July 2016 Moms

STM+ Check-in

ladythriceladythrice member
edited January 2016 in July 2016 Moms
Can we do a check-in for STMs+?

- How many kids do you have? How old are they?
- What are you struggling with right now?
- What is going amazingly for you?

DS: EDD, December 19th, 2014. Born, December 19th, 2014!
DD: EDD, July 18th, 2016. Born, July 19th, 2016!
CafeMom Tickers

Baby #3: EDD, April 16th, 2016
Pregnancy Ticker

Re: STM+ Check-in

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    ladythriceladythrice member
    edited January 2016
    I have one kid! A one year old little boy.

    I'm still struggling with a high level of anxiety post-baby #1. A variety of things like pregnancy/MS, a toddler that is refusing to sleep, buying a new house, the dark days of winter, and the holiday season all really exacerbated it for me lately.

    My husband is going amazingly. I won the lottery with that guy. There's no way I could do this all without him!

    DS: EDD, December 19th, 2014. Born, December 19th, 2014!
    DD: EDD, July 18th, 2016. Born, July 19th, 2016!
    CafeMom Tickers

    Baby #3: EDD, April 16th, 2016
    Pregnancy Ticker
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    - I have a four-year-old boy.
    - I'm struggling with balancing life at work and home with exhaustion/nausea that generally strikes at random, but is most prevalent at night from about 7:30-8:00 on through the night until the morning.  If I wake up in the night to go potty, it's hard to get back to sleep because I'm feeling so sick. 
    - My husband is super excited about the baby (whether he will truly admit it or not, he gets this goofy happy look on his face when we start talking about stuff relating to the baby) and my son is stoked about becoming a big brother.  Hopefully that trend continues! 

     So there's this boy. He kinda stole my heart. He calls me "Mom"

    Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers

    Voted "Mom of the Year" 2012 Sweetpea Mom Awards

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    - How many kids do you have? How old are they? I have a 2.5 year old daughter.
    - What are you struggling with right now? We all have a cold and are miserable.
    - What is going amazingly for you? My boss has been very understanding about me needing to take a nap at lunch (I work from home!) so that has been helpful.
    babysizer.com pregnancy ticker
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    Three boys. 5,3,and 1.

    Struggling with RLP and sciatica and dealing with a very naughty and curious 1yr old. Kid doesn't stop and has no fear.

    Now that the all day nausea and fatigue is fading I am starting to put my house back together finally.

    Wife. Boy mom x6. Expecting #7. Wannabe homesteader.
    , 💙💙💙💙💙💙
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    - How many kids do you have? How old are they? - I have 1 - DD just turned 6.
    - What are you struggling with right now?- Just my general feeling of ickyness (nausea/vomitting, fatigue, headaches). I just wish I could feel like a normal person.
    - What is going amazingly for you? - My symptoms this pregnancy still aren't as bad as with DD, so I keep trying to remind myself of that! DD is so excited for the baby, so that makes me happy that she will finally have a sibling!
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    - How many kids do you have? How old are they? 1-DD is 2
    - What are you struggling with right now? Sleep! DD has been waking up a lot lately. I don't know what's up with her, but this mama is tired!!
    - What is going amazingly for you? She's doing awesome at potty training! We rarely have accidents anymore! If I could just her consistently to stay dry overnight we'd be set!
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    How many kids do you have? How old are they? One daughter who is 1

    What are you struggling with right now? Nausea...it is actually getting worse from first tri. I'm going to ask the doctor for some meds. Also I'm 13w and still no ultrasound! makes me nervous although the nausea is reassuring haha

    What is going amazingly for you? my daughter makes it so easy to deal with anything...she is the light of my life :D
    TTC since June 2011
    DH: perfect SA
    Me: 30, moderate endo, unexplained infertility
    IUI or IVF in December

