July 2016 Moms

STM+ Check-in


Re: STM+ Check-in

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    How many kids do you have? How old are they? 1 kid, he is 18 months

    - What are you struggling with right now? Energy, I have none. Our house is a mess and I have trouble cooking for my family because food is gross. My back is feeling much better thank goodness but it still gets sore.

    - What is going amazingly for you? My husband is awesome. My son plays independently really well and that makes my life easier.
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    How many kids do you have? How old are they?
    2 rotten little kids. ;) 1.5 half and 5 year old.

    - What are you struggling with right now?
    My 5 year old is struggling being off from school. She is demanding to br the center of attention at all points, she has started to lie to us and to one of us about each other.
    Break ends on Thursday, and I can't wait.

    - What is going amazingly for you?
    Dh js awesome. I know I am a needy clingy hormonal mess and he just handles it, pats my head and say that it is ok and he loves me.
    I don't deserve him.
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    Son turning 3 on the 27th.

    I'm struggling with everything. The worst though is we just moved into FILS and even though he knew we were coming for months...he never put the floor in. As in bare concrete. We also have no room at the moment so our bed is in the living room, all of our stuff is in soon to be ds room and all this equals out to being an unsafe environment for a rambunctious 3 yo so he's been staying with my parents. On top of that hubs is using my car since his is broken so I can't even get to my parents house to spend time with him unless someone picks me up. This is the longest I've been away from him, (mom will come up and run errands with me so I do still see him every couple days, but just during the day) and I'm a wreck. I feel like a bad mom plus have been so depressed lately with the move and personal drama that I miss the healing balm that is snuggles (or cunnles as he calls it) from my mamas boy :(

    What's going well? Not much as you can see from my above rant. The one thing I CAN say is that I haven't thrown up once. Lots of nausea and lots of diarrhea in the beginning, but that's it. It was the same with ds though. No puking until almost the end and that was only at night and due to reflux I believe.

    Sorry for the depressed air of this ladies. I'm in a funk.

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    This will be my 2nd. I have a 7 month old baby girl

    I'm struggling with the fact of how I am going to carry and hold two kids especially with them being 14 months apart

    So far the most surprising thing is that I am not as sick as I thought I would be. I threw up every day until I delivered DD
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    - How many kids do you have? How old are they?
    i have 2 boys, one who will be 4 in a few weeks and one who just turned 2.

    - What are you struggling with right now?

    I find myself struggling to keep my temper a lot lately. The boys have been driving me nuts, mostly I think it's stress from being cooped in during winter break. Between the rain we got and my youngest having some contagious stuff, we weren't able to get out of the house as much as we usually do. It has been a constant battery of questions and whining and disciplining that has me wound a bit tight.

    - What is going amazingly for you?

    Well, I just started a new job today so that is an awesome thing, and it's a position at my sons' preschool so I actually get to be around them all day, so that is a plus. I really do love them and like to be around them for the most part. Don't let my griping in the paragraph above fool you. It's just that at home, they act like hellions. At school they both flip a switch and act like I'm raising them pretty well so that is wonderful to see and makes up for the terrorizing at home a little bit.

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    - How many kids do you have? How old are they?
    1 son, 3 years old 

    - What are you struggling with right now?
    Keeping up with things around the house. It's tough coming home tired and having to make dinner, do laundry, etc. I purposely plan things for dinner that I know will be super easy to make.
    I also had my first migraine during this pregnancy. I get them on occasion normally (a couple a year?). But during my 1st pregnancy I had a lot. It really sucks because taking Tylenol is as good as doing nothing.  

