Hello everyone! I love reading the honest opinions here and was hoping to get some input on the names I have so far. DH doesn't want to get serious about names until we know if baby is a boy or girl but I have been thinking since before our BFP. Our last name starts with B and is 2 syllables (9 letters).
Girl names (MN- Jayne after my younger sister):
Laila (unsure on spelling--"lay-la")
Boy names:
Jackson Evan
Evan James
Andrew James
Re: Baby Name Input
For boys, I like Andrew the best. I would say Jackson but it has been popular with a nn Jax, etc. I always liked Andrew. Evan is not a bad name, just nms.
I like Evan James a lot. Followed by Jackson then Andrew.
I think you'll find it fun to set up 2 polls. One for girl, one for boy.
ETA: a poll is a good idea!!
I also love Evan James.