The holidays have ruined our nighttime routine and now dd has been staying up till 3 am and mama is exhausted. She is capable of sleeping through the "night" because she'll drink milk around 6-7am and sleep until 1 or 2pm! Thats 8 hrs straight, grrr...she has totally traded night for day and I don't know how to switch her back. I am so tired and I have a 2 year old (who is also waking at night) who requires my attention during the day when I'm working off of 3 hrs of sleep. Please help, what are some tips to get back on track with my 7 month old???
Re: Help! Baby awake till 3am
Wake her up earlier and earlier every day (e.g. work your way from 1pm to 7am in 30 minute increments over 10-14 days), and keep her in a quiet, dark room at night (perhaps start at 11 or midnight and work your way back to 7pm). I wish you both (all three!) good luck and sleep.