    - What is going amazingly for you?
    I finally told everyone I'm pregnant...it's nice to not have a secret anymore. :smile: 
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    Son turning 3 on the 27th. I'm struggling with everything. The worst though is we just moved into FILS and even though he knew we were coming for months...he never put the floor in. As in bare concrete. We also have no room at the moment so our bed is in the living room, all of our stuff is in soon to be ds room and all this equals out to being an unsafe environment for a rambunctious 3 yo so he's been staying with my parents. On top of that hubs is using my car since his is broken so I can't even get to my parents house to spend time with him unless someone picks me up. This is the longest I've been away from him, (mom will come up and run errands with me so I do still see him every couple days, but just during the day) and I'm a wreck. I feel like a bad mom plus have been so depressed lately with the move and personal drama that I miss the healing balm that is snuggles (or cunnles as he calls it) from my mamas boy :( What's going well? Not much as you can see from my above rant. The one thing I CAN say is that I haven't thrown up once. Lots of nausea and lots of diarrhea in the beginning, but that's it. It was the same with ds though. No puking until almost the end and that was only at night and due to reflux I believe. Sorry for the depressed air of this ladies. I'm in a funk.
    @afrazer521, is there any chance you can stay with DS until the house is safe for him too? That would be so hard for me.

    DS: EDD, December 19th, 2014. Born, December 19th, 2014!
    DD: EDD, July 18th, 2016. Born, July 19th, 2016!
    CafeMom Tickers

    Baby #3: EDD, April 16th, 2016
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    - How many kids do you have? How old are they?
    A daughter and she's 14 months. Ya, we crazy.

    - What are you struggling with right now?
    Telling work and a few 'friends' that I just haven't been vibing with lately. I just don't want to tell people that won't be happy for us. It sounds totally self-involved and a little petty, but I know my boss will go crazy and start panicking about my leave (she already told me 'we are swamped! Don't get pregnant!'). We are psyched, and I don't want any negative Nelly's raining on my parade.

    - What is going amazingly for you?
    Life-wise, my daughter rocks. I mean she's totally stubborn, has a wicked mischievous side, and loves the word NO, but she cracks me up on a daily basis. And LOVES life. Plus she sleeps. I mean she SLEEPS. We will relish this until baby boy arrives.

    Pregnancy-wise, just that all tests have come back low-risk so far. I worry a lot being 'geriatric' to the pregnancy world, and it is nice to have good news as we go along. Knock on wood.
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    afrazer521afrazer521 member
    edited January 2016
    @ladythrice I could I've just had a bunch of appts and trying to get stuff done here and it's all so hard with only one car :(

    Edited to add the fact that if I spend the night at my parents to be with ds hubs gets depressed because then we're BOTH gone.

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    - How many kids do you have? How old are they?
    We have one, he is 4.5

    - What are you struggling with right now?
    Still nauseous a lot at night, fighting a terrible cold and just generally OVER feeling like shit all the time. 

    - What is going amazingly for you?
    My marriage. We are experiencing a really great time right now. It's never bad, but usually we have a spat a month or get annoyed with each other. Right now we are like kids in love for some reason. Probably my hormones.
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    - How many kids do you have? How old are they?
        I have one, DS will be 2 on the 25th!
    - What are you struggling with right now?
       DS has become very willful and is in tantrum mode often. He also isn't sleeping well and knowing in six months there will be two newborns added to the mix is a little terrifying.
    - What is going amazingly for you?
       We just bought a house and moved in on the first! We are already so happy here! And I found out today I'm getting a really big raise at work, so things are going well :) Saw the babies at an ultrasound yesterday and they are both doing awesome.
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

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    - I have a 17 month old daughter.
    - Indigestion...  I didn't have this until after 20 weeks with my daughter.   Also, tantrums.  My sweet, happy little girl is really pushing my buttons lately and has started throwing tantrums.    
    - I think I'm finally getting past the absolute exhausted stage (I hope)!  My daughter has never really been a napper, but she started taking long afternoon naps with me right when I needed them the most.
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    @jerseymommatobe my son turned 7 months yesterday so they will be 13 months apart! I feel the same about how it will be to juggle 2 so close together! I also don't feel nearly as sick as I was with ds!
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    I have a baby that just turned 1.

    I really needed this thread. Baby is teething and I'm having so much guilt with this pregnancy. We tried for a year to get pregnant with our daughter and this one was unexpected. I'm not as excited to be pregnant because I know I'm going to get the oh was this an accident, what are going to do with two babies. I hate that crap. I'm also terrified of 2u2.