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    - How many kids do you have? How old are they? One - my son will be 2 in early April
    - What are you struggling with right now? I'm primarily struggling with feeling crummy and not having the energy to do things, but my energy is slowly coming back, so hopefully I can start enjoying the perks of the second trimester soon!
    - What is going amazingly for you? My husband has been a lot more conscientious and helpful. We went through a rough patch last winter, and there were a lot of times that he just wasn't very "nice." I was struggling with PPD and had a job that kept me away from my family far too much. Now he regularly asks me how I feel/how I'm doing and legitimately seems concerned... does more things around the house instead of just playing video games and tying fishing flies in the basement until dinner time... and plays a lot more with DS, which I love to watch. It makes me really excited to see him with this LO.
  • Options
    - How many kids do you have? How old are they?
    DD is 17 months old
    - What are you struggling with right now?
    Focus... lately I feel like I have ADD and can't stay focused on anything for a long period of time. It's really making work difficult, which is even worse as we are just entering our busiest time of the year. Also, DD is either sick or teething, making sleep almost non-existent at our house  :s
    - What is going amazingly for you?
    The past few weeks have been rough, so I'm thankful for all the amazing support from DH and our families.
    July BMB 2016 July siggy challenge

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    How many kids do you have? How old are they?
    1 ds he will be 7 months in a couple days

    What are you struggling with right now?
    Work has been kicking my butt lately and the holidays being out of town so much I feel like I haven't had time to catch up! This weekend will be the first weekend in 3 weeks we will be at home and I can't wait!

    What is going amazingly for you?
    Ds is literally the most fantastic little guy, sleeps great, is happy all the time and is so silly! This pregnancy is also going by so quickly can't believe we're in the second trimester already!

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    How many kids do you have? How old are they?
    One child, DD is 3.

    What are you struggling with right now?
    1.Keeping my house clean. Seriously. I need a cleaning fairy.
    2. Keeping DD in her bed at night. We did well for a while and have occasional nights where she stays in bed the whole night. However, DH travels a lot for work and if I know I need to do drop-off in the morning, I just scoop her up in my bed when she comes in (like last night). It's a hard habit to break because we're both just so friggin' tired. Neither DH nor I have the energy to deal with middle of the night visits.
    3. I've been sick (with a cold) since X-mas Eve and I just want it to GO AWAY!!! I'm so sick of snot.

    What is going amazingly for you?
    No morning sickness, at least! DD is super excited about the baby and becoming a big sister. She kisses my belly, avoids squishing me (so she doesn't hurt the baby), is more cognizant of me not being able to carry her all the time. She's started calling the baby almost exclusively by our girl name (instead of the nonsense nickname she chose). Here's hoping it's a girl or she'll be really disappointed, LOL!
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    - How many kids do you have? How old are they? DD will be 2 on Jan 30
    - What are you struggling with right now? DD's behaviour. I just posted about it in Monday Bitchfest. I feel bad even complaining because overall she is a great kid and has really been an easy child since she was born, but she has been challenging me a lot lately! Couple that with me feeling sick and exhausted all the time and I just don't have the patience I usually do. Actually - it just occurred to me, I wonder if her behaviour changes are due to the changes in my energy levels? Maybe she's feeling a little neglected... Annnnd cue the guilt. God parenting is hard sometimes!
    - What is going amazingly for you? I've gotten to hear the heartbeat a bunch of times which has been awesome (ultrasound, once in the doctor's office, and I've done it myself at work a few times - I'm a nurse and have access to a doppler so sometimes I sneak away to an empty exam room when I have some free time)
  • Options
    - How many kids do you have? How old are they?
    I have a DD that is 3.5
    - What are you struggling with right now?
    I'm struggling with the after work exhaustion. DH stays home and watches DD (he goes to school) but he doesn't get that when I get home I'm tired and want to rest. He gets upset with me that I'm not ready to just take over all duty's with DD.
    - What is going amazingly for you?
    Work. I came in an hour late today bc i just couldn't do it. 645 is so tough. I missed my alarm and woke up at 720 (work starts at 730). Told MIL I would be late and she said come in when you can. So happy I work with her!

