July 2016 Moms

gender disappointment


Re: gender disappointment

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    @TattoosandLace @DobbysSock Love this! My sister is 4 years older so it's different. But still, for a while there (when I was in middle and she was in high school) we didn't love each other much. But when we were kids, and then ever since she went to college, we were/are so close!

    Also I have an old friend whose sister is a year older and they are best of friends and were pretty close growing up, too. The younger one just had a baby and the older sister is such a doting aunt!

    Similarly, I love looking up to my sister as she has become a mom and being an aunt to her girls, and now she gets to do the same for my mine. It was amazing having someone to talk to about all the good and bad of becoming a mom.
    DD1: Born January 2013
    DD2: Due July 12, 2016
    Two rescue dogs 

    BabyFruit Ticker

    July 2016 - July Siggy: Weird Hot Dog Situations
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    @mandyjulie it's awesome to experience motherhood with your siblings! She's pregnant with her first, due 6 weeks ahead of me with our second, and I'm loving it. It's been so rare for me to go through something first so it feels really good for her to be asking me questions and trusting my advice, I feel like I'm giving back a little bit to her for all the times she's guided, advised, and supported me through the years. 
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    @tattoosandlace My sister is 22 months older than me. We have an amazing relationship. Through middle and high school, we definitely had our own friends and interests, but we were always close and always there for each other. As adults, we're inseparable. We talk on the phone every morning while we drive to work and we hang out several times a week. She's due with twin boys 3 weeks before me. I'm so excited to go through this with her. When we see each other, we hug and say we're letting the babies have a play date. We love each other to a point that it's probably creepy and amazing. We also have 3 younger brothers who we adore, but I think there's something beautiful and amazing about the relationship between close sisters.
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    @DominiqueU that is awesome! What an experience to share together!
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