Baby Names

Girl name poll!

mmemartinezmmemartinez member
edited January 2016 in Baby Names
Trying to decide between some different names. Open to other suggestions as well. NN are just our thoughts for what we might say and would use both full name and nn.

ETA: sibling is Felix

Girl name poll! 115 votes

Imogen Tess (nn Ginny)
40% 46 votes
Cordelia Tess (nn Delia)
51% 59 votes
Roxanne Tess (nn Roxie)
8% 10 votes

Re: Girl name poll!

  • That was really tough I love all three. Imogen and Roxanne are slightly more appealing although i love the nn Delia.

  • Imogen or Cordelia.
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  • Imogen Tess is adorable and so sassy! I love it!
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    "It's when you know you're licked before you begin, but you begin anyway and see it through no matter what.  You rarely win, but sometimes you do."  -Atticus Finch, To Kill A Mockingbird

  • Imogen, hands down! I love this name, it's unique but not unknown. If you must use a nickname, Ginny is really sweet. Imogen Tess is absolutely the best name you have up there.

    Roxanne is also nice but I really dislike the nickname Roxie... a bit too Emo/Punk.

    Cordelia is not my style and I dislike the nickname Delia even more. 
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  • I love Imogen but I really hate the nn Ginny.
    Triple LFAF IVF Cycle:

  • Voted Cordelia. I like Delia and all of its nickname options. It was close between that and Imogen.
  • I don't like any of the names, but I do like Delia so I voted for Cordelia.

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  • Definitely Imogen!
  • I chose as if I had to change my own name and picked Roxie..
    Sorry but I don't like any of those names.. Maybe Tess
  • groovylocksgroovylocks member
    edited January 2016
    Imogen or Roxanne work better with Tess. 

    Cordelia just doesn't match the style of Tess. It's like topping a filet mignon with buttercream. Both delicious but totally different flavours.

    I definitely prefer Imogen as a name. But Roxanne Tess has a lot of texture to it.

    Sorry. I used to be a musician. I use words like texture to describe sounds. I'm really not a pretentious tool all the time..
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