    Addison (DD) born 6/10/12
    M/C 3/3/14 Due 10/8/14
    Rainbow Koen (DS) born 7/9/16

    Lfafer  you want to have in your playgroup  * Best Baker  * Sweetest Lfafer * Best NBR\GTKY Threads*  Most Supportive Lfafer *   Best Mom * Lfafer you want organizing your meal train after birth

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    - How many kids do you have? How old are they?
    One. She is 4 years old.
    - What are you struggling with right now?
    Trying to keep her entertained, while feeling pretty bad. She doesn't know yet, so it isn't like I can remind her that I am trying to cook a baby. 
    - What is going amazingly for you?
    Although I have morning sickness, it isn't as bad as it was with my first pregnancy...so I am thankful for that!
    BabyFruit Ticker
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    - How many kids do you have? How old are they? i have one 2.5 year old daughter
    - What are you struggling with right now? the MS this time around is way worse and lasting a lot longer i just want it to be done so i can start functioning again...i'm 14 weeks leave me alone already!!!
    - What is going amazingly for you? my husband has been amazing all i want to do is curl up in a ball when i get home from work and even though he stays home with DD and I'm sure would love a break he makes dinner and puts her to bed mostly by himself. DD has been amazing too we just moved her into her new room and big girl bed and she has done great. She cries a little some nights but never gets out of her bed until we get her in the morning. 
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    mandyjuliemandyjulie member
    edited January 2016
    - How many kids do you have? How old are they? DD will be 2 on Jan 30
    - What are you struggling with right now? DD's behaviour. I just posted about it in Monday Bitchfest. I feel bad even complaining because overall she is a great kid and has really been an easy child since she was born, but she has been challenging me a lot lately! Couple that with me feeling sick and exhausted all the time and I just don't have the patience I usually do. Actually - it just occurred to me, I wonder if her behaviour changes are due to the changes in my energy levels? Maybe she's feeling a little neglected... Annnnd cue the guilt. God parenting is hard sometimes!
    - What is going amazingly for you? I've gotten to hear the heartbeat a bunch of times which has been awesome (ultrasound, once in the doctor's office, and I've done it myself at work a few times - I'm a nurse and have access to a doppler so sometimes I sneak away to an empty exam room when I have some free time)
    @DobbysSock don't feel guilty! It's possible her behavior changes are related to that but honestly... that age is all about testing boundaries. Anything from age 2-4 can be, sadly. They have never had control over anything in their lives, and then they start to realize they can assert themselves and all hell breaks loose. 

    But I feel you, because parenting guilt is real and never seems to go away. Just try to remember it's not you, it's her. 
    DD1: Born January 2013
    DD2: Due July 12, 2016
    Two rescue dogs 

    BabyFruit Ticker

    July 2016 - July Siggy: Weird Hot Dog Situations
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    @DobbysSock - Hang in there, mama. I can relate. My 2 year old DD has been a tantrum-throwing pro lately and I'm constantly questioning if I'm asking too much from her. For example, she threw a huge fit this morning about putting her shoes on. :neutral: I'm just trying to stay consistent, but it's so hard especially when I have no energy at all.
    July '16 May Siggy Challenge 

    BabyFetus Ticker
    Me: 29
    DH: 32
    Married: June 2011
    DD #1: December 2013
    DD #2: EDD July 2016
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    @melodramatic26 Are you just a Cardinals fan or do you live in the St. Louis area?
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    I think this is my first time checking in here. I have kids, g13,b10,b7,b5,b3,b20months. This is baby 7.

    I am struggling with some winter blues. I despise winter and really don't care for being pregnant, not that you'd know with all my kids, and I also think I am still dealing with some ppd/anxiety from my last pregnancy. I am feeling very overwhelmed and so tired. My dh took a new job recently, which is good because he has room for growth which he didn't previously being a waiter/bartender, but he works all the time and still has to bartend/wait tables on the weekend because starting pay isn't enough. I just want to be able to nap or read a book or sleep in some morning but I can't because I am now the one who has to get all the kids to school/ house work done/school work help/practices/games/dinner ect on my own, plus I clean someone elses house each week for extra money. It's been the most tiring pregnancy for sure and I'm really hoping now that I am in second tri my energy increases.

