November 2015 Moms

Nap time troubles

So LO will only nap in my arms or on my lap. I would like him to nap in his pack n play or bassinet, but whenever I put him down, he wakes up and starts crying. Does anyone have any suggestions regarding naps?

Re: Nap time troubles

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    Sadly my LO was napping like a champ then we hit three weeks and all heck broke loose. He will nap great one day and the next won't nap to save his life.
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    Same issue here. My son sleeps on his own fine at night, but for whatever reason he refuses to be put down to nap. So basically he is on me at least 95% of the day and it makes it really tricky to get things done. Every now and then I have success putting him down asleep, so I'm just gonna keep trying and hoping he eventually accepts it. The one thing that I've found sometimes helps is if I snuggle him with a blanket and then transfer him to his rock and play with that blanket. I think maybe because it's still holds our warmth and maybe my smell. But even that is very hit or miss, mostly miss.
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    My LO is the same way. It's super annoying when I really need to get things done but then I realize I can enjoy the baby cuddles while I still get them. Could you try wearing him in a wrap or carrier? That way he's close to you but your arms are free
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    One thing that helped getting my LO into the crib at night is putting a hat on her. I think the hat keeps her from feeling the temperature change from my arms to the crib mattress, but it seems to keep her from waking when I put her down. I do let her nap on me sometimes as well, because cuddles are nice.
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    @rachswi Good idea about the carrier. I might try that this week!
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    Do you swaddle for naps? I wasn't and realized that she sleeps so much better when swaddled. You may want to try that.
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    I'm still trying to figure out how to get my baby to nap at all. She gets overtired so easily and then just cries and cries. So props to you guys.
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    I wasn't swaddling for naps originally so he could have time to stretch while sleeping. But since he's gone into no-nap mode I'll swaddle when he shows signs of being tired. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. He will pass out on me or my sister but when we lay him down he's wide awake. Luckily he will sleep at night, just having nap issues.
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    My LO is the same. She only sleeps on me during the day. As soon as she starts yawning I strap her into the ergo so I at least have my arms free. Not sure how naps will go with my MIL when I go back to work...she isnt flexible enough to snap it on!
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    Do you swaddle for naps? I wasn't and realized that she sleeps so much better when swaddled. You may want to try that.

    Agree 100%. My LO was napping great for about the 1st month. Then, he outgrew the sleepy newborn phase. He has become way too interested in the world around him to nap and when he does fall asleep he wakes almost immediately after being put down. I started swaddling him for naps, not just bed, and it is helped a lot!

    Also, I know a lot of Mama's can wear their baby and when the baby falls asleep transfer them to a PnP. I think there is some serious skill involved there, mine always wakes up 5 minutes later, but it's another option.
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    Have you tried a rock n play? My lo naps great in the rock n play during the day, and we swaddle and have her sleep in her crib at night. So far this has worked for us.
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    How old? Sometimes it's just something they grow out son was having nap issues....waking up whenever he was put lasted from 4 weeks to 8 is just getting better in our 9th week
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    We got a RNP for Xmas and LO loves it!
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    The a really warm bottle, the RNP and baby wearing have honestly saved us when my LO decides to fight napping. 80% of the time she will fall asleep in my arms but will let me transfer her to her RNP the other 20% of the time she will wake up and cry until I pick her back up so in those days I put her in the Baby Bjorn and walk around (do the dishes, fold laundry, put dishes away, sweep/mop the floors etc.) and within 10 mins she is fast asleep and I am able to get things done.
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