3rd Trimester

In Laws Missing birth of first grandchild.

edited January 2016 in 3rd Trimester
To all new mom's I wanted to ask what you thought of my situation on how I could support my husband. My in laws planned a trip 4 months ago knowing the due date for Thier first grandchild is January 2. I asked if they bought travel insurance in case I was late. My MIL told me she had so I felt relieved. I had them over this past weekend and she had the nerve to ask me to plan her excursions for her on a trip we don't want them to go on now that my due date is now gone and past. It is now January 5th and I am scheduled by the hospital and my doctors orders to be induced at 41 weeks on January 9th. Come to find out my MIL lied about travelers insurance and are still planning on taking this trip. When my husband told my MIL about the scheduled induction she had the audacity to try to put in a request and for us to change the date to fit her vacation scheduale. When my husband told my FIL his response was that the baby will be there when they get back 10 days after its born and that he had his own kid's and experience so this was no big deal to miss. My point being I have never met two people who cared any less for the feelings of Thier son and who obviously don't want a connection with Thier grandchild. Ladies as a spouse how do I support my husband during these difficult times with my in laws?

Re: In Laws Missing birth of first grandchild.

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  • To all new mom's I wanted to ask what you thought of my situation on how I could support my husband. My in laws planned a trip 4 months ago knowing the due date for Thier first grandchild is January 2. I asked if they bought travel insurance in case I was late. My MIL told me she had so I felt relieved. I had them over this past weekend and she had the nerve to ask me to plan her excursions for her on a trip we don't want them to go on now that my due date is now gone and past. It is now January 5th and I am scheduled by the hospital and my doctors orders to be induced at 41 weeks on January 9th. Come to find out my MIL lied about travelers insurance and are still planning on taking this trip. When my husband told my MIL about the scheduled induction she had the audacity to try to put in a request and for us to change the date to fit her vacation scheduale. When my husband told my FIL his response was that the baby will be there when they get back 10 days after its born and that he had his own kid's and experience so this was no big deal to miss. My point being I have never met two people who cared any less for the feelings of Thier son and who obviously don't want a connection with Thier grandchild. Ladies as a spouse how do I support my husband during these difficult times with my in laws?

    I think you both just need to let it go. Its your ILs right to take a vacation whenever they want. Based on your FILs response, they clearly don't think its a big deal to miss the birth.

    FWIW, I think you are being overly dramatic. They can still be connected to their son and grandchild and not be at the birth. And if you don't want to change your dates or book her excursions, say "no."

    This, this, this.
  • SarahFoley725SarahFoley725 member
    edited January 2016
    You sand DH will have to do lots of parenting withou help from your parents. It sucks they can't be there when he wants them to be,but honestly he'll have to learn he can't depend on them to always be there when he wants or needs them. They have a right to their own life and if the birth isn't their priority then so be it. Your LO will be here any day so start getting excited about that and don't worry about them! Congratulations!
  • We live in New Jersey and my IL's and parents are in Canada, so they won't be there for the birth of the baby. They will come and visit after a couple of weeks. I don't think it's a big deal if your IL's are not there for the birth of your child. Just support your DH if he's upset.
  • i agree with some PP's about you being a little overly dramatic about the whole situation. going on a 10 day vacation doesn't mean they dont want a connection with their grandchild. it sucks that they lied about having travelers insurance, but there's really nothing you can do about it. let it go, & focus on preparing for your LO's arrival. i hope the birth goes smoothly & congratulations!
  • IL's can't win. Some parents-to-be complain because their IL's are TOO involved and then some complain because they aren't involved enough. You are about to have a baby, don't focus on the IL's since you can't control other people anyways, and just get ready for the baby. Good luck.

    This so many times over. Take the time just the three of you and connect as a new family of three :smile:
  • My ILs love three hours away and didn't come to see DD until she was almost two weeks old. I was glad to have uninterrupted time to bond and figure out BFing and for my body to heal. It was much easier to entertain guests when I wasn't in a lot of pain and waddling around bleeding like a stuck pig. Your ILs will have plenty of time to bond with their grandchild, a few days won't matter in the long run.

