July 2016 Moms

When to start buying baby stuff?

I am 13 weeks pregnant and i keep seeing alot of cute stuff on fb yard sale sites. I want to buy alot of it but im not sure if its too early.
Is it? Am i jumping the gun?

Re: When to start buying baby stuff?

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    I'm 14 and change and the only reason we haven't bought the big stuff yet is we're waiting for the BRU sale next week. If you don't care if something is pink or blue or not and you want to start picking stuff up I don't see why you shouldn't. I plan to buy stuff here and there over the next 6 months so its not a ton of money at once. Be aware of what someone might decide to gift you though (ie: you'll probably get lots of baby clothes if you have a shower) (funny how that has such a different meaning on a non-pregnancy or wedding forum)
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    Go ahead and buy it now. I buy all baby items in yellow, greys, and neutral colors. So I can keep everything for the next baby, except for baby clothes.
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    I think if you're low risk and pass the 1st tri, you're fine.

    I jumped the gun and got the Vera Bradley baby bag I wanted during Black Friday; but I've known I've wanted that bag for over a year. I also picked up from tommee tippee bottles when they were 70% off at BRU because if I couldn't use it for whatever reason I knew family and friends who could.

    jennyleigh16 Tell me more about this sale you speak of.
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    I think that really varies from person to person. I know some people that don't buy anything until they are closer to the third trimester. I know some that refuse to buy anything besides a few of the things you HAVE to have when you first bring a baby home, because they have dealt with loss before...and the last thing they want to have happen is not get to bring home a baby yet have baby stuff all over the house that are reminders. 

    With my first, I bought the carseat/stroller as my first purchase, in my 1st Tri, but only because Britax was doing a massive sale where you by the stroller, you get the $230 carseat for free. I wasn't about to pass that up, especially since that was the stroller/carseat combo we were going to get anyway. Other than that, I did more of my purchases in my second trimester. 
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    @dolewhipper Apparently Babies R Us's Baby Days sale starts January 9th. A couple friends mentioned they picked up a ton of stuff on sale in January years ago when they had their babies. Another friend who is expecting told me the date. I've been stalking their website waiting for the flyer but nothing yet. 
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    I have a few friends that have reserved some second-hand items for me (my sister is giving me her crib once we get a bigger place and my coworker is giving me a bassinet once her baby moves into the crib). So far we only have a pair of baby booties and an Elmo doll baby got for Christmas. I am afraid to buy too much because I have a huge family and know I'll be having a shower in a few months. I don't think it's a bad idea though, especially if you'll be making a lot of the large purchases yourselves.
    Me (32) & DH (35)
    Married 10.10.10
    DD born 7.25.16 <3
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    @jennyleigh16 I was excited that I was going to be pregnant during the BRU Trade In event. I had several things that I was going to trade in, and was waiting for the date. Only to find out, that they aren't going to do it! People have been posting on their FB, asking when they were going to start it (there is usually one at the end of August, and one at the end of January), and they said that they have no immediate plans for one in the future, and then tell people to check out the good deals they have going on, and then attach their current coupons. I was looking forward to those discounts! Their coupons during sales, usually don't cover the items/brands I am wanting to get, so now I am just going to have to buy my stuff on other websites....whoever is doing the best deal. 
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    I already picked up a great pack and play for $30 off of a neighborhood swap site. If you're not particular it's a great way to save some money!
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    With DD's pregnancy I chose to buy the bigger items slowly throughout my pregnancy. Having a baby can get expensive and for us it was easier to prepare bit by bit. We did not want to get blue/pink items because we knew we'd have more kids, so buying stuff early wasn't an issue for us. I'm a planner and like to be prepared, so in my opinion it's not too early. Some people feel uncomfortable shopping this early, however, and prefer to wait a little longer, which is also fine. If you find a great deal on something you want/need, I say go for it.
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    I've been buying stuff since I found out. I know I shouldn't of but I couldn't help myself. So far I've only gotten clothes but I'm moving back to Minnesota February 1st so I'm waiting to buy all the big stuff then.
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    Oh, @MrsRo731 makes a good point. If you plan to have a shower before the baby is born it's a good idea to wait until after the shower to make too many purchases as you might get a lot of things you want/need as gifts. In my area it's customary to have the shower shortly after the baby is born so that people get to meet the baby as well, so that plan didn't work for me :)
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    Diapers (and some wipes).  I've started to stock up now.  Especially with Black Friday sales I was able to find diapers for $0.08/per.  The article below has some helpful hints especially on what are good prices, and how many of each kind to buy.  My goal is to have enough to last as least the first year. 