     Good things are, one, today there is sunshine! We haven't had much in Upstate N.Y. lately and it's so nice. It for sure helps my mood and energy. And, even though we don't need much for this baby, unless it's a girl we'll need some clothes, but I'm not counting on that, I still started a registry that I plan on buying off of monthly. Cute one pieces, cloth diapers and wipes, a bassinet for our Indie stroller, a new car seat because I sold mine and found out we were expecting months later and some other fun things. And I won a new Tula carrier a few weeks ago that I keep looking at and feeling excited to put a little baby in.
    Mom to Emma, Noah, Isaac, Asa, Asher, Jonah and expecting baby Alice 7/16


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    How many kids do you have? How old are they?
    - 1 DD that is 2 and some change
    What are you struggling with right now?
    - motivation. I got into a rut of feeling like shit and getting nothing done. I'm trying to break that routine now that I'm finally feeling a little human, but it's rough.
    What is going amazingly for you?
    -this pregnancy is flying by. I feel like I'm going to wake up one day and *poof* its over. Also, timing was pretty great work-wise. It's slow right now so I don't have as much to do.
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    @MrsRo731 you hang in there too. It's definitely challenging but I think you're right and consistency is key. If we don't stay consistent during the more challenging times we'll be setting ourselves up for a bigger fight down the road. Deep breaths and just get through it! I'm trying to really focus on and cherish the great moments so the hard ones don't get me down so much.

    A few weeks ago I was having a particularly bad day with my nausea. I was sitting on the bathroom floor throwing up and DD followed me in, concerned. She put her hand on my shoulder and said "Mama, are you ok? I rub your back, Mama." In the midst of wanting to die I thought "Wow, this motherhood thing is totally worth it. What a sweet, special little girl we're raising." Then, I felt her other hand on my back, and her little legs scrambling up my sides. She repeated herself and I realized what my sweet girl was actually saying was "I ride your back, Mama."

    Toddlers: no mercy!!
    @DobbysSock  - Wow, what a kind little girl. This actually brought tears to my eyes! How sweet!
    July '16 May Siggy Challenge 

    BabyFetus Ticker
    Me: 29
    DH: 32
    Married: June 2011
    DD #1: December 2013
    DD #2: EDD July 2016
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    @melodramatic26 Are you just a Cardinals fan or do you live in the St. Louis area?
    I live in St. Louis
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    - How many kids do you have? How old are they? 1 son 2 years and 3 months
    - What are you struggling with right now? Pooping one the potty. I just picked up a huge turd off the floor.
    - What is going amazingly for you? Pee pee on toilet. He is taking his diaper off and peeing on the toilet. He doesn't want to wear a diaper but he shits on the floor. What do I do? How do I handle night time? Pull up? He's still in a crib other wise I would let him sleep naked and leave his potty in his room.
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    - How many kids do you have? How old are they?
    I have two boys that are 4.5 and 6.5 right now. Their bdays are 3 weeks and 1 week before my due date. I think this age gap is going to be pretty awesome.
    - What are you struggling with right now?
    Struggling with a sinus infection and my mom's guilt trips but really things are going great.
    - What is going amazingly for you?
    MS has improved and my kids are awesome. Love DH too so can't complain.
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    Y0urm0m said:
    - How many kids do you have? How old are they? 1 son 2 years and 3 months - What are you struggling with right now? Pooping one the potty. I just picked up a huge turd off the floor. - What is going amazingly for you? Pee pee on toilet. He is taking his diaper off and peeing on the toilet. He doesn't want to wear a diaper but he shits on the floor. What do I do? How do I handle night time? Pull up? He's still in a crib other wise I would let him sleep naked and leave his potty in his room.
    @Y0urm0m Great sign that he's peeing though. As for night time, I definitely wouldn't worry about that yet, way too early. Let him master day time before you consider much else. You can do a pull up at night for the time being. Once they get the total hang of daytime, it seems like night time follows soon enough.