    I'm finally starting to feel better so that's amazing.
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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    @kayham12 We are having 2u2 intentionally, but it still is a little overwhelming at times. I keep telling myself people get surprised with twins and somehow survive. (Used to think twins be fun and then DD was born colicky. Haha, never mind!) It's a phase in life and it will be crazy, but it's for a short time and then they will be close because of the small age gap. My sister and I are 15 months apart and best friends (apart from DH).

    Try not to let anything other people say get to you. It really is nobody's business but yours, and if they say something, it's just inconsiderate since it won't change anything. It's your family and you will love both your babies, which is what really matters.
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    @whataboutscience That's true. I was overwhelmed when our first was born and now she is our normal and I can't even remember what life was like before her. I know this will be the same. My sister and I are 15 months apart and we are best friends. When I told her we were pregnant again, she immediately told DD, "you're going to have a best friend just like me". I'm excited for them to grow up together and my daughter LOVES other kids. It's that whole fear of the unknown that's getting me.
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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    @kayham12 we are also having 2u2! While it was 'intentional' (we know what unprotected sex results in...) we didn't expect to get pregnant so fast. It took us much longer with our first and we assumed we have months and months of fun unprotected TTC sex. Welp, it was 'one shot, one kill' for us. I'm excited, I really am, and the more time that passes, the more excited I get (coming out of the shitty first tri is helping...) but I'm still terrified of handling 2u2!!! Especially since I'm extremely nervous about PPD/PPA.

    It is TOTALLY okay to feel like you do. You aren't alone!!!

    Also, DH and I are both within 18 months of our siblings and we do love the age-gap... years from now this child, and your first, will thank you for doing something so scary ;)

    DS: EDD, December 19th, 2014. Born, December 19th, 2014!
    DD: EDD, July 18th, 2016. Born, July 19th, 2016!
    CafeMom Tickers

    Baby #3: EDD, April 16th, 2016
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    So true @ladythrice we actually had the same situation which is why I said this one was unexpected. I have endometriosis and was told I may not get pregnant without medical intervention with my first. After 10 months of trying we finally got pregnant. This time it was 2. I wanted them to be about 2 years apart. So I didn't miss it by that much.
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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    I would have had mine closer, but with breastfeeding, didn't start my cycle until DD was 10.5 months. Once we were trying it happened in 4 months compared to 7 last time. Ours will be 22 months apart. How close are the other 2u2s?
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    Mine will be 18 months apart
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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    I would have had mine closer, but with breastfeeding, didn't start my cycle until DD was 10.5 months. Once we were trying it happened in 4 months compared to 7 last time. Ours will be 22 months apart. How close are the other 2u2s?
    @whataboutscience you lucky duck... My period came back at 6 months despite EBF!! We're still BFing now and my cycle has been... was... regular(ish...) from six months onward. However, despite this, we still expected it to take us several months to get pregnant with 2.0. It took us that long with DS. Not this time. One shot, one kill this time. DS will be 19 months when 2.0 is born.

    DS: EDD, December 19th, 2014. Born, December 19th, 2014!
    DD: EDD, July 18th, 2016. Born, July 19th, 2016!
    CafeMom Tickers

    Baby #3: EDD, April 16th, 2016
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    @ladythrice People told me I was lucky, but I hated it because I really wanted kids close together. When DD turned 12 months, I cut her off completely. Haha. I already had irregular cycles before BFing so I didn't need anything making it worse.
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    @ladythrice mine also came back when I was breast feeding and my supply would tank when I was on my period. I only made it 8 months before I cut her off. I got pregnant the next month.
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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    Question for those with 2 already... DD will turn 4 in September. Do you think I need to get a double-stroller? I was thinking about one of the ones with many different configuration (and sit-stand) options. DH doesn't think we need it. I'm thinking of long days out of the house when she gets tired and wants to be carried or when the stroller comes in handy to contain her (lol). We rarely use the stroller now but that's because I generally arrange our day around her schedule. Once baby comes, I'm sure the priorities will shift. (and I shudder to think about the day when she no longer naps... *tears*) I only used the Baby Bjorn occasionally with her. We live in FL now so I don't anticipate that will change much with Baby #2 either.
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    - How many kids do you have? How old are they?
    I have a 19 month old son