    Also, travel insurance generally only reimburses cancellations for things like funerals and medical issues, I don't think they pay out just because you changed your mind about going on your trip.
  • My in laws are going to Hawaii 4 days after my due date. If baby is late, they will get to meet when they get back. Not a big deal. It certainly won't change the relationship they will have with LO if they don't get to meet for a week or two after he or she is born.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • My parents came to see Olive. They booked a trip where they'd arrive on the 17th of december. PERIOD. They did not get insurance. Nor did they fly because my mom is clasutrophobic. They took a train. They didn't buy insurance or an open ticket or anything like that. Their return date was Jan 1st. PERIOD. 

    They planned to be there for Olive's birth (she was due on the 19th) but I found out on the 8th that i was being induced. They didn't change their ticket or fly in early (because, flat out, my mom doesn't fly. She missed my wedding because she doesn't fly. She missed her granddaughter's birth because she doesn't fly.. you get the idea)

    I'm not at all angry. Because when they DID arrive (on her one week old anniversary), they doted not only on her but on me and my husband, taking care of our house and us all for two weeks while we settled in with our newborn. 

    Nobody asked us to change our induction date. I would have been miffed if that had happened. Her induction was an emergency. So if somebody had asked me to hold off for a week, I would have been angry. But that they weren't there? My parents are very touchy feely. I am not. If they had been in that room with me and had tried to, like, cuddle me or something, i would have punched their lights out.
  • I understand a lot of ladies on here saying it's not worth stressing over and getting upset about. I agree-to an extent. From what you've said it seems they aren't being very compassionate about your hope of them being there. I think it's fine for them to continue with their plans but to lie about it and then blow it off like its nothing important to them would hurt my feelings too.

    I would be there for your husband, let him vent but don't fan the flames or it'll make everything worse. If your feelings are very hurt about it, kindly tell them but ultimately you just have to move on about it. Wait to make a judgment based on how they react to baby when they come back. Maybe they're trying to stay out of the way and it's less stress on them if they're occupied elsewhere. I doubt it's that they don't care at all, but I understand you being hurt over it, I would be too.

    Prayers for a healthy delivery and a happy first meeting with the baby and grandparents.

  • MamaHollandMamaHolland member
    edited January 2016
    They had & raised their own children already. They have the right to travel & live footloose & fancy free if they want to. You and are husband are grown adults. Though your husband may want his parents at the birth they aren't obligated or being bad parents by making their priority to be their vacation/trip. Your husband is a grown man, it's for him to be there for his family & his wife. They are the grandparents not the parents. They made all the sacrifices they were obligated to make while their children were young/minors, they aren't shouldn't be required or pressured to make those sacrifices now for your child. It's your turn... Welcome to parenthood. The only person responsible for your child is the two of you. Time to grow up. Sounds like your husband needs to cut his own umbilical cord.
  • I'm actually in the exact opposite situation and its kind of interesting to look at this from the other side. My in laws planned a long awaited 7 day cruise with some extended family from June 19-June 26 before I got pregnant. I'm due June 24th and we spent weeks convincing my in laws to not cancel their trip because the baby will be here when they get back (and who knows if the baby will come on time anyways). Your in laws realizing there is more to their life than their children/grand children is something you may come to love in the coming years. Based solely on what you've said, I personally would be glad to switch for my MIL who is having really hard time managing her children all being out of the house and starting their own lives not right next door to her.
  • My MIL, typically VERY invasive with boundary issues, was wonderful during labor. She came in early on and brought me snacks, gave me a pat on the shoulder and a hug and told me she, or somebody, would be out in the family area if I needed anybody. But you know, she wasn't there the whole time. She went to and from work. 
  • I wish my in laws would take a vacation while I gave birth. But instead they're inviting themselves to the birth center I'll be delivering at, despite me asking them not to come. Like pp's said, you can't control what other people do.

    If I were you I'd be too distracted to let them know I went into labor (;
    Seriously considering it. Kind of hoping that I go into labor in the middle of the night, or at least late enough to where we can text them while they're sleeping and hope they don't get it til morning lol that would be perfect. Especially since our birth center is 2 hours away from them.
  • @cMichelle0423 our in laws live 1 hr away and my parents live 4, our plan was to always call them when I started pushing because we didn't want them to be there, or constantly contacting us. My husband called everyone when I was wheeled in for my emergency c section (fetal distress during cervical ripening at 41+3), no one even knew I was in the hospital because it was an outpatient induction at this point.

    Never feel bad about wanting to make the day about you, your partner and your new baby.
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