    Me: 28 | Husband: 39
    Married March 2016
    DD: born 7.22.16
    DS EDD: 6.23.18
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    We've been slowly stock piling the big stuff. Because we want to cloth diaper I've been buying one or two a month, and when I see deals (like the stroller we wanted on CL) I have been taking them. Now that I'm in my second trimester I'm more comfortable buying things like the carseat. We also made a big Ikea trip while we were in the Northeast over Christmas, which helped a lot. 

    I'm trying really hard not to buy newborn clothes or blankets or stuff like that because I know we'll get a lot of that at our shower, regardless of what we register for. I did buy a ton of stuff for NEXT winter at the Old Navy 50% off sale a few weeks ago, so baby is set for its first winter. 

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    We plan on buying the more expensive items like the car seat, stroller, etc. thoroughout the pregnancy so we can spread the costs out. We just bought our car seat last weekend. I also have been buying some of the items I know we'll need plenty of when I see a good sale. Like onesies in various sizes. Target had a lot of baby basics on clearance a few weeks ago and then there was a cartwheel deal for an extra 20% off clearance. I couldn't resist!
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    Another thing that you can do, if you don't want to stomach the cost of big purchases towards the end (but want to wait until after your shower), is you can stuff money in envelopes as you go, so you have the money set aside for if it is needed. You never know when friends or family might want to go in on a bigger item, and that will save you some money. I have sealed envelopes labeled with the item that I need to repurchase, and with each paycheck, I try and put money (in full) for one item. I usually round up, like if it is a $260 item, I put $300 in there. That way, when the time comes that I am ready to purchase, or I see a screaming deal on the item, I already have the money set aside. A majority of the items that we do have picked out, rarely go on sale, so I am not really counting on the fact that I may purchase things early. I will probably have the money set aside for everything, and then at the beginning of my 3rd Tri, do one full swoop and order all of the items at once. Just doing the envelopes since Oct, I already have enough set aside for a new stroller, a new swing, a new infant seat, and the convertible seat.....without evening thinking about it much. And since I rounded up with the money in the envelopes, if I do happen to find a deal along the way (or even if I don't), there will be some money left over after making the purchases, for any small things that I might need.  

    I guess my thinking, is that a lot of things have a 30-90 day return timeframe, and I would hate to get something (lets use the swing for an example), and have it sit in a box for 6 months, only to take it out and only have it last a week and not be able to return it....or find out that it is missing parts or there are damaged parts in the box, etc. Some stores have really crappy return policies.  
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    @jennyleigh16 I was excited that I was going to be pregnant during the BRU Trade In event. I had several things that I was going to trade in, and was waiting for the date. Only to find out, that they aren't going to do it! People have been posting on their FB, asking when they were going to start it (there is usually one at the end of August, and one at the end of January), and they said that they have no immediate plans for one in the future, and then tell people to check out the good deals they have going on, and then attach their current coupons. I was looking forward to those discounts! Their coupons during sales, usually don't cover the items/brands I am wanting to get, so now I am just going to have to buy my stuff on other websites....whoever is doing the best deal. 
    Ugh that stinks!! I've had a expired car seat in my basement that I've been holding onto for just that sale.  Boo.

    BabyFetus Ticker
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    @jennyleigh16 I was excited that I was going to be pregnant during the BRU Trade In event. I had several things that I was going to trade in, and was waiting for the date. Only to find out, that they aren't going to do it! People have been posting on their FB, asking when they were going to start it (there is usually one at the end of August, and one at the end of January), and they said that they have no immediate plans for one in the future, and then tell people to check out the good deals they have going on, and then attach their current coupons. I was looking forward to those discounts! Their coupons during sales, usually don't cover the items/brands I am wanting to get, so now I am just going to have to buy my stuff on other websites....whoever is doing the best deal. 
    Ugh that stinks!! I've had a expired car seat in my basement that I've been holding onto for just that sale.  Boo.