    Also, this may not be feasible for you right now, so ignore me if not. What worked super well for us in completing potty training was a 3-day "pants-free" session. We did this over last Labor Day weekend so that's why we were all home.

    You can google pants-free potty training but it's essentially as it sounds. It's kinda like crate training a puppy -- they won't mess themselves. If you take away the comfort of a diaper or pull-up or even pants, they'll start to learn to go on the potty each time. There will be a few more floor shits for sure, but that's happening now anyways... If you don't have a full 3 days coming up you could just do a weekend since he's already begun potty training. It might help solidify it for him (the potty training, not the floor poops). Good luck!
    DD1: Born January 2013
    DD2: Due July 12, 2016
    Two rescue dogs 

    BabyFruit Ticker

    July 2016 - July Siggy: Weird Hot Dog Situations
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    @mandyjulie thank you so much for your response and great advice. We just started the 3 day no pants thing, I mean he's pulling off his diaper anyways right? So floor shits are normal than with the no pants potty training? I'm glad I told DH to pick up a quality carpet cleaner. Will pooping on the potty eventually click or will I create bad habits?
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    ladythriceladythrice member
    edited January 2016
    Bahahaha, between @DobbysSock's adorable daughter story and @Y0urm0m's kid shitting on the floor... I can't decide what's going to be more exciting as my kid grows in the next few years!!!!

    DS: EDD, December 19th, 2014. Born, December 19th, 2014!
    DD: EDD, July 18th, 2016. Born, July 19th, 2016!
    CafeMom Tickers

    Baby #3: EDD, April 16th, 2016
    Pregnancy Ticker
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    bluecrab1020bluecrab1020 member
    edited January 2016
    Y0urm0m said:
    @mandyjulie thank you so much for your response and great advice. We just started the 3 day no pants thing, I mean he's pulling off his diaper anyways right? So floor shits are normal than with the no pants potty training? I'm glad I told DH to pick up a quality carpet cleaner. Will pooping on the potty eventually click or will I create bad habits?
    It will eventually click.  Boys are typically harder to train that girls. I taught preschool special ed for years and have potty trained hundreds of kids.  Eventually, they all get it.  You may get a few gray hairs in the process, but he'll get there.  And head's up, he'll probably regress a bit when the baby is born.  In the meantime, you get to make lots of poop jokes.

    ETA- I forgot to mention that it's actually a great sign that's he pooping on the floor.  Some kids with withhold until the parent caves and gives them a pull up.  THAT creates the bad habit.  The sensation of going in a pull up versus naked/underwear is very different.  Pull ups and diapers are so much more confining.
    BabyFetus Ticker
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     How many kids do you have? How old are they? - I have 1- a 3 yo DD.  She is the very definition of a threenager.
    - What are you struggling with right now? Typical first tri grossness.  Plus nothing fits properly.  I'm also having a hard time with DD and the holiday detox.  Sorry for the rude awakening sweetheart, but we don't actually have cookies for breakfast, contrary to what your childless aunts and uncles would lead you to believe.  I'm doing better the past few days but early December was rough.  I supervise student teachers and that's when they were in the middle of final observations and I had to get grades in.  That was rugged.
    - What is going amazingly for you? DH- that man is a rock star.  
    BabyFetus Ticker
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    mandyjuliemandyjulie member
    edited January 2016
    Y0urm0m said:
    @mandyjulie thank you so much for your response and great advice. We just started the 3 day no pants thing, I mean he's pulling off his diaper anyways right? So floor shits are normal than with the no pants potty training? I'm glad I told DH to pick up a quality carpet cleaner. Will pooping on the potty eventually click or will I create bad habits?
    @Y0urm0m No problem! Floor shits may or may not happen during this 3-day period, but everything is "normal" right now so don't worry. Also, expect some occasional accidents now and again after this is over even if it's a total success. It's all part of the process. It doesn't all come together immediately.