    - What are you struggling with right now?
    What aren't I struggling with?!?! Dh, ds and I all got the stomach flu last week. It was CRAZY! I couldn't eat and was super weak. We're all finally feeling better and I need to play catch up and clean up and DISINFECT! I started yesterday but was tired of being in the house so I packed up the kid and went to the mall!

    Also wondering non-stop about the new baby's gender. I analyze everything! Lol! The baby wouldn't cooperate during the ultrasound so we couldn't get a profile shot... Just a back view
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    edited January 2016
    ...... Sorry duplicate post.... I can't figure out how to delete it.
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    Y0urm0m said:

    Does any body else have a LO who has morning sickness too? I can't throw up by myself. DS(2) has to pretend throw up right next to me.

    Yessssssssss!!! My DS does this all the time!
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    quartz02 said:
    Question for those with 2 already... DD will turn 4 in September. Do you think I need to get a double-stroller? I was thinking about one of the ones with many different configuration (and sit-stand) options. DH doesn't think we need it. I'm thinking of long days out of the house when she gets tired and wants to be carried or when the stroller comes in handy to contain her (lol). We rarely use the stroller now but that's because I generally arrange our day around her schedule. Once baby comes, I'm sure the priorities will shift. (and I shudder to think about the day when she no longer naps... *tears*) I only used the Baby Bjorn occasionally with her. We live in FL now so I don't anticipate that will change much with Baby #2 either.
    @quartz02 I don't have two yet but I'd get a double if you commonly do excursions with both kids where your DD would get tired. We're getting a double but DS is going to be 18 months so he's definitely going to want the occasional ride. However, even if he were older I would get a double. I bet your DD would use the stroller up through age 5 (depending on her size I suppose).

    DS: EDD, December 19th, 2014. Born, December 19th, 2014!
    DD: EDD, July 18th, 2016. Born, July 19th, 2016!
    CafeMom Tickers

    Baby #3: EDD, April 16th, 2016
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    @ladythrice yeah, that's what I'm thinking too. Quick trips to the store, probably not needed. However, I took DD to a festival by myself this past weekend. Just to get from the (far) parking lot to the fair grounds, I had to carry her. I won't be able to manage that with two! Especially if I want to get anywhere quickly!
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    - How many kids do you have? How old are they? DS will be 3 in March
    - What are you struggling with right now? Potty training. DS doesn't want to poop on the potty but he's good with pee. We tried the 3 day training mentioned earlier but it didn't work. It's been a while though so I'm thinking we might try it again.
    - What is going amazingly for you? Work, actually. This pregnancy has been really symptomatic and challenging but my boss has been so understanding and accommodating.
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    Awesome idea!
    1 kid, a girl, 18 months old

    I am so worried that she is going to think I don't love her anymore once the baby is here. I know that's a totally common worry, but it makes me so sad that she won't be an only anymore.

    This pregnancy, so far, is way less anxiety ridden. I had a pretty good birth experience with DD and I am just a different person this time around. I think it's because there are fewer unknowns the second time, but I'm enjoying this so far. I hated being pregnant last time. Remind me that I said this in about 20 weeks lol.
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    I have a 15 month old dd.  She's amazing, my husband's amazing.  Life is good.  for now.  we are getting ready to kick dd out of our room and start sleep training.  Life is going to get really rough.  lol.  But I'm the one who works, my dh is a sahd.  So I will be moving to the basement during the sleep training, so that I can sleep at night.  If I hear her cry, I can't not go comfort her.  I have no will power.  Other than that coming up, no real issues.  Almost finished with the first trimester, so hopefully things get easier and easier. 

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