    When my MIL/FIL went through their shop a few months ago, they found their grandkids old carseats. Their grandkids (that they were used for) are 19 and almost 23.....so that goes to show how old they were. My husband couldn't figure out why I crawled into the hauling trailer, and grabbed the carseats, and threw them into our garage. HAHA! I was totally saving them for trading in, and I wasn't even pregnant yet at the time. 
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    As awful as this sounds... I'm not buying anything til after baby shower (first baby for both of our families) and these folks are already chomping at the bit (what are you having, whats your color scheme, what are the babies initials, whats your nursery theme etc etc etc.)
    I'll probably change my mind at some point if I happen to see something but right now, I'm just spending time clearing out the guest room.
    Also, we of course are not expecting anyone to buy big ticket items for us, but will prolly hold out for holiday sales as due date gets closer.
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    We waited until after our shower and I am glad we did. And then we did one giant order and got 10% off for our completion discount. We had so many Amazon boxes! (We registered on Amazon) I bought some clothes because I could help myself before our shower. I buy a lot of our kid clothes at the consignment store because they are super cheap and if you find a good consignment store they have super cute stuff!
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    I wait til the 3rd trimester, or close to. Because I'm a paranoid mess haha
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    this will be #2 so I won't need a lot but I am saving for a new stroller so I had an envelope that I add some spare cash to every few days. I'll start to stockpile diapers and wipes around 20 weeks. Anything before then I am very paranoid about
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    This is # 2 so I won't have a shower. I will start buying after we find out gender! If it's another boy I will only need big items; crib, dresser and a double stroller. If it's a girl though I will have a hard time containing myself! I'm a real girly girl and will go wild decorating the room and clothes shopping!

    If this is first baby I definitely reccomend waiting until after your baby shower to start buying things!
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    A few January sales have been too good to miss. Went ahead in purchasing crib & changing table dresser from PB when I was 12 weeks to take advantage of the deals. Delivery of these items can be put on a 90 day hold which gives us time to get the room nursery ready. We've now found out it's a boy and I'm full speed ahead on researching decor elements.

    Shop when you are comfortable and have fun! Look into store return/ exchange policies so you're not surprised later if an item needs to go back. I'm holding-off on buying items that I intend to place onto my registery until after the baby shower. To me, there are items you buy yourselves and items you register to receive as gifts.
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    I've been buying little things here and there. They had like an 85% off sale at Target on Kiinde bottles so I picked up a starter kit and an extra bottle kit. We are probably sticking with Avent but who knows what will work at the end of the day so I'd like to have several types to try. I bought hubby a few outfits in yellow and blue that are gender neutral for him to open on Christmas, and I've bought one pack of diapers. We are mostly waiting on gender and our ikea trip which has to be planned throughly because its a two hour trip to get there and we want to make sure everything will fit. We will probably buy paint for the nursery soon though. We need to get on it. Because of the risks with twins I expect ilk want everything done way ahead of time.
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    When you find a great deal, buy it. Especially used items that are usually expensive like the Ergo, the Bjorn bouncer, wraps, swings, etc.
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    @jlgriff11 I want to try the Kiinde system! My only concern is that last time I was part cow, and was pumping into 8 oz bottles, and I don't think that they have 8 oz ones for Kiinde (unless I am just not seeing them?!). So then I would have to take off the bag, and put on another one to finish pumping (if my output is the same as last time). 
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    @PhoebeJune1984 I have the Kiinde breastfeeding system from DS. I got it as a gift for my shower and TBH I'm glad I didn't pay for it! The BEST part of the whole system was the bottle warmer. We didn't buy one, or ask for one, because we just planned on using a mug of hot water to heat any bottles given at home (and since I was breastfeeding we weren't planning on giving a lot of bottles). Well DH stayed home with DS for about 5 weeks and MIL watched him 1 day a week after that so that bottle warmer actually came in real handy! As for the rest of the system... I'd save your money. The bags are meh. They are expensive and only go to five ounces (this wasn't an issue for me, I always saved in 2-5 ounce increments anyways). I much prefer the target brand bags. Way cheaper and get the job done. Kiinde does have a nice adapter system so that you can pump directly into the bottle brand of your choice... but since I pumped directly into Medelas and that's what my son took it wasn't necessary for us. We never even tried the Kiinde bottle system itself. It's nice in theory, being able to hook the bag directly up to their 'bottle' and nipple system, but using our basic medela bottles was just way easier.

