throughout the day....so we didn't have to wash bottles throughout the day. And they have been dropped more times than I can count, on all different surfaces, and have never broken one. 
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    You don't choose the bottle...baby does. Baby controls everything from conception...onward!

    BabyFruit Ticker

    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
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    We used Dr. Browns as well. We went through alot bottles and these ones were fantastic. The prevented alot of gas and throw up
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    That's what my plan is: getting a few types/brands of bottles and just seeing what works best for LO when they arrive. I plan to EBF while I'm on maternity leave (I get 4 months paid) and then pumping after that, but I want to BF for as long as possible. :D I go to the bottle aisle at the store sometimes just to look and there's so many options sometimes it's a bit overwhelming!
    Image result for jackson april gif baby
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    I used Mam with my first & loved them. A lil more work to clean but we still loved them. I of course did a ton of research & they were amongst the top 6 and most affordable. I recently went to BRU and see there's like 20 new brands out so we may buy 1-2 other brands as well to see
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    With my first we tried a bunch of bottles. We found a good fit with the playtex ventaire wide. We're going to try those first this time around and hope we get lucky.
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    My youngest would only use Medela bottles/ nipple. She rather starve to use anything else. However, she would only use Nuk paci's.

    My eldest did not care, food was google no matter how it came.
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    Thank you all so much.  I feel like I have a better place to start now.  I did find it a bit overwhelming looking online.  There are just so many choices so it is really nice to have 4-5 bottle brands which come recommended.  I likely will get some of at least three brands and maybe four and just work my way through until baby tells me which ones work.  Thank you again.
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