July 2016 Moms

When to start buying baby stuff?


Re: When to start buying baby stuff?

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    edited January 2016
    Can someone explain why car seats expire? Do strollers expire too?
    The materials break down. It is a safety issue. They can not guarantee that the seat will work correctly once it expires if it is an accident. Meaning it won't lock down. And hold the child correctly. Most seats have a 5 year expiration date, but not all. Some are 4 years and some are 6. The Graco 4 Life is a 10 year seat. Check the bottom of the car seat for either the expiration date or the made date and see what the manual says. Also, if the car seat was in a car with an accident, 99% of the seats needs to be replaced. However, check your car seat manual, for each seat has different rules.
    Diono brand are also 10 year! 

    And sometimes if you are in an accident, your auto insurance will cover carseat replacement. My mom was rear ended and we had one of DD's carseats in her vehicle. Her insurance just told us to get another one, for around the same price that we had spent on her carseat that was in my mom's car. After it arrived, we just had to show them the receipt, and they reimbursed my mom (since she was the policy holder).
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    I'm also thinking I'll wait because if I put the items on my registry and don't get them at my baby shower, then I'll get a discount after the shower date. It is probably worth it to save 10-15% right? Or are there some things I need to buy before then?
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    I'm also thinking I'll wait because if I put the items on my registry and don't get them at my baby shower, then I'll get a discount after the shower date. It is probably worth it to save 10-15% right? Or are there some things I need to buy before then?
    Nope! This is the perfect plan.
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    I did not know about that discount of 10 -15%, does all stores do that?
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    Thanks for the info, I quess I will be looking at Graco, car seat
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    Just a heads up, but my understanding, atleast for BRU, is that the 10% off is a one time deal in the last few weeks before your due date, which I sorta lame.
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    I know that Buy Buy Baby is either 10 or 15%. I've heard the same about Target.
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    Just a heads up, but my understanding, atleast for BRU, is that the 10% off is a one time deal in the last few weeks before your due date, which I sorta lame.
    That is correct for both BRU and Target- it is a one-time use coupon for items on your registry.  When I used my coupon with my first, I got the scanner gun from customer service at Target and used it to scan everything I was buying that day.  I used the coupon on Black Friday, I just input my due date a few weeks earlier so that I could have the completion coupon in time.  
    DD 1.8.14

    Team Green for #2 due 7.15.16
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    Amazon is the same, too. A one-time deal. However, you can change your due date to whatever you want at any time. Right after my shower, I changed the date up so that I was eligible for the discount, and then bought what I needed. I think I was 7.5 months.
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