    DS: EDD, December 19th, 2014. Born, December 19th, 2014!
    DD: EDD, July 18th, 2016. Born, July 19th, 2016!
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    Baby #3: EDD, April 16th, 2016
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    thebigoaktreethebigoaktree member
    edited January 2016
    I had bought a few gender neut. stuff early on because I couldn't wait. Now, since we've gotten the harmony results back I've put things in carts, but because I need to be told 100% on everything I won't hit complete order until our sex u/s in February. After that though, I'm buying a little at a time starting with cloth diapers. 

    Me: 30, DH: 31

    Married: May 16th 2015

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    @ladythrice Good to know! 
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    We kept most of the big items we had with DS. So, we're probably going to buy a few things here and there. We already have a car seat for LO :) only item we got.
    DS - March 9th 2014 TTC #2 - May 2015 BFP - October 2015 EDD - July 7th 2016
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    We are trying to get the big stuff out of the way because most likely, people aren't going to want to pay $200+ for shower presents.

    Bonus is all the things are gender neutral - crib (got for Christmas), glider rocker (got for Christmas) and will probably get a stroller/car seat sooner than later.

    Always good to start stocking up on wipes and diapers :)

    Pregnancy Ticker

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    Some people say it's bad luck, but I can't wait...
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    I swore I wasn't going to buy anything until after we found out what we are having. But a friend of mine is selling her brand new PPB and its in the cake style that I love that's been discontinued. Lol so I'm buying it!
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    My sister is a huge fan of the fb yard sale pages and she found us a crib that transfers to a toddler bed, and eventually a full sized bed, dresser, and changing table for $300... She said the set is worth upwards of $1200 and it's practically brand new so score for us. We also got a pack n play, and started setting aside gift cards for the spending we will have to do later.
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    Is BRU really not doing the trade in event?!?! I have saved two expired car seats to trade in (was hoping to use them but it took way longer than expected to get pregnant) I was really hoping for those coupons.
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    @lnbuckley There were tons of people asking the question on their FB page. They were responding with "We have no plans to do a trade in event in the immediate future" and then they would tell people to keep checking back for sales and promotions and provided the link to their website area where they post sales/promotions. Recently (in the past week or two), they stopped responding with "We have no plans to do a trade in event in the immediate future", and are now just telling people to keep checking out their link for sales/promotions. Some people have called their local BRU, and asked about the trade in event, and have been informed that it will be happening, but they don't have dates yet. So I am wondering if BRU realized that people were upset about there not being a trade in event, and are changing their minds, but don't have specific dates  yet?

    Anyway, I had a couple of things to trade in, but now that I am watching other baby websites, I am actually finding better deals than what I would get if I traded in the items and used the discount they give. The items you can use the coupon on (you have to use them that day, and it has to be an item they carry in-store), they will raise the price to full price. So by the time you use your coupon, you are bringing the price down to what is sale prices on other websites. That happened a couple of years ago when I bought my daughters Diono carseat. BRU had it for $299. Then they started the sale, and brought the price back up to the manufacture price of $360. If I brought in something to trade in, not only was I limited to what color I wanted (they only had one color in store), but getting the discount (25%) would bring the carseat down to $270. Well, I turned around and bought it for $250 from Amazon, got the color I wanted, and got free shipping since it was over a certain amount (I didn't have Amazon Prime). 

    So make sure that if you do decide to wait it out, watch online anyway. You can most likely find everything that you want, on sale or with a coupon code, for the same price (or cheaper) than you would have gotten them at BRU with the trade in.....
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    Can someone explain why car seats expire? Do strollers expire too?
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    austinjl said:

    Can someone explain why car seats expire? Do strollers expire too?

    The materials break down. It is a safety issue. They can not guarantee that the seat will work correctly once it expires if it is an accident. Meaning it won't lock down. And hold the child correctly.
    Most seats have a 5 year expiration date, but not all. Some are 4 years and some are 6. The Graco 4 Life is a 10 year seat.

    Check the bottom of the car seat for either the expiration date or the made date and see what the manual says.

    Also, if the car seat was in a car with an accident, 99% of the seats needs to be replaced. However, check your car seat manual, for each seat has different rules.
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