    A couple days after our 3-day training, DD shat directly in her pants. I'm thankful this was at home. But DH was watching her so it was kinda funny to me. Not to him.

    Anyway, that was back in September, and there was no more pants shitting after that fateful day. A few pee accidents now and then though. But she's now about 98.7% accident free. According to scientific calculation. And she sleeps in underwear at night now. Once we realized her diapers were always dry in the morning, we made the switch. I wouldn't rush on that one.

    ETA on pooping in the potty and it clicking -- follow the advice here and it will start to click 
     -- https://http//www.babycenter.com/0_potty-training-in-three-days-or-less_10310078.bc. This part is particularly helpful: "If your child has an accident, don't say, "It's okay." Instead, say in a mildly disappointed voice, "Poop/pee goes in the potty," and help your child clean it up by placing your hand over his. But don't yell at him or shame him for having accidents: They will happen."
    DD1: Born January 2013
    DD2: Due July 12, 2016
    Two rescue dogs 

    BabyFruit Ticker

    July 2016 - July Siggy: Weird Hot Dog Situations
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    Thanks @bluecrab1020 !
    I really appreciate the advice. Now I can be happy and enjoy all the floor poops :smiley:
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    Y0urm0mY0urm0m member
    edited January 2016

    Y0urm0m said:

    @mandyjulie thank you so much for your response and great advice. We just started the 3 day no pants thing, I mean he's pulling off his diaper anyways right? So floor shits are normal than with the no pants potty training? I'm glad I told DH to pick up a quality carpet cleaner. Will pooping on the potty eventually click or will I create bad habits?

    @Y0urm0m No problem! Floor shits may or may not happen during this 3-day period, but everything is "normal" right now so don't worry. Also, expect some occasional accidents now and again after this is over even if it's a total success. It's all part of the process. It doesn't all come together immediately.

    A couple days after our 3-day training, DD shat directly in her pants. I'm thankful this was at home. But DH was watching her so it was kinda funny to me. Not to him.

    Anyway, that was back in September, and there was no more pants shitting after that fateful day. A few pee accidents now and then though. But she's now about 98.7% accident free. According to scientific calculation. And she sleeps in underwear at night now. Once we realized her diapers were always dry in the morning, we made the switch. I wouldn't rush on that one.

    ETA on pooping in the potty and it clicking -- follow the advice here and it will start to click 
     -- https://http//www.babycenter.com/0_potty-training-in-three-days-or-less_10310078.bc. This part is particularly helpful: "If your child has an accident, don't say, "It's okay." Instead, say in a mildly disappointed voice, "Poop/pee goes in the potty," and help your child clean it up by placing your hand over his. But don't yell at him or shame him for having accidents: They will happen."
    That's so great to know. I will read the article in a sec. I'm glad your LO is doing so well and lll cross my finger for her continued success!
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    1 daughter currently 15 months

    Struggling with keeping up with DD when I am nauseous/exhausted. We're due late July, so I'm only 10 weeks. I am also becoming increasingly nervous about the thought of another baby. This one was planned and is wanted, but my daughter had colic and I swear I almost have PTSD from the experience. I walked around in fear and feeling like a failure for months.

    We are getting excited to tell family soon. We wait until 12+ weeks because no one can keep a secret and I have family with anxiety and depression I wouldn't want to involve if there was bad news. Also, DH has been awesome at helping as much as he can with DD and stuff around the house.
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    1. One daughter who turns 11 months on the 11th.
    2. I'm struggling with her not sleeping well causing me to not sleep in addition to my being fatigued from pregnancy. And my husband bringing a new pup into the house yesterday.
    3. Eating is going really well for DD. she's drinking out of a cup better now! Also, getting a new vehicle so I'm excited about that.
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